

Monday, May 8, 2023


You have to question the credibility of anyone who claims to be surprised to find out that the guy who, after cheating his way into office before then setting out on a personal vendetta against the country, now finds himself trailing his predecessor who actually accomplished so much that benefited so many Americans. Now granted, there are those among us who remain quite pleased with this new direction on which Joey has us embarked and would vote to keep it headed in that direction. And then, of course, there are those die-hard kooks who swear to this day that no cheating took place in 2020 and who also support the destruction taking place in this country.

It was one of those selection deniers, Donna Brazile, who was in a bit of a panic of late after the release of a new Washington Post-ABC News poll in which *president Joey’s approval ratings fell six percentage points between February and May. And it was during an appearance this past Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” hosted by faux ‘journalist,’ and former Clinton hack, George ‘Stephy’ Stephanopoulos, that Brazile warned Democrats that they had better “wake up.” It seems that the poll also found that President Trump would beat *president Joey B in a head-to-head matchup in 2024. Of course, that would only be if the election were held today.

And it was Stephy who said, “I can only imagine what it is like inside the White House now, looking at the numbers in our poll this morning.” Brazile said, “I was told I could not send the poll around until after 12 midnight. I sent it out at 12:02 because it kept me up and I thought they should wake up and look at those numbers. You know, it is not the age. I want to be 80 plus just so I can hang out with you.” She added, “It is sobering that the collation that elected Joe Biden with the historic numbers that we saw in 2020, that coalition right now is fragmented. That should concern them.” The only collation that selected Joey was Big Tech, Big Media and the ‘Deep State.'

And she went on to say, “The second thing that should concern them of course is that they are still unable to get a real good strong message to the American people not just beyond the accomplishments but where they want to take the country.” So, what actual accomplishments have there been, exactly? And, I could be wrong, but I think most reasonably intelligent folks already have a pretty firm grasp on where it is that Joey and the Democrats are wanting to take us. And most of us have no interest in wanting to go, or want our children and grandchildren to go, where Joey is wanting to take us! They have heaped all manner of havoc on our country and seek to destroy it!

But then, what do you expect? The man speaks in bumper sticker slogans and platitudes. Screaming MEGA/MAGA and lying about Republicans is really not much of a campaign message. He will not speak about chaos at the border and how inflation is pummeling average Americans every day because those are his failures. His handlers hide him from the press on a daily basis because they know he will be embarrassed. And his campaign is slated to do more of the same. This country in a downward spiral to the depths of Hell and all going down unless this is ended. And it’s in Brazile and Stephy, that we have two lying morons that nobody trusts, not even Democrats.

These people just keep coming back like a bad movie. She’s concerned that Joey is not polling, but Joey never polled. It’s all a game and we all know it. They are in trouble yes, and why? Well, that would be because all races, all colors and all parties are now being made to suffer in this country. Brazile puts out stories like this to get a headline and to stay in the news. She’s about a relevant as Hitlery. I find it rather astonishing and, frankly, rather troubling, that a liar and a cheat like Brazile is still able to find work anywhere in cable or broadcast news. Even if she happens to be right. Of course, the party, if it actually woke up, would steer even further left.

Perhaps Democrats should be a bit more concerned with how their party is being hijacked by the extreme radical left, the *president’s advanced dementia and the insanity of the policies that the party has adopted. They have created an era of insanity and history will prove these times as both destructive and horrible for America. What sanity that might have once been possessed by those in the Democrat Party has slowly but surely been bred out of them. And what sanity there is that remains is further reduced courtesy of or public education system after which the job of erasing every last trace rests with our supposed institutions of ‘higher learning.'

So sure Joey should be popular. People like paying 4+ dollars for a gallon of gas. Just as empty grocery shelves and sky-high prices at the checkout line are going over well with voters. Being shot, robbed, stabbed, raped or murdered on the street in Democrat run cities are making residences feel good too. Grooming and indoctrinating children to be victims of pedophiles, while having parents watched by the FBI is working well too. And fear of their daughter being raped by a boy in a skirt in a restroom is helping a lot. The open border that is bringing in millions of new Democrat voters is a big plus too. And Joey pushes these Democrat policies down our throats.

Those like Brazile and Stephy obviously have only one priority: the Party. They don’t give a crap about what happens to the American people. They care only about keeping their jobs and their prestige, which they get from being “persons of importance” in government. The people suffer from economic decline, from a foreign invasion, from widespread crime and violence, and it all stems from Democrat policies, and Democrat politicians don’t care. They use government to live a royal lifestyle they could not otherwise obtain and to parade their petty vanities for the acclaim and adoration of stupid people. This is all they live for, and we pay for it and suffer under it.

This illustrates what is wrong with their ‘coalition,’ that which has united into the Socialist Democrat Party. They are ONLY concerned with winning. They don’t care what they’re doing to the country. Each segment of the ‘coalition’ has their own pernicious objectives, which when combined is nothing more than a suicide pact for America. Democrats will likely wait until the last possible moment to dump an even more jacked-up candidate on America, one of any number of Democrats who can be counted upon to continue the current course of America’s destruction. And they will work to get them elected with their cheat machine running at full capacity!

The Democrats’ plan to destroy the United States is really nothing new, it was set in motion decades ago. We’re just more aware of it today than ever before because Democrats have become so much more brazen than in the past. This is much more serious than you all think. The 2016 election that brought us Donald Trump, let the monsters know that they needed to work on their massive election fraud machine. It surprised everyone in the media, the Democrat Party, but most of all Hitlery. And when faced with the threat of a repeat in 2020 they made sure to pull out all the stops and made sure their many allies in the ‘fake news’ media were fully onboard.

The only surefire way to defeat the Democrat cheat machine is for Americans to turn out in support of America in numbers that makes it simply impossible for the Democrats to cheat their way to another fraudulent victory. Remember, Democrats never win unless they cheat. Americans must vote as if their freedom and, yes, even as if their very lives and the lives of their children, depended on it. Because it is with each passing day that that seems to be the case. The forces of darkness are busy trying to convince us that they somehow have our best interests at heart when, in fact, it is only their own interests that they are so desperate to advance.

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