

Friday, July 19, 2024


Clearly the many problems that our country has been made to face today are the result of politicians, politicians that are rarely motivated by a desire to make the country better and far more often motivated only by greed, or by something as basic as their need for power. Now, imagine if you will, how very different things might actually be of we had in this country a news media comprised of true journalists who actually possessed a desire, or a drive, to be what it was that they were intended to be. That being, of course, to act as a watchdog over those in our government and not as a bunch of cheerleaders for those attempting to do all of the damage.

But doesn’t end there, no, not by a long shot. You see, because it’s as they go about cheerleading the efforts of those out to destroy our country, that at the very same time they’re just as busy trying to stymie those trying to prevent our country from pushed over the cliff. For example, it was during MSDNC’s coverage of the final night of the Republican Convention that NBC’s News Political and National Correspondent, some joker by the name of Jacob Soboroff, stated that it was an “almost unspeakable feeling to be in a room with such a celebratory nature and hear the man behind me talk about deporting more people than President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954."

And it was this very same joker who, after President Trump mentioned deportations in his speech, went on to say, “now we’re throwing balloons around as if this is a party.”  Soboroff said, “I have to tell you, Rachel, it’s an almost unspeakable feeling to be in a room with such a celebratory nature and hear the man behind me talk about deporting more people than President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954, an operation with a name so racist, it is not appropriate to say on television.” What this dweeb claims to be too inappropriate to say on national television, because of his leftist sensibilities, is the fact that the name of the effort was “Operation Wetback."

This clown Soboroff went on to say, “He’s talking about removing more than 10 million people from this country who have been here, many of them since they were little children, contribute to this society, contribute to this economy, live in all of our neighborhoods and communities, and now we’re throwing balloons around as if this is a party. … You can put the unity bumper sticker all over it, but what we heard tonight was not a message of bringing people together, it was a message of literally kicking millions of people out of the country.” Mass deportation is entirely constitutional, where as Illegal immigration is not. But that matters little to this leftist clown.

Apparently, this clown as well as the vast major of his colleagues in the ‘fake news’ media don’t seem to understand, or they simply don’t care, that the bulk of the voting population wants to get rid of these federal felons. Those in our leftist ‘fake news’ media, repeatedly falsely claim that President Trump wants to deport all immigrants, without stating that he wants only to deport ILLEGAL immigrants. They are criminals. They have entered our country illegally. They should not be here. And hard-working American taxpayers should certainly not be paying for their housing, meals, healthcare that is not provided to legal U.S. citizens. That’s just crazy.

The ability to determine who is, and who is not, allowed in is a basic requirement for any sovereign state. And it’s most all of those in the business of providing us with an endless stream of ‘fake news’ that seem to represent an entirely different culture, which is putting it nicely. And I like how this guy says it’s such a terrible thing to actually enforce our laws and to secure the borders of our country in order to limit who it is that’s allowed entry. All of these ‘fake news’ types continue to beat the drums of division and violence. They are nothing more than propagandists for the socialist/communist interpretations of social engineering. Shame on them.

Even NBC’s own managed/warped polls say that the majority of the American people support deportations and want the border closed. Those in the media are so out of touch with the rest of America. We need to start deporting the bad guys, the terrorists, the gang members, the known criminals, the human traffickers, and the drug dealers. Liberal propagandists, like Soboroff, somehow have the attitude that America belongs to the world, that everyone in the world has a right to come here, and that we have an obligation to welcome them in and pay for them as well. And we should be very happy to do so, Of course, they’re wrong on every point.

Liberals cry when laws are upheld and celebrate when evil triumphs. They are so lost, so wicked, so evil. Those who are in this country illegally deserve nothing less than to get sent back to their rightful shitholes before they succeed in destroying American completely. Frame it any way you want, mass deportations have wide support among voting Americans. Soboroff and the many like him are choosing to throw their support behind the 10-12 million illegals *president Joe has allowed into the country over the course of the last three and a half years. Clearly, they’re not wanting to see those millions of new Democrat voters sent back home where they belong.

Finally, I am curious about something, do these people not lock their doors at night? And why do they do that? Could it be because they don’t want strangers trapsing around their house and helping themselves to their stuff? See, if this were happening on that level, this bozo ‘correspondent’ might feel a bit different. But they’ll never get it! This country is for its citizens first!! If you’re not a citizen and you came here illegally then you jumped the line in front of those people who follow the law and play by the rules!! What is so hard to understand? We must get back to what made this nation great; the rule of, moral responsibility and taking care of our citizens first!

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