

Saturday, May 13, 2023


So what is it, exactly, about Democrats that has them thinking that the Constitution applies to everyone but themselves? That they can essentially rule unilaterally regardless and do whatever it is that they want. And why, exactly, do Democrat lawmakers who have never had a real job, claim to be experts when it comes to how best to run the economy? And wasn’t Hitlery who once said that the economy always does better when there is a Democrat in the White House? What a bunch of BS ‘that’ is! And as we’ve seen so many times before, Democrats, not a single one, cares about what’s best for our country, they care only about what’s best for them and their party.

And so it was during yet another appearance on MSDNC, just this past Thursday on MSDNC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” that James Clyburn, Democrat, argued that *president Joey Biden should use the 14th Amendment to raise the debt limit unilaterally if the House — which has passed a bill to raise the debt limit — “will not act” and “refuses to do its job.” And that he believes that “if things can get done by executive order — and then let them play out in the courts.” This lying piece of shit, as is usually the case, has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about. Clyburn has just declared himself unfit for office by his betrayal of his oath to the Constitution.

Host Andrea Mitchell asked, “In 2011, you were one of several Democrats urging then-President Obama to invoke the 14th Amendment during that debt limit crisis. Should that option now be on the table?” Clyburn answered, “Yes, I think so. The President is responsible for making sure that the full faith and credit of the United States is not jeopardized. And if Congress will not act — in this instance, the House of Representatives — maybe he should take the actions that are necessary. As you know, I am a big proponent of executive authority. I stand here in the House because of an executive order, the Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order."

And this moron went on to say, “Integrating the armed services [was] an executive order. And so, I do believe that if things can get done by executive order — and then let them play out in the courts. So, I would hope that the President will take executive action if the House refuses to do its job.” So was this racist imbecile not paying attention, the Republican House did act. This racist old bigot is just pissed that they chose not to cave, yet, as they usually do and hand to the Democrats exactly what they wanted. The Republican House has done its work, it’s the Democrat Senate and Executive Branch, has not! All they’ve done is to whine and make threats!

The House has acted and Jimmy’s party has no interest in cutting spending which in turn reduces the wealth redistribution and back door reparations that may have ab adverse effect on those who, for whatever the reason, continue to vote for those like Jimmy and every other scumbag Democrat. So, instead of getting off the collective dead ass and actually negotiate so perhaps everyone gets a little of what they want, and at the same time the country isn’t needlessly pushed a little closer to the precipice, what it is that Jimmy is now calling for? Well he say we need to abandon the process and abandon the Constitution and Joey should just make it happen!

Democrats simply want to continue the out-of-control spending and skyrocketing debt. That doesn’t mean the process is abandoned because you don’t get what you want. Typical of Democrats, if they don’t’ get their way they steal the marbles and wait to see if things catch up with them. Absolutely no respect for our Constitution, the rule of law or for people of goodwill. Isn’t it about time that the Democrat Party is finally exposed for what it is? A power-hungry bunch of spoiled politicians with no principles or interest in the well-being of our country. Once again Clyburn proves he’s the perfect ‘Swamp Creature.’ Been living large from a ‘job’ he’s had forever.

Clyburn is but one of the many examples for why term limits are needed. The President DOES NOT have that authority. Knowing the Constitution is obviously not a requirement to be an elected official, or a Democrat. Clyburn doesn’t ‘work’ for a living, he really never has. He does nothing but talk nonsense and drivel and does nothing but lie. He’s really saying raise the debt ceiling, so my constituents don’t have to work either, just give them what they demand, the white man will pay for it. Presidents are not Kings, despite the fact the Democrats tend to view themselves as such. And it’s the House of Representatives that decides the federal budget.

Clyburn is the scum of the scum. Once again, we see the hatred that Democrats have for the country, the Constitution and the rule of law. On a good day this man is only qualified to sell pencil on some street corner somewhere. Perhaps somebody needs to provide the entire Congressional Black Caucus with copies of our Constitution because they’re unable to comprehend their oaths of office. And it’s whenever the Democrats don’t get their way they begin looking for some loophole to exploit. Once they find it, they will exploit it like a glory hole! Aren’t we supposed to be a shining example of how Democracy works? Efficient dictatorship must be really appealing.

Like all radical leftwing Democrats, Clyburn believes that Democrat Presidents should be all powerful and allowed to do whatever they want regardless of the Constitution. I wonder if Clyburn has ever even read the Constitution or, if he has read it, has he the mental capacity to understand what he was reading. Why is it that nearly all radical leftwing Democrats hate the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights, the First and Second Amendments in particular? Clyburn apparently thinks a president can unconstitutionally ignore laws and do whatever he wants. Congress and Congress alone controls spending and the power of the purse, not the Executive Branch.

And when was the last time that Democrats felt the need to negotiate anything? They are simply to make demands and to have those demands granted, or the opposition are behaving as nothing more than obstructionist. Republicans are the ones who must always be expected to “meet in the middle.” Democrats vote in lockstep, always against Republicans. Democrats do not govern, they merely rule. By all means, Joey should simply choose to ignore the Constitution and move on as if it doesn’t exist. Joey has been trying to do that for two years. If not for the Supreme Court curb-stomping his illegal executive orders we’d be escaping America by now.

The president’s primary responsibility is to protect American citizens and, while I’m sure Clyburn will disagree, it is on that task that Joey has failed and rather spectacularly so, with his ridiculous non-enforcement and/or total abandonment of our boarder policies. The fact that the financial decisions of our country are made by the legislative branch seems to make no difference to this Marxist zombie. The greatest threat this country now faces comes not from some foreign adversary, but from those right here in our own country, those like Clyburn. Our children’s future is already going to be very different than our past, how much more will we tolerate?

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