

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Question…Could those who comprise our ‘fake news’ media today be any more of a joke, be any more of a less serious source of serious ‘news’ or be any more obvious as the blatant propagandists that we all know them to be? These people, and apparently willingly so, have now reduced themselves to being, rather than serious ‘journalists,’ little more than a band of enthusiastic cheerleaders for the Democrat Party. And as such they represent a very real threat to our country. And it’s not only those on cable news, but also those on ABC, CBS and NBC as well as most, if not all, of available print media. Together they are responsible for what is an epidemic of lies.

And I truly do think that it’s now gotten to the point where they simply can’t help themselves, they’ve been lying for so long that they’re now compelled to continue the lies. And these people have become quite desperate in their attempt to convince the American people that the worst possible thing they could do is to vote for Donald Trump. But it’s deep down, I think, that even they realize that it’s just the opposite true. But they just can’t help themselves, they MUST lie. I seriously doubt the could stop lying, even it they wanted to, but they become so invested in doing all they can to persuade that it’s President Trump who’s the bad guy and not the Democrats.

And so the hilarity that is our ‘fake news’ media today just never seems to stop or, for that matter, even let up. And we saw yet another prime example of just that this past Monday, and where else but on MSDNC’s ‘Deadline.’ It was then that commentator Donny Deutsch said, after Kamala Harris spoke to campaign staff, he was falling in love with her. These people continue to do what they do best, which is to say some of the most absurd things with perfectly straight faces. You can’t make this shit up. The slobbering love fest continues. Has anyone else noticed how Harris was a zero in her own party, before she became the hero, due to a lack of viable alternatives?

Anyway, it was old Deutsch-bag who said, “Wow. You know, there was a twinkle in her eye, there was a kick in her step that, you know, when you’re vice president, you know, you’re not loose. you can’t, there’s somebody above you, somebody you don’t want to overshadow them. So this was quite the coming out. I got chills when she said Donald Trump, I know your type. That was like, wow, she’s going to prosecute this case. And you know, this is going to, she only mentioned the abortion issue once, that wasn’t a big part of the speech, but this is going to be.” And he went on to add, “I said this on the show before, women are going to save this country."

And it was from there that this moron went on to say, “We have a choice between an assault on women, assault on their bodies and their freedoms and the first female president. And I think women are going to drive the ship. And i was blown away. I was like I kind of fell in love with her. I thought she was smart, engaging. She’s funny, feisty, twinkle in your eye, punch you in the gut. I mean, everything you kind of want. I just thought it was a great, great opening act.” You really must admit that Democrats are such a weird bunch. They’re like a tribe worshipping a milk jug until it falls over and they realize it’s not alive so they then worship a coke bottle.

Deutsch-bag is one of the slimier characters currently contributing to the disgrace that is our ‘fake news’ media. Deutsch-bag talks about an assault on women but completely overlooks the faux men pretending to be women and invading women's sports, beauty pageants and restrooms, with the full blessing of the entire Democrat Party, because it’s one of the methods used to tear down our society and shuttle in the Marxism that they all seek to inflict upon the rest of us. This guy is truly one strange dude. I cannot understand why people are Democrats at all. It was men who built this country, and this stooge thinks women are going to save it?

But realistically, there are basically four reasons people are Democrats: 1) It’s easy. No thinking is required, 2) Half the U.S. population suffers from arrested development, 3) EVERY grievance group thinks they have a voice, and 4) free stuff. Also, people are Democrats because without doing any work, or showing any proof, they have been deemed to be tolerant, loving, open-minded and non-racist human beings. There is no need to prove it because they have the label. The Democrat Party created the label, and they bought it. What a way to go through life. Speaking only for myself, I just couldn’t do, it’s an existence that I simply want no part of.

Clearly, it’s the Democrats who are members of a cult. If you listen to them, watch how they react to things and how they treat those who stray, even a smidgeon, from their belief system, it is exactly how members of a cult react. Even some leftists, not associated with the Democrats, have begun to refer to them as a cult. And this isn’t something new, history is full of examples where a cult has managed to gain control of a nation or some territory. Now I understand how it’s possible. And you don’t stop a cult by voting it out of power, and they don’t simply vanish. Their ideology has to be stomped out for it to be stopped. Death cults don’t just go away peacefully.

And so it is that the false praise of Harris has now begun. And these same people now telling how wonderful she is are the very same ones who were lying to us how Joey was sharp as a tack and at the top of his game. Deutsch-bag lied about Joey and now he’s lying about Harris. He’s another of those doing their best to ‘talk up’ our idiotic vice president. We’ve seen her interviews where she proves to be dumber than most rocks. Now they’re proving that most Democrats are just as stupid. Praising her for her radiant smile and her brilliant intellect, it’s just all so bizarre. And yet, they clearly expect to be believed, and ridicule and malign the non-believers,

Democrats truly are a strange bunch, they kick one loser to the curb without mercy, and then grab on to another loser, and start defining that loser as the second coming. No one with a brain is buying this BS. Harris is worse than Joey. Make no mistake about it, this is an ‘anybody, but Trump’ move by ‘the swamp.’ How anyone in their right mind can say that the current direction this country is now headed is great and that we should continue over the cliff is beyond me. Just ask yourself one question. Didn't you like it better when you didn't feel like you were being fleeced by inflation? Well, the current administration did this to each and every one of us!

And so, as if right on cue, Joey pulls the plug, Harris mutters a few unintelligible words, and little Donny Deutsch-bag sees a twinkle. I wonder, is that anything like Chris Matthews having a thrill going up his leg? It didn’t take long for the talking points to go out from the DNC to those like Deutsch-bag. Within a few days, Harris will become 20 years younger, a genius, and a size five. But I’ve got news for old Deutsch-bag, that little “twinkle in her eye” isn’t going to get Putin and Zelensky to stop killing. And like President Trump has said, our expectations aren’t high enough. We deserve the best leaders and the strongest ones we can find, and that ain’t Harris.

All this clamor over the obvious. It was starting with ‘BO’ that the DNC created a formula which serves them to this day: Select a candidate who ticks all the right boxes and is easily led; despite prior holdings, coalesce around this individual as if those feelings never happened; employ mass media to help pull off this stunt. It worked with Barry, they stumbled a bit with Hitlery, it worked with Joey, with help, and now it will work with Harris. The appearance of Donnie “falling in love” with her is only the beginning. The entire Democrat Party is one big stage show to fool the masses that swallow their BS. It’s amazing how many people don’t see it for what it is.

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