

Friday, July 12, 2024


Ok so what’s the real reason that some Democrats seem to be in a panic regarding their party’s presumptive nominee for president and the upcoming election? I mean his declining mental status has been on full display since before he was ‘selected’ back in 2020. So might something else be afoot? Something a bit more insidious. Think about it, when was the last time that this far into the process there was this much talk, on either side of the aisle, about removing a candidate simply because they were behind in the polls. Other candidates, and far better ones than he, have been behind at this stage of the game, and never has there been talk about replacing them.

Look, I think we can all agree that the Democrats have been single-minded in what has been their decades long effort to destroy this country. To burn it to the ground so that they could then be the ones to rule over the resulting ashes. And one must admit that in the last 16 years, or so, they have succeeded in making significant progress in that regard. And were it not for the election of Donald Trump, and the defeat of Hitlery, their goal may very well have been achieved by now. Which brings us to the 2020 election and the ‘selection’ of Joey. The Democrats needed to make up for lost time and needed a puppet, and rubberstamp, which brings me to the 2024 election.

Democrats are so close to accomplishing their desired goal that they can almost taste it. And if President Trump were to be re-elected, while it may not totally derail their plans, things would be significantly delayed. Theres an old adage that says, “Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures.” And as far as at least some Democrats are concerned, times could not be any more desperate than they are right now. Which is prompting many in the party, in and out of office, to behave rashly. And with their puppet/rubberstamp trailing in the polls the decision seems to have been made that, for the sake of being better able to advance the cause, Joey simply must go.

And what better way to pull that off than to build on what was already known to be an issue, Joey’s rather questionable mental fitness. Those who continue to call for Joey to be replaced again make it clear that the real issue for them, is not that is Joe is a walking, talking vegetable, but that the polls show him losing to President Trump because of it. So in other words, if he was still ahead in the polls, his vegetative state wouldn’t matter one wit to your average Democrat. Democrats don’t care about Joey, his health, his cognitive ability or, for that matter, the nation. All they care about is if Joey can win and they can keep their power. Power is all any of them care about.

It kind of makes you wonder about those who are now busy campaigning nationwide about how it’s the Democrats who are “fighting to save democracy.” But just what sort of democracy might they be talking about? The one where it’s acceptable to ignore the results of political primary elections where voters overwhelmingly selected the candidate to represent them in an election, only to then see party elites call for the ouster of that candidate because he’s behind in the polls? That would seem to violate the concept of ‘democracy’ that Democrats say is so vital to them. Such behavior does nothing but to make a mockery of that “saving democracy” mantra.

Of course, the party that screams democracy and saving democracy wants the only candidate they ran in a primary, and their voters voted for, to drop out and have the party select a candidate ignoring the democratic vote of their constituents. Their hypocrisy seems to know no bounds, but it’s nothing that we haven’t seen from them before. Sooner or later, as the chance of him winning only lessens, the Democrats are going to figure out Joey just isn’t getting any better at this and will find some excuse to send him back to the basement and away from the reporters the cameras and limit those opportunities that will continue to reveal just how far gone he really is.

The only way I can see the Democrat elitists pulling off their little coup attempt is to announce that those who responsible for drafting the Democrat primary process rules are rewriting those rules to allow for what would be an all-new second primary vote, one where all registered Democrat voters would vote all over again, perhaps in some sort of ultimate Super Tuesday when all states would hold a second round of Democrat primary voting on the same day. And while that would send a message to the world that the party is controlled by the elitists rather than the voters, it would at least allows some vague justification for continuing with their “saving democracy” sham.

Joey has lied about everything that he could possibly lie about. He’s lied about prices being down compared to when he first took office. He’s lied about border crossings being down more than 50 percent. He’s lied about inflation being lower than when he took office, and so very much more. The reality is that he cheated in 2020 to win the election and now Democrats want a do-over. They want to self-correct, to do it all again with someone else, as if the rules of the game even allowed for that, which they don’t. But then, the Democrats have never viewed the rules as being something that applied to them. It’s time for Democrats to vanish, their world view is toxic.

And finally, Joey is busy transforming this nation into is another third world shithole, one with no manufacturing base, a crippled energy infrastructure, a hollowed-out military and in debt up to its eyeballs. But this is not ‘his’ agenda, this is the Democrat agenda, so when you get right down to it, it really matters not who it is that’s at the top of the ticket, Joey, Kamala or some someone else. It simply does not matter. Granted, Joey is incompetent and clearly in mental decline. But his policies are pure Democrat gold. And make no mistake, it’s all about the agenda, it matters not who actually occupies the office, only that he, or she, is a Democrat.

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