

Friday, July 26, 2024


It would seem that over time Democrats, along with just about everyone else who calls the loony left home, have created for themselves a rather unique definition regarding exactly what it means to be “mainstream.” Because it’s now according to these same folks that being “mainstream” has come to mean something very different than it does to the rest of us. I mean for most of us if something is considered as being “mainstream” it’s usually something, be it ideas, attitudes, or activities, that is at least generally accepted as being within the normal confines of being normal or conventional; the dominant trend in opinion, fashion, or the arts.

Now as I said, it’s those on the left who have some pretty funny ideas when it comes to what it is that can referred to as “mainstream,” and a rather bizarre way of determining whether an individual can be called “middle of the road” or “centrist.” I only say that because it was just this past Thursday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s ‘Katy Tur Reports,’ that ex U.S. senator Barbara Boxer, also a Democrat and someone who I thought had long been dead, actually tried to make the ridiculous argument that the presumed Democrat nominee for *president, Kamala Harris, represented the “mainstream” and then added that Harris was the “American dream."

Far from being the “American dream,” Harris would be far more like an American nightmare should she actually be able to get herself elected. And the fact that Boxer could call the person who in 2019 was named the most far left Senator, actually beating out Bernie Sanders for the title, “mainstream” indicates just how far out of touch she is with what is still the majority of America. Tur said, “They’re going to go after her as a progressive Californian, somebody who’s out of touch with the rest of the country. How does she combat that, senator?” Boxer said, “First of all, she’s been vice president for almost four years. She’s represented the whole country."

Boxer then went on to say, “Second of all, I got the same thing when I ran. Oh, you’re too liberal, too short, to this. You vote this way. I used to say, only two words, really, only two words define me and those two words are Barbara Boxer. Now, she certainly can do the same thing because she is mainstream America. She’s the hope, she’s the opportunity, she’s the American dream.” An endorsement coming from the likes of a Marxist like Boxer likely won’t carry much weight with anyone who themselves are not a leftwing loon. This is an example a rift that sometimes opens in the fabric of reality that then affords us all a glimpse into what is some sort of bizarre parallel universe.

Anyway, Boxer added, “And this guy wants to take us back. So it’s mainstream, I think, versus extreme, them. I just think we are in a very good position. Last point, I have been involved nor a long time with the Democratic Party, Katy, as you know, is very we run the gamut from left to right, and here’s the deal, because of President Biden’s endorsement of Kamala Harris, and because of who she is, we are united and that is remarkable.” No matter how often they say how awesome Harris is, we all know that she was chosen for her job because of her gender and her race. She has zero accomplishments to her credit and all brainpower of a turnip.

Harris has been *vice president for less than four years. During the approximately three and a half years, her presence has been largely nonexistent. She’s been appointed to take the lead on several issues, the border, climate change and AI, and has little, or nothing, to show for it. So what is it that you call people who claim to care so much about America’s future yet everything they do seems to demonstrates that they couldn’t care less. Boxer was never the sharpest knife in the drawer. She was simply another willing to sell her soul for anything left; the farther left the better. And so who really cares what Boxer thinks? She’s old news, very old news.

But here in 2024 this is now what seems to pass for “mainstream” when it comes to those in the Democrat Party. They’ve all now moved to the extreme left, including clowns like Boxer. People need to wake up and realize that this isn't the same old Democrat Party. And we have to keep in mind that these folks on the Left, and I mean every single one, actually view themselves as being “moderates” and not as the extremists that they truly are. And so I have no doubt that someone like Harris does appear to “mainstream” to someone who is as far to the left as someone like Boxer. It’s really not all that surprising. But do most Americans see view her that way?

And if killing babies up to the moment of birth, defunding the police and allowing criminals to freely roam the streets is now considered to be “mainstream,” then I’m afraid we’re all in an insane amount of trouble. But the insanity doesn’t end there. It goes on to include their position in issues like open borders, fracking and/or drilling, universal healthcare that’s free to even to those in the country illegally, universal basic income, reparations, equity, higher taxes, the abolishing of fossil fuel cars, gas stoves and so much more. There is absolutely nothing “mainstream” about the Democrat Party or she who at least appears to be their chosen candidate.

Boxer, as is Harris, is another of leftwing loons who have become totally out of touch with the majority of everyday Americans. And I have no doubt that Boxer likely lives in a gated community with private security. Clearly MSDNC must be having a hard time finding people to speak positively about Harris, especially when they have to bring out this old leftist relic. They’re now forced into digging up all of these old has-beens as they continue to work overtime trying to sell us what is nothing more than a turd sandwich. And so, as is typically the case, it’s once again at election time that all of these extremists attempt to portray themselves as something they are not.

Watching the Left as they continue their futile attempt to pump-up Kamala is like watching Family Feud, and when someone gives an answer that is obvious idiotic their family pretends it was genius and they over-clap and hoot like they just won the game. Then when they hear the buzzer for wrong answer, they pretend like the last thirty seconds didn’t happen. Harris represents everything I would never want my daughter to become. And it’s that at a time when those in the business world are openly discarding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) as a failed, even despised experiment, we have the Democrats deciding to run the biggest DEI hire in history.

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