

Friday, May 12, 2023


Have you ever wondered if there has ever been born a Democrat capable of telling the truth? I mean, for as long as I can remember I’ve been being lied to by Democrats. I’m one of those who are of the opinion that for as long as the Democrat Party has existed it has been chock-full of those incapable of telling the truth, with many developing a real knack for telling some real whoppers. And as the Democrats have moved from operating strictly in the shadows and become more ‘honest’ about their true objectives, as they relate to our country, their willingness to lie has become more than just a little routine. And Democrats will now lie about everything!

And as always, when there is any attempt to point out the true, and dare I say sinister, ulterior motives behind what it is that the Democrats wish to inflict upon this country it’s always met with ridicule by both the Democrats and their minions in the ‘fake news’ media and painted as some sort of conspiracy or nothing but partisan politics. And far too many people accept that. And I’m always disappointed by the eagerness with which so many Americans willingly place limits on their own freedom, and for what? The sooner a majority of Americans realize the Democrats are out to destroy this country, the sooner we’ll be in the position to do something about it.

All of which, of course, brings me to one who has demonstrated on more than a few occasions his unwillingness, as well as his inability, to say anything that even remotely resembles the truth. And that would be the man who is, in all likelihood, the biggest lying piece of shit in all of the U.S. Congress, none other than Hakeem Jeffries. Jeffries, the current minority leader of the United States House of Representatives, actually claimed this past Thursday that Republicans are creating a “fictional argument” around the invasion on the southern border. So apparently all that we’re now seeing on the news is nothing more than a mirage? Whew, I feel better!

And so it was then that just hours before Title 42 was set to expire Jeffries chose to tell his blatant whopper, during a press conference, claiming that Republicans are creating a “fictional argument” about the expected increase of migrants invading the border. Jeffries said, “As is often the case with my extreme MAGA Republican colleagues, they create a fictional argument around what’s happening at the border.” And he then went on to add, “And then actually do nothing to solve the real problem. And that is exactly what the child deportation act is all about.” If it’s anyone creating a fictional argument about anything, that would, of course, be the Democrats.

I mean, seriously, the Democrats are the ones who excel at creating all manner of fictional arguments. Especially when it comes to the economy, about the level of inflation, about our embarrassing exit from Afghanistan, about justifying our continuing to the support for the ongoing war between Russia and the Ukraine, the justification of the grooming of our children, the turning our military into an experiment of wokeness, their continued claim that ‘climate change’ somehow poses the greatest threat that mankind now faces and on and on. So once again the Democrats are the ones actually guilty of what they accuse the Republicans of doing.

So according to this racist prick, Jeffries, the hundreds of thousands of people who are now being encouraged to pour across our southern border are fictional, and yet according to this very same prick the tens of millions of people who we’re supposed to believe voted for Joey are somehow not fictional. Let’s be real, this guy Jeffries is just another low-life, scab-picking, race-baiting Marxist. Jeffries perfectly reflects what it means to be a modern-day Democrat. Yup, we’re all supposed to believe it’s all nothing more than an illusion. Nope, nothing to see here, don’t believe your lying eyes, believe only what we and our ‘fake news’ friends tell you!

This idiot has to realize that we have NEVER had the problem with fentanyl that we have today, until the Democrats, in their effort to gain for themselves millions of new voters, decided to leave our southern border wide open. And what I find so disgusting is the fact that he really doesn’t care, not in the least. But then, he is, after all, a Democrat so once again we see how all of this is less about the country than it is about the party. Because that’s how Democrat view the world. They have a MASSIVE budget just for the illegal scum ridden leaches that infest our country. And the gang crime plus sex trafficking is on the rise. Oh wait! That is a Pedocrat’s dream!

There is nothing “fictional” about what’s happening at the border. Democrats created this catastrophe. The grand electoral scheme of the Democrats is being implemented slowly but surely. As these people get moved around from red state to red state the Democrat hope here is to be able to flip most, if not all, of those states to blue. Once these illegals are in place Democrats, as well as more than a few RINOs, will then start laying the seed work for why, in five years or so, these people here illegally should be GIVEN the right to vote in the next election because they do the work that Americans don't want to do. It’s coming, that is the end goal, and it’s not fictional.

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