

Saturday, May 6, 2023


Yes friends, we can all sleep better a night comfortable in the knowledge that our southern border is totally secure, and that our Homeland Security Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, has essentially said we have nothing to fear but fear itself when it is comes to the mass of 700,000 illegals poised to rush the border as soon as Title 42 comes to an end next week. The actions of this guy Mayorkas is why there are so many of us who say that all of what is taking place today under *president Joey, whether we’re talking crime, inflation, energy policies or immigration is being done not by accident, but very much on purpose. Our country is being allowed to be invaded for a reason.

And it was during portions of an interview with NBC News correspondent Julia Ainsley aired on Friday’s broadcast of “NBC Nightly News,” that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said he is “not worried about” the expiration of Title 42 and that the Department of Homeland Security has planned and executed on its plans to properly respond. Mayorkas also argued that “The border is secure because we are maximizing our resources to deliver the most effective results to our border with the most extraordinary workforce in the world.” And it was the ever inquisitive Ainsley who asked, “Are you worried about Title 42 lifting next week?"

Mayorkas answered, “I’m not worried about Title 42 lifting. We recognize the challenge at the border.” He also said, “Our responsibility is to plan and to execute on those plans, and that is indeed what we have done and continue to do.” And it was in another part of the interview, Ainsley asked, “Is our border secure?” Mayorkas, in coming up with his standard whopper, responded, “Our border is secure.” And he said, “The border is secure because we are maximizing our resources to deliver the most effective results to our border with the most extraordinary workforce in the world.” And, of course, our intrepid member of that ‘fake news’ media gave him a pass.

I think it’s important to keep in mind that Democrats “define” things far differently than do most honest people. To Democrats, the border being under control means that the border is accomplishing exactly what they want it to do, to allow as many illegals into the U.S. as possible in the shortest period of time! Mayorkas isn’t worried because that is his intent, to flood the U.S. with illegal aliens, to change voter demographics forever and to destroy the country from the over burden the scourge brings with it. The goal is to get as many warm bodies across the border as possible, get them signed up for free everything forever, and then registered to vote.

But then isn’t this how it is whenever the Democrats have been able to finagle themselves into high office. War becomes peace. Freedom becomes slavery. Ignorance is strength, Up becomes down, right becomes left, and day becomes night. Anybody who can lie like this guy does is a natural born psychopath. In truth, it’s the Mexican drug cartels who are in ‘control’ the border and the do so with the full cooperation of both Joey and this clown Mayorkas. Look, everyone knows what’s taking place here, but no one cares that we know. They will complete the plan regardless. If they insist the border is secure, they also consider the influx part of the plan.

It's eight million more illegal immigrants that will be in this country by January 2025 if Mayorkas has his way. And they will most certainly breed like rabbits. And should a Democrat win the White House again in 2024, you can then count on 12-15 million more of them by January 2029. We know the social infrastructure cannot sustain this, but more importantly Democrats know it as well. Hospitals are already overwhelmed in some areas, particularly in the southwest. The education system will cause local area taxes to rise significantly to pay for the needed schools built. The rise in crime is a given. Fentanyl overdoses climb even more. But this is what the Democrats wants.

Mayorkas should never have been allowed to get this far, we are long overdue for an intervention! It has become very clear that he really doesn’t care if anyone believes him or not. Joey won’t fire him for failing America, Democrat Senators will never vote for an impeachment conviction, even if the Republicans were ever to take it upon themselves to move in that direction. Mayorkas has repeatedly lied under oath claiming that the border is secure. Apparently, he’ll will only take notice when they start driving assault vehicles across our ‘secure’ border. He won’t care, but at least he might take notice. But with this, even that is not for certain.

And I can’t be the one wondering when somebody going to start standing up for the concerns and needs of the American people instead of allowing them to be treated like they are second class citizens in their own country. And when might we expect  this piece of crap going to be impeached, there certainly has been much talk about it. Even if the Senate won’t convict, we can at least make an effort! You know like Pelosi did! Put up a little fight Republicans so we at least know your alive! Mayorkas has thrown open the borders, invited in an unlimited foreign invasion, created a couple of humanitarian crises, and then proceeded to lie about everything.

This man personifies evil. He is incapable of telling the truth, which like why he was brought on board in the first place. I can’t remember seeing so much damage to our country by group of individuals who are actually citizens of this country. And I find it rather disgusting that those in the ‘fake news’ media refuse to call this liar out and expose the tragic burden now being inflicted upon our country and its people. Drugs killing our children, billions of dollars being spent on these illegal people being housed, feed, medical expenses, broken school system, no taxes being paid etc. This man took an oath to honor and protect our country. He was lying then as well.

Sometimes I feel like we are living in the ‘Twilight Zone’ where nothing any longer makes any sense. The border is secure. Social Security is solvent. Inflation is transitory. The laptop isn’t real and the 2020 election was the most secure in history. The vaccine is safe and effective, the CCP aren’t really bad folks, there are 62 genders, and America's greatest threat is white Christian nationalism. Joey has no financial interest in foreign countries, leftist protests are mostly peaceful, Ukraine is mopping the floor with Russia, the government doesn’t want to ban gas stoves, and you will own nothing and be happy. Yup, just take another toke and go back to sleep. Sweet dreams.

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