

Tuesday, May 2, 2023


Clearly, it was on day one of Joey B’s current reign that it became obvious, or at least it should have, that the White House, formerly known as ‘The People’s House,’ would, for the foreseeable future, have a big ‘For Sale’ sign right on the front door. But we shouldn’t be surprised, because it was Joey who had a ‘For Sale’ sign hanging on his door for nearly half a century. After all, what else would a guy like Joey, a guy who has no real skill or ability, do if not able to trick fuck people into voting for him so that he could then turn the selling of political favors into what would become a very lucrative ‘business’ for both him and numerous members of his immediate family.

And so rumor now has it that there are more than a few billionaires who seem more than  eager to provide financial support to Joey in his quest for re-selection. Now wouldn’t it be something if just a few of these same billionaires were, instead of supporting Joey, willing to use just a bit of their wealth in ways that supported our Constitution or in ways that made sure America remains a free and sovereign nation? But nope, such is not the case, my friends. And in choosing to use their vast resources to support Joey, they seek nothing more than to further undermine our Constitution as well as the personal freedoms that the American people have long been able to enjoy.

And so, billionaires across the business sectors of finance, tech, and media are now gearing up to throw millions at *president Joey’s re-selection bid in 2024. It was after Joey announced his re-selection bid last week that left-wing billionaires immediately started plotting to get behind the 80-year-old in the 2024 presidential election. According to interviews and sources who spoke to CNBC, billionaires across many industries want in on helping to re-select Joey. Several have already stopped by the White House with some offering to hold fundraisers for Joey while others just want to throw money. It was one of these billionaires who said, “Stakes are higher than ever."

And it was another of these same geniuses who was heard to say, “I am thrilled his unique leadership will continue.” Someone sure has a very strange definition for “leadership.” Which makes you wonder if this same guy would let a guy like Joey ‘lead’ his multi-million-dollar corporation. Somehow, I think not.  The big-dollar billionaire donors for Joey are expected, and welcome, news for a White House stacked with former executives and employees tied to big business, big tech, and Wall Street. In the 2020 election, more than 30 of Joey’s biggest donors had Wall Street ties and Joey’s campaign was backed by nearly “all of the big banks” on Wall Street.

The Democrat Party of today is nothing more than one vast criminal enterprise. It is NOT a political party that in any way sees as its role the actually serving of the people. We have evil people, both in politics and out, now taking part in what is nothing less than one massive charade, pretending to want what’s best for our country but are in fact all part of an agenda to bring it to an end, not with a bang but with a whimper. And it’s these billionaires who are more unscrupulous even than the politicians they support. Why would you choose to support the very same politicians who claim to want to confiscate your wealth? Is that making any sense to anyone?

Tyrants and monopolists such as these billionaires have always hated free people. But it’s never been more obvious than it is now. One assumes a certain level of intelligence from someone who has managed to amass a multi-billion-dollar fortune. Thus, these individuals must know that Joey is both severely mentally and physically impaired and serves as being nothing more than a puppet, or a prop. What then, one might ask, is the agenda and/or ultimate goal of supporting the pathetic fraud now in the White House? And what makes him worthy of staying there for another four years. It’s not putting America First and/or supporting average Americans.

So what is it that might motivate these billionaires to finance the campaign of politicians like Joey? What’s in it for them? Is it about getting legislation passed that makes them richer or protects them from competition? Do they know that demands made for them to “pay their fair share” will never come to pass, as long as they continue to buy off the politicians making such demands? The Democrat Party has now become the party of billionaires, and it’s roughly half the country that has yet been able to figure that out. The left has a simple plan, keep the wars going, keep the plebes drunk and high, keep the useless on charity and let in more of the disgruntled.

I think we can all agree that Joey is, and has been his entire political career, owned lock, stock and barrel by the wealthy elites, he done what he was told, when he was told to do it. Personally, I will take the political outsider any day before I chose to support any of the political insiders, and one so well-intrenched in the bureaucracy. The outsider actually knows what a budget is and how to stay within it. Unlike Joey, who has absolutely zero experience in maintaining a budget and is unable to stay within a budget despite being able to raise taxes and print more money. Joey has been a failure his entire 50 years in politics, and has never had a real job.

When you’re sitting on a mountain of wealth, you prefer to maintain the status quo. All of these billionaires who are now stepping up to throw their financial support behind Joey are likely all benefitting, pretty significantly, right now. And most, if not all, are likely to be opposed to President Trump’s desire to bring back manufacturing, control illegal immigration, and fix our rather lopsided trade deficit. They want no part of anyone wanting to mess with their current operations. And therefore, they are likely far more willing to whatever they can to ensure things don’t change at all, or things are made to change very little, working-class Americans be damned.

One of things I remember hearing from Democrats when I was growing up was their constant accusations of how Republicans represented the “rich” and it was only they, the Democrats, who cared about the “poor.” What the Democrats hated about the Republicans back then was that they supported tax cuts and wanted everyone to succeed. Today the Democrats want to protect those who are wealthy and make it impossible for others to achieve such wealth. They do this through horrible public schools, unfair environmental laws, censorship, etc. They despise blue collar workers and dream of a society where they rule, and the poor exist only on handouts.

What thinking American would re-elect a crash-test-dummy who has a team of handlers making all the decisions, ruling by executive orders, all to the detriment of American families? If you are a working-class man, or woman, what further proof do you need that these millionaires are going to each throw tens of millions of dollars to Joey because he supports them, not you. Why else would they finance his campaign after all the damage that he has done to the country and to the working class. The destruction of the American middle class is the goal of these Leftists. Rich or Poor, Communist or Fascist, the Democrats wants the American middle class wiped out.

It's today that the Democrat Party has morphed into the party of elitists who want to control every aspect of our lives and it’s the uneducated, and uninformed, useful idiots among us who seem devoted in keeping Democrats in office. Americans better wake up soon and realize their freedoms and liberty are all under assault by these government and big business alignments. This used to be called this fascism. They will render you serfs and your life and livelihood will be at their whim. Americans must come to realize that both the Democrats, as well as those who help them remain in office, are the greatest enemies this country faces. The time for complacency is over!

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