

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Ok, so the Democrats select for themselves the most incompetent, least accomplished, individual they could possibly find, first in 2020 as the running mate of the most corrupt, least intelligent man to ever run for president, and second, now that said man proved himself to be more than a bit of a political handicap, picked that same individual as their choice to replace him roughly four month before the next presidential election. And we all know why, and it most certainly is not because of her keen intellect, her command of the English language or her in-depth knowledge of both domestic and/or foreign policy. She was picked solely because of her skin color.

And if anyone dares to point out any of her many flaws, which are simply too many to even attempt to list here, or even suggest that she was selected for any other reason than for what they claim, well then, you’re nothing more than the worst kind of racist. At least such was the argument recently posed by a relative newcomer to the halls of Congress, Maxwell Frost. You see, it was just this past Tuesday, during an appearance on CNN’s “Newsroom” that Frost argued that Republicans like Rep. Tim Burchett who say that Harris is a DEI hire, are essentially using the N-word. This despite the fact that Joey said the very same thing just two months ago.

But anyway, Frost said, “He is going to continue to use all these racist dog whistles throughout the campaign. We’re going to see it from Trump. We’re going to see it from J.D. Vance. So we’re going to see it from a lot of their surrogates. In fact, just yesterday, one of the surrogates was saying if we don’t win, we’re going to have to have a civil war to get our agenda through, a civil war.” He continued, “So this is an organization. This is a right-wing campaign that’s going to be racist, misogynistic against the vice president, but we’re going to stand on the issues. And what really matters is the fact that she is qualified."

And he added, “They want to call her a DEI president, a DEI candidate. She has more experience than Trump and J.D. Vance combined times a million. She, she won at the state level. She was the attorney general. She was Vice President of the United States. She was a senator representing one of the largest states in the entire country. And so these are just racist dog whistles. Whenever you hear DEI, I want you to think about the N-word. I want you to think about racial slurs. That’s what they actually mean.” Host Jim Acosta said, “Do you think Congressman Burchett is being a racist when he says that?” Frost said, “I have a good relationship with the congressman."

Frost continued, “I think sometimes, though, he does use rhetoric that is racist. And whether people know it’s racist or not, I’m here to tell them that is racist. And I hope they won’t use that rhetoric anymore.” No, Mr. Frost, Democrats do not get to define “equivalents” and claim something is racist just because they say so, or just because it makes them unhappy. The rookie Frost needs to get over himself. Politics is a contact sport and if that’s upsetting, perhaps he should find himself another profession. So once again either we all shut up and sit down or we’re considered racists because we dare to speak the truth about what’s really taking place here.

Clearly this is all about equity. What we’re essentially being told by those like this goof, Frost, is that even the totally incompetent deserve a chance, and especially if they happen to be black and have a vagina. Beyond being black and having a vagina their actual abilities really don’t matter. Leftist liars always throw in the race card to suit their narrative, because it’s worked so well for them in the past. And why does it work so well? I won’t go there, but we all know why. These race-baiters always use skin color because they’re unable to stand on their own two feet. And I’m not about to be lectured to by a twerp who likely got where his is because he’s black!

And you have to wonder, do Democrats really believe that Harris is the best they have to offer? There are plenty more moderate Democrats who would likely fair better against President Trump, and yet they all just fall in line. That in itself tells you much about the Democrats. Or is this really due to the fact that money pledged to Joey could be lost so they have to run her? I suppose that’s possible. But accusing me of being a racist is not going to shut me up. Harris was definitely a DEI hire, no ifs, ands or butts about it. Joey said so himself. Yet they keep trying to shut us up by shaming us but there is no equivalence to DEI and the “N” word. It just won’t work.

But while the dreaded “N” word might not fly, there are several “I” words that do come to mind, most notable would be ‘Imbicile,’ ‘Idiot” and ‘Incompetent’ among them. And then, of course, there’s always the “H” word, ‘Ho!’ But look, pointing out that she’s nothing more than an incompetent nitwit in a job that is way above her abilities, is NOT racism. After all, we are talking about the leader of our nation! We need to find those who are the most capable, not leftist freaks who check all the right boxes. How is calling out the incompetency of a POS, racist? If Harris is incompetent, her skin color is totally irrelevant, therefore calling her out is not an act of racism.

If race and gender are now considered to be the new criteria for selecting candidates, instead of actual competence, then it should go without saying that any candidate, whomever he or she might be, more often than not is going to be less than impressive. And the more we see that, the more we assume that’s the case. Indeed, there are plenty of competent minority females, those who are truly very smart and who took the difficult road of hard work, but who are not chosen because they’re either not progressive, or not progressive enough. So, unfortunately, experience teaches us that assuming the worst of minority females is a fair assumption.

And on the subject of this bozo, Frost. He’s a rookie Democrat from the Orlando suburbs who before being elected to his high office in 2022, was the national organizing director for March for Our Lives. And he’s clearly just another young hypocrite allowing himself to be used as a pawn by his Democrat leadership. The true racists are guys like him who try to use her skin color as a shield, of sorts, against any criticism. And just like Hitlery, Harris has a paper resume that some may see as being rather impressive. It’s only after you find out that she’s accomplished absolutely nothing in any position she’s held that you realize what a true phony she truly is.

And in what world does this moron live? Did Joey himself not say that he wanted only a black female as his vice president? He didn’t say white female, white male, non-white male or black male. Or any other color. He did not say the most qualified, he only said “black female.” Is that not the very definition of a DEI hire. And can we all come to an agreement that challenging an incompetent DEI hire has nothing to do with racism. Taxpayers have every right to demand merit and competence from those whom they elect as their leaders. And yet we’re constantly being portrayed as being the bad guy simply because we want people to be qualified to do their jobs.

And so it was, as if right on cue we had this liberal leftist jerk who was put into office for no other reason than the color of his skin, trotted out to do his ridiculous spiel. Now is he, as the new kid in town, simply doing what he’s told to do by those running the show? Or does Mr. Frost have some ulterior motivation? Obviously, he doesn't know of any legitimate reasons to counter the attacks, so he does what his kind always does and stoops to name calling, a well-used Democrat Party modus operandi. When the brain fails, attack the feelings. Typical. Yup, when all else fails, when you’ve no more arrows in the quiver, simply shout, “Racist, racist, racist!”

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