

Tuesday, May 16, 2023


Let me see, how is it that I can delicately put this? Well, try as I might, there is simply no polite way to say what it is that needs to be said, so I’m just going to come right out with it. Our Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, is the personification of all things evil and deserves nothing more than to be swinging at the end of a rope or standing in front of a firing squad, as does just about every other member of this treasonous, and fraudulently installed, administration. I mean here we are with a guy whose only responsibility is to keep our homeland safe and what’s he doing but the complete opposite? This asshole is completely out of control.

It was during an appearance on MSDNC’s “The Sunday Show” that Mayorkas claimed a “rise in white supremacy” was the United States’ greatest domestic terror threat. And yet for decades these leftwing hacks have never been able to point out a single instance of how, when, where or by whom white supremacy has threatened this country. Of course, this clown’s definition of “white supremacy” is whites who don’t vote Democrat or support their agenda. The greatest threat to the U.S. is the Democrat Party, and as they are the original plantation society, hate-centric, race-centric and male-dominated, they are the same supremacists they warn us about.

Host Jonathan Capehart asked, “Today marks one year since white supremacists opened fire in a black neighborhood at the Top Supermarket in Buffalo. The president, yesterday at his commencement address for Howard University graduates, called white supremacy the major domestic terrorist threat in this country. Is that correct?” And Mayorkas said, “It tragically is. And the terrorism context, domestic violent extremism is our greatest threat right now. Individuals are driven to violence because of ideologies of hate, anti-government sentiment, false narratives, personal grievances. Regrettably, we have seen a rise in white supremacy."

And he then went on to say, “The principal under lying our work is that when one community is targeted, Jonathan, when one community is targeted, we as a country are targeted.” Actually, he’s describing Democrats and the projecting of their crimes onto ordinary, law-abiding citizens. They have to manufacture this “white supremacy” false flag narrative because it’s all they have. You can’t steal a man’s reputation, imprison his friends and family on BS charges, slap him in the face, without first calling him a traitor or terrorist when he’s finally had enough and decides to hit you back. If you’re white and conservative, you are a white supremacist.

As far as I’m concerned, Mayorkas can go fuck himself. The greatest threat to this country are people just like him. People who are turning this nation from a Eurocentric bastion of decency and capitalism into some kind of Hispanic-majority dystopia. If those people were so great at creating societies that everybody wanted to live in, then they wouldn’t be migrating to the U.S. by the millions. We didn’t vote for leftists to open the doors and immediately turn the U.S. from a Caucasian nation into a Hispanic one. And people like Mayorkas are doing everything in their power to destroy it. They are traitors of the highest order, and true enemies of the state.

This grossly corrupt administration is doing everything they can to increase the flood of illegals. They’re doing everything they can to “fundamentally transform” this nation into something that it was never meant to be. They’re thumbing their noses at our laws, violating them everywhere you turn. There is no way all their polices are just due to ignorance or incompetence. They’re doing it on purpose to crash the nation, assuming that everyone will then clamor for the Democrats to then fix the things they have broken. And in so doing they can then implement their wet dream of a socialist government with complete control of every aspect of our lives.

Frankly there should be MORE white supremacy in the US. We know for a fact that white civilizations thrive in the world while most brown ones can’t even feed themselves. Of course, I believe in the supremacy of white civilization over the alternatives, and I do it unashamedly. When leftists say white supremacy is a threat, your response should be that white supremacy is the only way we can continue to advance in any meaningful and productive way. They continue to fabricate this “white supremacy” nonsense as a way to suppress dissent. One must be a white supremacist if one resists their fascistic agenda, regardless of what color you may be.

What these leftists suffer from is termed Oikophobia. The irrational need to denigrate one’s own culture. This is what creates self-hating whites that value virtue signaling to appear virtuous over their own self-interest and survival. And remember when the white supremacists were out burning police cars, buildings, and taking over entire sections if cities? Remember when they were swarming convenience stores and clothing stores and running away with merchandise? Remember that it was so bad the authorities decided to let them go? Have you noticed they’re shooting up many of our cities and making it impossible for law-abiding people to live in safety? Me neither!

Contrary to this dolt, Mayorkas, I’ve seen just as many Martians as I’ve seen those who are actual white supremacists. The racist swine of the Democrat Party keep telling me that they are dangerous and plotting to take over, but they must really be good at hiding because I’ve never seen one. Mainly I’ve seen how blatantly anti-white these racist people have become. While their fears are nonsense now, they do seem to have embarked on a path that may bring the fascists of the Democrat Party into conflict with white people. Meanwhile they will continue to try to disarm white people with the excuse that darker people keep shooting each other.

It’s amazing that this man can sit there with his smug look on his face and say our biggest threat is “white supremacy” when our agents on the border have caught approximately 200 known terrorists from other countries as they were trying to cross our border since he and Joey claimed to have “secured” our southern border. And those are just the ones that we know about. What about all of those who managed to get away? This guy is such a liar. He has a face that many would love to smack. Both of his parents are refugees from communist countries. So Mayorkas was literally born for the role that he’s now playing as part of Joey & Co.

Joey said the exact same thing to a graduating class at an historically black college just a few days ago. And with this hack Mayorkas spewing the same drivel it’s clear that this is now the game plan. Flood the nation with of Illegals, and then label any American who dares to speaks out against it as a “white supremacist.” These conniving, calculating, disingenuous Democrats are evil. They’re deliberately screwing the American people in an effort to keep themselves in power. No doubt we’re going to be hearing the term “white supremacy” NONSTOP from now to 2024 to smear those American citizens who dare to speak out against the Democrat agenda.

Anger towards our out-of-control government, or arguments for smaller more fiscally responsible government is not anger that has as its source white supremacy, it’s anger towards the Democrat policies and a leftist, socialist and communistic ideology. And that anger is displayed by honest, hard-working, middle class Americans, that are concerned about the degeneration of our country courtesy of Democrats being extremely soft on crime, and over-abundance of social justice issues and identity politics, which has caused racial animosity to the highest level and well over 50 years and for no reason that to cause chaos which tends to benefit the Democrats.

Democrats are the pinnacle of projection. They are, in fact, demonstrating every act, ideology and in general every negative, detrimental and divisive condition that they continually accuse conservatives of creating or practicing. And they are the perpetrators of the majority, if not all, of those circumstances and conditions. Democrats are, by definition, domestic terrorists. Impeachment and tribunals are in order. I have always loved this country. Watching all of this destruction taking place right in front of our eyes infuriates me. How dare this corrupt collection of radical leftwing scum attempt to destroy this country! WE MUST FIGHT BACK.

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