

Thursday, July 18, 2024


Again, it’s at the risk of repeating myself that I will once again ask, is there a more racist homophobe to be found anywhere in all of cable news than Joy Reid, host of what has to be the least inspiring bit of television each and every night, ‘The ReidOut.’ But then, if you take CNN out of the mix, it’s all of the main players on MSDNC that together form what has to be the biggest group, and oddest assortment, of braindead know-nothing’s to be found anywhere in the world of ‘fake news’ media. And you have to ask yourself, if you’re a reasonable person, why is it that anyone would willingly spew this sort of drivel and still expect to be taken seriously.

And it was during MSDNC’s coverage of the third night of the Republican National Convention on Wednesday, it was Reid who actually argued that the Secret Service gave 2024 Republican presidential candidate President Trump “nine seconds to take an iconic photo op during an active shooter situation” during the assassination attempt carried out against President Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday and “We’ll figure that out one day.” And let’s not forget that it was this same Secret Service that stood by and allowed President Trump to make a target of himself. Not exactly their job. Reid takes ignorance and stupidity to an entirely new level.

While discussing *president Joey testing positive for Covid earlier in the day, Reid stated, “Donald Trump is an elderly man, who, for whatever reason, was given nine seconds to take an iconic photo op during an active shooter situation. Weird situation. We’ll figure that out one day.” Does anyone really listen to the garbage that comes out of this imbecile’s mouth, I mean really listen? These morons on the left always assume that just because it’s something they would do, it’s something the other side would do as well. But we just don’t operate the way they do. With Democrats it’s all about appearance and totally devoid of substance. It was makes them Democrats.

Reid also argued that Joey can use the testing positive of Covid to contrast how he’ll handle contracting Covid with how President Trump handled getting the virus when he was in office and to remind people how bad the coronavirus pandemic was and attack President Trump’s handling of it. And that if Joey comes out of Covid just fine, and can do rallies, it should be seen as a symbol of strength the same way President Trump bouncing back from being shot in an assassination attempt was. Yes, because, as we all know, being shot and wounded at is perfectly comparable to recovering from Covid. What an idiot. Just another racist black woman, what a surprise?

I have no doubt that most of those in our ‘fake news’ media think the entire thing was all a setup to make President Trump look the conquering hero and Joey as the bumbling fool that we all know him to be. Maybe whatever we see is just a public drama-play, all the world's a stage, and all that. If that’s so, then Reid ought to be wise enough to shut up and quietly exit stage left. Her part in the play is to be the loudmouthed jester, the one that no one laughs at anymore. Calling her a clown is an insult to clowns. And I can’t help but wonder, did she actually come up with that all her own, or was she simply provided with the talking point and told to say it?

President Trump didn’t create this supposed photo op, who but Democrats even think this way. Instead, what President Trump did was to send a message, loud and fucking clear, to the crowd who got the message. President Trump raised his fist, not for a photo op; he raised his fist to show defiance to the shooter and to those who had put him up to it. And he was letting those in attendance know he was okay. It was an AP photographer who got the shot that has all of these people so terrified. And like I said, the Democrats always think that those across the aisle think as they do, approach things as they would, and assume they are motivated as they would be.

President Trump was also angry, pumped full of adrenaline and in fight, and not flight mode. He acted as a true leader would, he rallied his supporters, and was definitely not thinking of a photo op. But I do agree, in that it is easily a very powerful and compelling photo. The general rallying the troops after taking a bullet. A true badass!!! No Joy, our President Trump reacted quite naturally, and as any true leader would. I can’t even imagine what would have happened if this situation happened to Joey. On a good day the man can’t stand, walk or talk. The left would not be saying the same things about Joey they’re saying about President Trump. You can bet on it.

Reid insinuating that the assassination attempt was faked, while still thinking anybody still cares about COVID, much less about Joey’s future plans on dealing with it, is ridiculous. She’s not fooling anyone. She wants President’s Trump dead, but he dared to survive their assassination attempt and the resulting iconic photo with President Trump uttering the words fight, fight, fight has infuriated them even more. They are still stuck in the mindset of thinking like a child. The Left still believes that everyone thinks like them, and for those who don't, there must be something wrong with them. No, President Trump wasn’t looking for a photo-op, he's a continuing shining star.

It really is quite amazing what you can get people to do when you pay them enough money. But let’s give old Joy the benefit of the doubt and say she’s right, it was done for the sake of a photo op. So, right here and right now, I challenge any Democrat politician to let himself, or herself, get shot with a rifle from 110 yards for a photo op. Any takers? I thought not. These assholes need to put up or shut up. People like Reid insist Joey is of sound mind and body, think a man can become a woman and that open borders are beneficial to our country, but also believe an active shooter was a gun for hire willing to get himself killed in the process of attacking President Trump.

The lunatic fringe has nothing of substance in response to President Trump, just low-level nonsense and incendiary rhetoric. But let’s assume the hypothetical. Maybe it was all a setup to make President Trump look the Conquering Hero, and Joey the bumbling fool. Maybe whatever we see is just a public drama-play, all the world’s a stage, and all that. If that’s so, then Reid ought to be wise enough to shut up and quietly exit stage left. Her part in the play is nothing more than to be the loudmouthed jester, the one that no one laughs at anymore. She just opens her mouth and shit falls out. It doesn’t have to make sense, it just needs to be said.

So MSDNC says if Joey recovers from Covid it should be seen as a sign of strength, similar to President Trump surviving an assassination attempt. To compare recovering from a mild case of the flu with being shot and surviving an assassination attempt shows how idiotic she is. How much sense does it make, to anyone, to argue that surviving a virus that has a 99.8 percent survival rate is the same thing as surviving something with a .2 percent survival rate? I mean how stupid must you be to even make such an insane argument. But that’s where are today, with a ‘fake news’ media that has become less interested in the ‘news’ and more interested in propaganda.

Reid has no recourse but to continually go off the rails about President Trump. To do anything other than that would be admitting that this is all an act. She knows she’s full of shit. She knows we know it too, but that’s the company way at MSDNC. President Trump owns them, and they can’t stand it. There is nothing that President Trump could do which they won’t find some way to twist against him. We all know they want him dead. The assassination attempt wasn’t a surprise to most of us. Democrats have been working to incite their crazy supporters for eight years all in the hopes that one of them would take it upon themselves to do just what we saw.

Just think about it. He was shot in an attempted assassination. Were buildings set ablaze? No. Was there mass looting? Nope. Was there civil unrest anywhere? Not that I’m aware of and I’m sure those like Reid would have been all over it if there had been. I’m actually surprised that the Leftists haven’t started something so it could then be blamed on Trump Supporters. By raising his fist and yelling fight, fight, fight he let those assembled there in the audience, and the people watching him on TV, know that he was OK. Did those in the ‘fake news’ media even care, of course not. And can you imagine their disappointment when they realized the shooter had missed?

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