

Thursday, July 25, 2024


And so it would at least appear that there is now and effort fully underway, the clear intent of which is to both make Kamala Harris into something that she most definitely is not, an individual qualified in any meaningful way to be president, and to intimidate anyone and everyone who might actually dare to cast doubt on that claim or to resist the argument that the only reason she finds herself in her present position is because she is eminently qualified to be president despite the fact that she has not a single accomplishment to her name. And anyone who chooses to point out that fact is to be accused of having done so only because they are racists.

And so we’re now at the beginning of what I’m sure will be turning into a full scale assault against all those who will dare to say anything derogatory about Harris or point out the rather obvious fact that she has absolutely no record on which she can run and is therefore obviously unfit to be president. And while most blacks may be content to look no further than her skin color, I think most Americans are looking for a candidate with at least some record of accomplishment although, I must admit, looking back at our more recent Democrat presidents you’d be hard pressed to find one who had accomplished much of anything prior to being elected president.

And so it was during Wednesday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s “Deadline,” that Maya Wiley, a supposed civil rights attorney, tried to make the rather idiotic argument that it was “extremely offensive and dehumanizing” to say Kamala Harris is a DEI, or Diversity, Equity and Inclusion hire. Which seems to be more than a little ironic since it was Joey himself who said, before selecting a person to be his running mate, “I will choose an African American Female.” So clearly Joey was not the least bit interested in seeking out the most qualified person but, instead, someone who was essentially an identity hire. Now they’re all trying to tell us that it didn’t actually happen?

Anyway, it was this racist dolt, Wiley, who said, “There’s a direct line from the DEI attack to Project 2025. This blueprint that says very explicitly it wants to go after all the protections we created in civil rights laws through the Civil Rights Movement, through the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. When you hear them say she’s a DEI fill in the blank, in addition to its overt racism and sexism, I am saying it out loud, it overtly is sexist and racist to say that by virtue of the fact she’s a woman and a woman of color, she’s not qualified.” It might be worth noting that ‘Project 2025’ is in no way associated with President Trump and his 20 platform promises.

And she said, “That’s all they are saying. It’s exactly the same thing if they put in the blueprint as the plan for the country to say, we will undermine the ability of the federal government to assert and force and protect us from employment discrimination. That we will try to close and shutter the Department of Education if we can, but if we can’t, we’ll just make sure any of the complaints of our children whether they are being bullied because they are Jewish or because they are Muslim or because they are black or Asian or anything else, we’re going to take the power of them to force the civil right was to protect our children in schools."

She added, “That is what was in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This messaging is explicit in that project, and what Kamala Harris is doing, both as a vice president, because I’ve been with her when she’s made these statements as vice president, and what she’s explaining to the American public, is we have a choice for the future. It’s either to be in the future or it’s to go back to the dark ages. I think she’s making it plain and clear.” This supposed civil rights attorney is quick to bring up the Civil Rights Act of 1964 but she bothers not to mention the fact that it was all but a handful of Democrats that voted against it while it was every Republican that voted for it.

And it’s a bit weird, don’t you think, that while DEI is a principal tenet of the left, it’s Democrats who act like it's morally unacceptable to use the phrase to describe their own DEI hires. Let’s face it, most in Joey’s administration are DEI hires, and I mean nothing racist or misogynistic about it, that’s just the way it is. Harris was a DEI Hire, as was Buttigieg, Karine Jean-Pierre and Austin. Nearly everyone in this bizarre assortment of incompetent fucks was a DEI Hire! The entire administration is nothing but a freak show, and the world is on fire because of it. Joey never went in search for the most qualified individuals, only the ones who checked the appropriate boxes.

The ongoing “crisis in competence” taking place in this country is directly attributable to Affirmative Action, DEI and/or any other policy or set of initiatives that places more importance on hiring individuals based solely on their backgrounds instead of actually being qualified to do the job. Placing people in positions critical to an orderly society due to skin color, sexual persuasion or gender and not knowledge, skills or abilities is a surefire recipe to wreck our society. Imagine how great this country would be today had we only decided to pick our own cotton. When all you have is the color off your skin, it’s so embarrassing. These RADICALS are totally lost.

And why, all of a sudden, is it so degrading for someone to be a DEI hire? Democrats seem to love DEI so much and seek to use it as a way to put certain people everywhere and to take jobs away from those who are actually qualified to do them. You would think that our civil rights attorney would be fine with it. She should be clapping and smiling at their attempt to shove down the collective throat of the American people the first ‘black,’ Asian, woman, DEI, ex-slave owner as their presidential candidate. This is the first time in a very long time that they all actually seem to know what a woman is. How convenient, don’t you think?

Someone should ask her, and all those who possess the same twisted mentality, why we need a program like DEI in the first place? Personally, I believe that all people are created equal, and that regardless of the color of your skin if you make the right choices, you will succeed. Wiley seems to think they need special help. She will say it is because of those people are oppressing minorities, but when your minority group numbers in the tens of millions, you have enough population to be self-sustainable, you can hire people those who look like you and then you don’t have to worry about whether some white guy in Kansas isn’t interested in hiring them.

And put aside all talk about DEI for the moment. What if I just say, as the majority of Americans know, that Harris is likely the dumbest person ever to run for president. Even ‘BO’ knows this, and he wasn’t that high on the brainpower list either. To all of you dopes who live here and will be casting your vote for this yellow school bus lover, please understand that the enemies of America will own this mental midget and will make the country you live in a wasteland of lost opportunity, as well as potentially a different kind of wasteland, the one you see in movies after a country has been devastated by a world war where one of the theaters of action is in its homeland.

The only reason this DEI bullshit is even relevant is because most people are incapable of being held to a high standard, let alone any standards. DEI is participation trophies for everyone. And when the Supreme Court struck down Affirmative Action in colleges the lefties just changed the name to DEI. Now they use DEI to justify Affirmative Action everywhere just the same. That’s what they do. Global warming is now climate change, because their models blew up, and proved to be bullshit. Now everything can be climate change. If it doesn’t work just rename it and keep going. Keep doing the same failed thing over and over again. The definition of insanity.

Finally, to briefly touch on the much talked about Project 2025, it’s every think tank in Washington that releases a wish list. From the most conservative to the most liberal. But isn’t amazing how the Democrats, along with other members of the hard left, are always free to present their vision for the future of our country yet those on the right are never afforded the same courtesy. And while President Trump had no hand in its creation you wouldn’t know that listening to kooks like this supposed civil rights attorney. Because, as with all of those on the left, she’s simply lying. Because what’s most imperative to them is not the country, but victory in the next election.

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