

Saturday, July 27, 2024


So why is it, do you suppose, that some of the loudest voices, supposedly coming from the right and against President Trump, tend to be the voices of those who have some sort of grievance against the man? Case in point would be Anthony Scaramucci, aka ‘The Mooch, a man deemed to be so incompetent that he served as White House Communications Director for a whole 10 days. How does one get fired after just 10 days? This irrelevant little loser again demonstrates just how truly desperate he is for attention. It really is pathetic. And all this after he couldn’t even last two weeks working in the Trump White House because of his own stupid mouth. Pretty sad.

Anyway, it was just this past Thursday on MSDNC’s ‘Deadline,’ that President Trump’s ex-communications director actually tried to make the argument that if President Trump keeps calling the presumed Democrat candidate for president, Kamala Harris, dumb, he will only serve to increase her voter base. Look, the only people who would vote for Harris just because President Trump calls her dumb are themselves pretty dumb. Unfortunately, that’s the largest Democrat constituency. After all, one out of every three Democrats is as stupid as the other two. And I’ll tell ya, if ‘Mooch’ is telling you to do one thing, you can bet that the opposite is what you need to do.

Scaramucci said, “The sexism and the attacks that worked in 2016 that frankly Baby Boomer voters are used to is not something that the Generation X or Z have a taste for. President Trump can’t land a punch yet. He’s trying to find something that’s going to land on Vice President Harris, but I’ll tell you what, you want to call her dumb as a rock or DEI candidate, if he keeps doing that, hundreds of thousands of people will be waiting online 10, 12 hours, no water, won’t matter, they’ll do everything they can to vote for Vice President Harris.” And on President Trump’s choice of running mate, Scaramucci said, “I’m watching this implode gloriously."

‘Mooch,’ known for his own little vendetta again President Trump, went on to say, “I’ve got to tell you something, They chemistry between these two people it’s absolutely horrific. Go back to the tape, Nicolle. Take five minutes of your day and look at acceptance speech and look at Trump. It looked like he was eating a garbage sandwich in his mouth. I’m using a euphemism because we’re on the air.” He added, “Trump cannot stand this guy. I’m telling you right now, he’s lighting up his staff. He’s saying, ‘I almost got killed by an assassin’s bullet. You pushed this guy on me. He’s dull and boring. Remember Trump is an actor and a casting director."

And he said, “Vance is not helping him and here is the dirty secret we all know, Vance thinks he’s smarter than Trump. Trump hates that. Vance thinks this is his 2028 presidential tour. Donald Trump fires people who get more attention than him. Trust me, I know that. He fires people that get more attention.” Mooch has become pretty much of a regular on MSDNC, as well as on any number of commie podcasts, willingly spewing his garbage to anyone willing to pay. In short, Mooch is the epitome of a grifter. And you can take to the bank the fact that when someone like ‘The Mooch’ says, “trust me on this,” you can rest assured that they’re lying through their teeth.

Clearly, as we head into this next election, we’re up against those who are desperately trying to hold onto their power. They will do anything, and cheating at the polls is the least of it, I'm afraid. Why make it easy for them? We love President Trump’s mean tweets and the way he points out their weaknesses, but WE are already voting for him. It’s time for him to appeal to the voters on the fence by touting his policies, pointing out the left’s policies, and how their policies doom our American way of life. Anyone who would vote for Harris simply because someone points out just how ignorant she is, would merely be confirming their own ignorance.

So, if I have this right, ‘The Mooch’ thinks people, or at least women, will vote for Harris purely out of sympathy, because President Trump refers to her as being dumb? So by that logic I guess we can also assume that if President Trump starts referring to Harris as brilliant he will then win over those same voters? Or, referring to President Trump as a rapist, criminal, and Nazi would prompt people to switch their vote from Harris to President Trump, right? But look, I think most intelligent women, of which there are few on the left, will be able to recognize the President Trump is not saying Harris is dumb because she’s a woman, only that she’s dumb because she’s dumb!

That said, I don’t suppose there is any real need to keep referring to her as being dumb, that should be painfully obvious to even the most casual of observers. I mean, just listen to her and look at her less than impressive record of ‘accomplishment.’ People in her own party have said the very same thing. There’s a reason why she didn’t survive the last election’s Democrat primary. And it wasn’t her keen intellect that prompted Joey to select her as his running mate. She now finds herself in her present position pretty much by default. Democrats stole an election from President Trump and then tried to imprison him, to bankrupt him and then tried to KILL him.

But he should also focus his attacks on the basis of her lack of achievements and her socialist policies not just personal attacks alone. After all, Democrats have proven time and time again that they will go out of their way to vote for some of the stupidest people running. And I would argue that those people who are even considering voting for Harris are already lost anyway. Anyone who is thinking of, or has ever voted. Democrat is nothing less than a complete moron. Look at the candidates and tell me how anyone in their right mind could vote for the likes of Gore, Obama, Hitlery, Joey and many more too many to even try to list here.

Anyone with 20/20 eyesight should be able to see the fakeness of Harris that is on display every single day. And all of the ridiculous ‘fake news’ media attention provided to her is nothing more than a continuing an attempt to whip up enthusiasm that simply doesn’t exist. Harris is full of nothing more than stupid slogans and predictable replies to everything. She laughs like a moron because it’s a defensive measure. Democrats are all in on the endless lying and it’s all nothing more than a psychological push to normalize this weird, unlikable and clearly DEI candidate. And as far as I’m concerned there’s really nothing wrong with pointing any of that out.

What makes her truly dangerous is that she follows the aggressive, radical, ideologically-driven agenda supported by hardcore leftist Democrats. The very same agenda that allows for NO common sense, NO logical thinking, NO freedom, NO liberty, NO Constitution, NO Rule of Law, NO sovereignty, NO fossil fuel independence and NO individualism. In other words, Harris is nothing more than a puppet just like Joey. The Democrats, along with more than a few RINOs, want to paint this imbecile as being nothing short of the President of the Mensa Society, and stentorian orator. She may look the part, but everything falls apart as soon as he speaks.

And has anyone ever noticed how all of these so-called Republicans who appear on MSDNC and CNN never seem to actually vote Republican? And when did this weaselly little piece of shit become an expert on anything? It just goes to show you that these people are all frauds. ‘The Mooch’ is just another reject who is on MSDNC only because President Trump got rid of his worthless ass. Who is he to be preaching to anyone? It’s fine to point out the stupidity of Harris’ reckless ideas. Pointing out the obvious is only fair. It’s no secret how she moved up the ladder. We’ve never heard Harris make any ‘me-too’ accusations; but we all know the activity was happening.

There’s a lot wrong with this candidate. Talk about dumb, it’s numerous Democrats, the ‘fake news’ media and even Harris herself who are actually trying to deny the fact that she was ever put in charge of the border. The open border, and its aftereffects, are so devastating that no one wants to be responsible for it. And the real disaster resulting from the Biden/Harris open border has yet to happen. Clearly President Trump is right over the target and is shaping the political battlefield and Harris will not disappoint because, well because she’s dumb. At the end of the day her mouth, once used to advance her career, will undo her aspirations whenever she speaks.

In his first term Donald Trump was new to Washington in the role of a politician and was therefore in the position of having to surround himself with those familiar with the workings inside the beltway. And it’s sad how many of those people turned out to be liars. And I maintain that those who turned on him did do because many of the things he had promised to do went against with how the place works. And once he discovered their treachery they were fired. Vengeance is a powerful thing and many of the voices we hear warning us against him are coming from those who he fired. As well as from those who thought themselves deserving of a job they didn’t get.

So let me see if I have this right. People who would not otherwise vote for Harris will vote for her because her opponent claims she’s dumb. You have to wonder if people don’t get tired of hearing the same guests spew the same drivel over and over. I simply can’t watch these clowns anymore. ‘The Mooch’ doesn’t seem to be much of an expert on anything but he still gets brought on like he’s an expert on everything. The same goes for every RINO brought on to any of these idiotic programs for the express purpose of hammering President Trump and his millions of supporters. And the ‘journalists’ involved are only too happy to provide all these folks with a platform.

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