

Tuesday, May 9, 2023


I’m sure you’ve noticed that every time we have some shooting take place in this country it’s almost immediately that we have a herd of know-nothing do-gooders start making claims about how it’s somehow all the fault of we law-abiding gun owners. Most recently it was one of those who likely knows the least of what it is that he’s talking about that threw in his two cents. It was none other than Jerry Rivers, aka Geraldo Rivera, who felt it necessary to let fly with another of his trademark, and quite pointless, rants which may have been nothing more than an attempt on his part to escape the fate of his former ‘Fox News’ colleague, Tucker Carlson.

But whereas Tucker is clearly a man of principle, this guy Jerry is, and pretty much always has been, nothing more than a joke. He rarely, if ever, makes even a lick of sense and will say whatever he feels he must to attract even the slightest amount of attention to himself. And, as expected, Jerry recent let fly with one of his less than brilliant commentaries regarding the Allen, Texas, outlet mall attack by actually suggesting that politicians who pose with AR-15s should also pose with dead bodies. Is that not classic Jerry? Maybe Jerry should go stand with the dead bodies of citizens who weren’t allowed to defend themselves due to policies that he has promoted.

Now of course, it’s by that same logic that perhaps we should demand that those Democrats who advocate for open border policies should be made to pose with the 10,000+ innocent American men, women, and children who have been murdered and raped by the same illegal invaders who they have essentially invited here. Or perhaps how about some photos of our open border politicians posing near the mountain bodies of all the Fentanyl victims? Or the remains of would-be illegal immigrants who have gotten killed by the cartels? Oh, and I notice that I’ve never seen Jerry say that politicians who support abortion should pose next to the millions of dead babies.

And it’s those Democrats who continue to call for private guns to be outlawed who should pose with corpses and mangled, burnt, raped, sexually abused men, women and children who are victims of criminals in our largest Democrat run cities! Chicago, home of some of the strictest gun laws in the country, has a huge death toll every month. And it’s those talking heads and politicians who support DAs like George Gascon and Alvin Bragg that should have their picture taken with a list of all the names of the victims of those who are brutalized by those criminals that were released prematurely by the aforementioned district attorneys and they’re ilk.

Jerry, more times than not, anymore merely babbles emotional nonsense like, “they should pose for pictures” before he drops some names of the famous people he hangs out with while proclaiming he’s just a everyday kinda guy, don’t you know. This hack needs to retire. I really don’t understand the thinking of the Fox management. They fire Tucker and let a lunatic like Jerry stay on. No wonder their ratings are plummeting. But then, it’s not really about ratings anymore, it’s about using ‘Fox News’ as a weapon to keep President Trump from winning. After expending so much political capital to steal 2020 and 2022, they can’t allow President Trump win in 2024.

Democrats, like Jerry, have been using the caskets and graves of dead children and other gun violence victims as their speaking platform for gun control/confiscation beliefs for decades. While using the of murder victims is a very low brow tactic, it shouldn’t come as a surprise. An estimated 3,446 blacks were lynched by Democrats between 1882 and 1968. Blacks killed by the Democrat defund the police crime wave in the U.S. surpass that number every six months. Added to the Democrat laissez faire attitude toward violent crime is causing the mass murder of blacks. Democrat policies have made life more deadly for blacks than at any time in U.S. history.

The Left is in their final stages of destroying our republic. The one thing left standing in their way is the over 400 million firearms and 5 trillion rounds in private hands. They’re bound and determined to take them away any way they can. I used to think their plans could never bear fruit until I saw how the Left is replacing patriots with lunatics, freaks and child molesters throughout the military. This new military will have no qualms about shooting citizens in violation of the law because their oath to the Constitution is worthless. The Second Amendment isn’t just about defense against a tyrannical government, it’s about defense of one’s home and family.

Democrat prosecutors in our Democrat controlled big cities reduce violent felonies to misdemeanors and violent thugs are put back out on the street. The man who died on the subway in New York City had been arrested 40 times and was released every time. He was known to be violent and known to be severely mentally ill but he was allowed to roam the streets and subways at will. But then that’s all part of the Democrats’ master plan. Allow the violence to continue or to get worse so it can then be used to impact the ability of law-abiding citizens to own a gun. And it is this sort of logic that those like Jerry adhere to and work to promote. Jerry is a menace.

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