

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


If there is one sure thing in this ever-changing world it’s that paranoia and hypocrisy run hand in hand amongst those on the left, and it’s both that run pretty deep. And it’s these same folks who also possess what can only be described as bring a rather warped sense of entitlement, one where they see themselves as being entitled to use whatever means they wish in their quest for power and yet are always quick to cry foul whenever their own tactics are used against them. They somehow see themselves as being immune from having their own tactics used against them. It then becomes all about them and how it is that they’re somehow being retaliated against.

Which brings to Nicolle Wallace, just one of the many nutjobs there at MSDNC and even the host of her own show, ‘Deadline.’ And it was just this past Monday during her show that she claimed that the Supreme Court ruling in Donald Trump’s presidential immunity case meant that she could be targeted if he was to win a second term. Those on the Left are worried that if Trump does become President (again) he just might do to them what they’ve been so busy doing to him. Might Wallace have a guilty conscience and be projecting what she has done for eight years onto President Trump. She should confess to America all of her subversive acts and who she colluded with.

Wallace said, “In the very last decision of its term, the highest court in the land handed future presidents a, ‘Loaded weapon,’ in the words of a dissenting justice, aimed straight at the rule of law in the country. The conservative 6-3 majority of the court, half of them appointed by ex-president Donald Trump, two others have been faced calls for their recusal in this very case, a potentially fatal blow to Special council Jack Smith’s effort to hold the president accountable for crimes committed on January 6th in the insurrection and the plot to overturn the 2020 election he lost.” Odd how these people open their mouths and shit just seems to fall out.

Anyway, Wallace went on to say, “They ruled that Donald Trump and all future presidents are entitled to immunity for official acts, that they take during their presidency. Now there is a question of whether a president can order a Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival, the United States Supreme Court said in effect, yeah, maybe.” She added, “We should pull the curtain back on what is actually happening, shouldn’t we? People are exploring options to live in other countries if they think they could targeted for prosecution by Donald Trump because targeting you or targeting me or Andrew could be an official act based on today’s decision."

Talk about delusional. This imbecile takes it to a whole new level. I mean seriously, folks, how much of a moron must one be to actually believe this ridiculous “SEAL Team 6” scenario? Only those Leftists who believe everyone is as corrupt as the Democrats are, could conjure up something like that and repeat it, let alone take it seriously. And does this idiot genuinely think that she’s important enough for President Trump to give a damn about. Fortunately for her, and unfortunately for the rest of us, Nicolle would be unlikely to make the cut of those who do warrant such judicial attention. It’s narcissistic and attention-seeking of her to believe otherwise.

Presidents have always had immunity. But Democrats refuse to abide by the ‘rule of law.’ If it doesn’t fit their perverse agenda, then they simply pervert the laws to suit themselves without regard to the negative effects it has on our country. Collateral damage is always of little consequence to these people. And if they are this afraid of retribution, then you know damn well they know they’re guilty of doing something wrong. Progressive liberal Democrats say they are for the ‘rule of law’ unless, of course, the courts disagree with them, up to and including the Supreme Court. That right there tells you everything you need to know about them, and then some.

And while, I must admit, that I do fantasize about President Trump going after these leftist freaks, I know that he’s above the behavior exhibited by people such as Wallace. So rest assured Ms. Wallace, you are simply not worth fighting for. And as I have said before, despite what all of these assholes may continue to say about him wanting to be a dictator, he will only have four years in office and so I have no doubt that he will pick his battles wisely. Because he will be far too busy unfucking all of what their idol, Joey B., spent the previously four years so very thoroughly fucking up. And so this latest fear tactic will work just as well as the others.

But as I said, there are far more important things to tend to. In the big scheme of things Wallace and the rest of the makeup chair mafia simply is worth neither the time nor the effort required. Those in the ‘fake news’ media are yelling into an echo chamber. Their claims and concerns don’t resonate with responsible voters. This is complete hysteria that can’t possibly be what these people really think! If it is in fact how they really feel then they need to seek help immediately! But what does it tell you about them that after having spent so much time in trying to “get Trump,” that they now seem so concerned that they might receive the very same treatment?

I’m sure many remember how it was that Democrats claimed that President Trump would censor the “free press,” but that didn’t happen until Joey! They also said that inflation and the price of gas would skyrocket, but that too didn’t happen until Joey! They also said that he would “force people to take his dangerous vaccine,” but that didn’t happen until Joey! They also said he would get U.S. soldiers kiIIed during the Afghanistan withdrawal, but that didn’t happen until Joey! They also said that he would alienate our allies, but that didn’t happen until Joey! It’s rather amazing, don’t you think, that all we were to fear from President Trump became a reality under Joey.

But wait, there’s more. Because Democrats also said that President Trump “put children in cages,” but that too was Joey! And they claimed his family would get caught selling out the country, trading on his office, but again that didn’t happen until Joey! And they argued that the Middle East would break out in an all-out war, but that too didn’t happen until Joey! And Democrats also said that President Trump would arrest his political opponents like a totalitarian dictator, and that too didn't happen until Joey! It’s so amazing that so many could have been so wrong, which should cause most reasonable to call into question their motivation for doing so.

Look, these people know they’re bad people who have done some very bad things. These people are clueless. They also have superiority complexes. The country would actually be a much better place if they actually did leave. But no one is really going to leave, and they know it. They all show and no go. And seriously, who would really miss them if they did? Of all those who have promised to leave the country, all the singers, all the Hollyweird actors and every other loon has promised to do so, if President Trump succeeds in his re-election bid, who among them would really be missed? And be honest, would the country be a better place without all of them?

How many times have we heard the very same BS from idiots like Wallace. That is some Republican were to get into office they will leave the country. But the never do. And why not, there's nothing preventing them from leaving. But let’s assume for a moment that all the fears are real and not just propaganda to make the sheep think that President Trump will be ruthlessly vindictive. Why is it that any of the many leftist politicians or media personalities who have tried, without cause, to put President Trump in prison might feel that he would want to target them for retribution? After all, they were just doing the job, right? No harm, no foul, right?

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