

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


Let me start by asking a very basic question, “Why in God’s name is it that Barack Obama (BO) is not now rotting in some federal prison? But look, my point here is not to bring up whether or not BO belongs behind bars, because he most certainly does.  This pathetic piece of shit has done more to single-handedly destroy my country than any other individual in my lifetime. My point here is that it seems that there is nothing BO will not say in his effort to convince anyone who will listen, including some dimwitted ‘journalist,’ that it’s for the sake of the children that we must become more ‘civilized’ when it comes to owning firearms in this country.

It was this past Tuesday during an appearance on “CBS Mornings” in what was yet another attempt to push gun control, that BO argued that the United States was allowing our children’s lives to be at risk because gun ownership has become a partisan issue. Frankly, it’s not the United States that’s allowing our children’s lives to be at risk, it’s the Democrats and their blatant refusal to enforce thousands of gun laws already on the books. Look, if more gun laws were the answer, then Chicago would be the safest city in the country instead of the murder capital of the entire planet. Our children's lives are at risk because of woke liberal policies, not guns.

Host Nate Burelson asked, “Gun violence is the number one cause of death for children in this country. What is the radical solution? And do you believe there is a larger issue at hand that causes fractures among us in this country?” BO said, “We are unique among advanced, developed nations, in tolerating on a routine basis, gun violence in the form of shootings, mass shootings, suicides. You know in Australia you had one mass shooting, 50 years ago, they said we’re not doing that anymore. That is normally how you would expect a society to respond when your children are at risk.” Yes, the socialists want to take away the ability of parents to protect their families.

Burelson asked, “Why is it so hard for us to do that?” And BO responded by saying, “Well look, somehow, and there are a lot of historical reasons for this, gun ownership in this country became an ideological issue and a partisan issue, in ways that it shouldn’t be. It has become sort of a proxy for arguments about our culture wars. Instead of thinking about it in a very pragmatic way, we end up really arguing about identify and emotion and all kinds of stuff that does not have to do with keeping our children safe.” Gun ownership is only seen as being an ideological or partisan issue by Democrats like BO. It’s everyone else who views it as being a CONSTITUTINAL issue.

And BO said, “Even in the absence of action at the federal level you are still seeing communities able to reduce violence by dealing with not just access to guns, but just as importantly, making sure that the young people in these communities feel as if they’ve got somebody who’s paying attention to them. We don’t have room for cynicism and we can’t give up.” More gibberish on the part of BO that makes absolutely no sense. And do we see any amount of serious pushback coming from this clown Burelson? Of course not, because most likely he’s in total agreement with BO. Because only guns are seen as being the problem, not the criminal using the gun.

Look, communism has killed more human beings than every firearm ever made, combined. And BO is a Communist, and a proud Communist at that. The leading cause of death in this country is not guns, it’s the Democrat Party. And they can paint it up any way the like but were there no Democrat Party millions of children would likely never have died before their time. To be perfectly blunt, Democrats hate children. They end life in the womb, starve them after birth, abuse them in some of the most disgusting and perverted manner, they fail at educating them and offer them generational poverty as adults. Yes, Democrat hate children.

BO and his family are all kept safe by men with guns. Yet he has the audacity to criticize a nation of men that will not relinquish their guns. Must be because they don’t care about the children, say the very Democrats responsible for the slaughtering of over 65 MILLION babies over the last 50 years. Democrats are always so concerned about “the children” when it comes to gun regulation, but they’re never the least bit concerned when it comes to abortion, transgender genital mutilation, drag queen hour at elementary schools, child sex trafficking of illegal aliens or any child unfortunate enough to get within arm’s reach of our Pervert-in-Chief old Joey B.

More specifically, children are at risk because of society’s refusal to demand accountability. From the children themselves, from the parents who want to be friends or who can’t be bothered, from local and state governments who refuse to enforce laws and make excuses and yes, from the leftist woke culture that fosters an accountability free myth. The percentage of households with firearms has decreased, but this hasn’t led to fewer gun crimes, but more. Because children are learning from such things as movies and video games. Hunting families instill firearms safety at a very early age and are much more likely to engage the children with education.

The really strange dichotomy in that those like BO see some sort of strength in the urban environment, while we actually see just the opposite. They think they control the urban population, instead a segment of that population has gone feral. Bring back religion, really of any sort, the golden rule, the Ten Commandments, empower the family and demand accountability and guns again become like cars, a tool that CAN BE dangerous if used improperly. It’s those like BO who simply choose to ignore the reasons as to why we have gun violence while they continue to allow criminal illegals to enter the country and defunding police departments all across the nation.

Remove black on black gun violence in the top ten Democrat controlled cities and you wouldn’t have near the level of gun violence that he complains about. But BO doesn’t want to talk about such things. Children’s lives are at stake in gun free zones! If teachers could carry, shootings would be non-existent! Our children’s lives and our lives are at risk due to the Democrat Party’s vile intentions to leave us defenseless at a most dangerous time in our nation’s history, with wide open borders pouring men by the millions into our country who have nothing. Note to BO, supposedly a constitutional lawyer, gun control doesn’t work, criminal control does.

Democrats accomplish nothing more than to encourage bad behavior courtesy of such policies as cashless bail, gun-free zones in concert with soft on crime prosecutors and judges and the refusal to enforce the law or handing down powder puff sentences to hardened felons and a refusal to prosecute criminals. And all brought to you by Democrats just like BO. And all with a specific purpose in mind, that being, of course, to drive the crime rate up and up. If you want less gun crime the solution is a simple one, simply start enforcing the law and put more of the bad guys behind bars. The guns aren’t the problem. The criminals and the Democrats are the problem.

So once again BO is wrong. Children are in danger because Democrats attack the rule of law and use ‘public safety’ as a bargaining chip to erode civil rights. They defund the police and attack cops for just doing their jobs. They praise and martyr those who are nothing more than thugs and they allow criminals roam free even after multiple arrests. That’s what endangers both our children and our neighborhoods. They are the ones attacking God given freedom of speech, freedom of religion, gun rights and all manner of dissent. They encourage their brainless followers to commit violence time and time again. They literally burn stuff down when they don’t get their way.

Democrats destroy the core family with social programs that pays more to single parents than to a complete family and they lower educational standards until our children are graduating being unable to read or write. And they take God out of everything so there is no longer any semblance of moral compass to guide our young people, and then they have the audacity to blame guns when our children start killing each other, and themselves in suicide, over the slightest things. And yet, AND YET, Democrats are still able to somehow find it within themselves to blame everyone but themselves. And they actually think we’re stupid enough to accept their lies.

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