

Monday, July 22, 2024


There’s an old saying about how there’s no honor among thieves. But it would seem to me that we could stretch that to include how there’s also no honor among Democrats, especially anytime there’s an election nearby. I only say that because it was pretty clear back in 2020, to anyone with a brain, that Joey was far from playing with a full deck. Now if we fast-forward three and a half years, to where neither the party or the ‘fake news’ media can any longer hide his diminished mental state, and Joey has now seemed to have outlived his usefulness, especially if the Democrats are to have any hope of ‘winning’ the presidential election come this November.

And despite the fact that Democrat voters have already chosen Joey as their candidate, the party elites, not confident in Joey’s ability to be victorious, decided to take matters into their own hands. And, of course, they would like us all to think that they chose to take such drastic measures out of their love for this country and respect for the American people, when in fact it was only what was best for their party as there was no doubt that Joey was headed for certain defeat. And in so doing I would argue that the Democrats have sent a very dangerous precedent here, in that from this point forward if a candidate is behind in the polls they can simply be removed.

And so it was like ‘Bullwinkle the Moose’ that the Democrats pulled a rabbit out of their hat in an attempt to cover up for what we’ve all known, all along. But the smokescreen continues. During an interview with NewsNation on Sunday, Rep. John Garamendi said that he thinks *president Joey decided to leave the 2024 race in part because he was concerned about his own health and that Joey’s Covid diagnosis was “a wake-up call that there are other health issues that are ahead of him.” And that Joey decided that it’s best that he “use his energy, his experience, and knowledge” “to finish up the next six months of his presidency in a very strong way."

Garamendi said that the tipping point for Joey’s decision was likely “basically two things: First of all, his health, he understands his health, and certainly, his wife, Jill, understands the situation. And I think he made a very careful evaluation of his own personal health, his situation, the work that is ahead in a campaign and the work that is ahead to finish the four-year term that he’s in. I think that’s one piece of it. The other piece of it is that he built a terrific team. His backup quarterback, Kamala Harris, is an extraordinary woman and he knew that she would be able to carry on his legacy of legislation and international leadership.” “An extraordinary woman?"

He added, “I think he also did a very careful analysis with Jill, and perhaps the rest of his family, about his physical situation. COVID knocks everybody right on their butt. And I’m sure that happened with President Biden. That took a big toll, and I think it was also a wake-up call that there are other health issues that are ahead of him. So, I think he took all of that into account, he and Jill, and came to the decision that it’s best, it’s best for him, it’s best for the Democratic Party, and best for the nation, that he use his energy, his experience, and knowledge, both nationally and internationally, to finish up the next six months of his presidency in a very strong way."

And so, while the Democrats seem to be of the opinion that Joey is incapable of continuing on as a candidate, he is, apparently, quite capable of continuing on as *president. And so, Joey will now continue to serve as a constant reminder during the remainder of campaign of how the Democrats, and those in the ‘fake news’ media, hid is continuing mental decline for decades. And the various excuses that we will be given over the course of the coming few weeks should be highly entertaining to say the least. But if his mental disability is that serious, he needs to step down now. He is a detriment to our national security and a clear and present danger globally!

And what a joke, who do they really think they’re fooling? The Democrat Party bosses decided that with Joey they weren’t going to win and so they’ve thrown their support behind Harris knowing she will lose and to clear the decks for 2028. She is an incompetent politician and a moron, clearly nowhere near qualified to be president. They should get her off the stage and open the field for their future candidates like Newsom, Witmer or Shapiro. If any of them thought they had a chance to beat President Trump, they would be challenging Harris. That doesn’t mean President Trump will win, only that they don’t have sufficient confidence to try.

The bottom line here is that Harris knew about Joe’s cognitive decline and LIED about it. She was not bothered in the least when it came to foisting another four years of Joey on America, if they could have continued the ruse. And because she was Joey’s vice president, she’s eligible for a promotion by default. And then there’s the media. They’re now so relieved that they ‘might’ actually have a shot they blather on about President Trump lies. Yet they ignore how it’s the Democrats who have been LYING for the last four years about how Joey was fit to serve as *president and in doing so, have left all Americans in mortal danger from our enemies who surely know the real deal.

Evil is evil. Even if you change the picture on the outside of the box it will still destroy you if you choose it. America needs hope, not another Democrat. We need to keep in mind, amongst the many accolades heard for Joey, that he was dragged kicking and screaming to this decision to exit the race. The very idea that Harris is up to the job is mindboggling. Unless, of course, you’re addicted to the Kool Aid. The only reason she is where she is, is because the Democrats will not get the $250 million that has been collected by Joey’s campaign, if she’s not the candidate. This has nothing to do with how good, smart, or whatever she is. It’s all about the money.

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