

Thursday, May 18, 2023


So riddle me this, how many trillions of dollars have been spent over the course of the last 60 years both as a result of very generous social welfare programs, and to cover the cost of damage done in so many of our big cities by rampaging blacks who destroy private property, loot and commit all other forms of generally bad behavior. And what if all that money had never had to have been spent, would our national debt be as enormous as it is today? And what sort of return is it that we have gotten on those trillions of dollars spent? That would, of course, be zero. And yet there are demands that we spend even more to compensate for a practice that ended nearly 160 years ago.

One of those making such demands for compensation in the form of reparations for slavery is Cori Bush, Democrat from Missouri, and member of the far-left “Squad” in Congress. It was just this past Wednesday that Bush introduced legislation that would provide a federal reparations program for black Americans. And in so doing Bush introduces a level of stupidity that has never before been seen in the U.S. House of Representatives, Hank Johnson notwithstanding. The draft of the resolution claims the U.S. “has a moral and legal obligation to provide reparations for the enslavement of Africans and its lasting harm on the lives of millions of Black people” in the country.

The resolution further calls for $14 trillion to be distributed to American blacks in an effort to close what’s referred to as being the racial wealth gap. This entire concept is nothing if not beyond ridiculous. It was in a recent interview that Bush said, “The only way we get closer to [reparations] is if we start putting forward those bills that speak to it and are very clear about what reparations could look like.” Reparations packages have been introduced in Congress going back to 1989 Rep. John Conyers, another black Democrat, and later by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, also a bla, neither of which passed. Bush’s resolution would likely face the same fate.

Blacks lived alone in Africa, a vast continent with temperate climates and abundant resources for centuries, so they cannot blame racism, colonialism, culture, environment, or anything else for their failures. No modern creations or civilization exists in sub-Saharan Africa that was not brought there by Whites. There are no White Third-World nations, but all 19 of the 20 poorest countries are sub-Saharan African plus Haiti. Put Whites on an island and you get England; put Asians on an island and you get Japan; put Blacks on an island and you get Haiti. Blacks are universally viewed as being unproductive and disruptive to society. It’s just that simple.

The Democrat Party has destroyed Black America. The Democrats are guilty of genocide against black America in the form of abortion. Democrats destroyed the nuclear family and 70 percent of all black babies are born to single black women. Democrats destroyed the inner-city school systems, and the graduation rate is abysmal and the education, or lack of, is stunning. Democrats created a cradle to grave generational welfare state that keeps black people down because they don’t have the skills or education to find work to get completely out of the system. So, if they try to work, it’s for every 1 dollar they earn that they lose 3 dollars in benefits.

Black America needs to understand that the Democrat Party hates them, but they need their votes. Democrats formed the Confederacy to keep slavery intact. Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan and enacted Jim Crow laws. And it was the Democrats who filibustered the Civil Rights Amendment. If reparations are coming, the Democrats will pay for it. You can get rid of the Confederate flag and all their statues, but the racist party still exists and continues to make life miserable for those in the black community. Dependency on the government is a form of slavery. I just don’t understand those blacks who are members of the Democrat Party.

Personally speaking, I would argue that when you consider the amount of money that blacks have already received, wouldn’t it be safe to assume that they have already been paid in full, plus interest, when it comes to anything that they might be owed. And hindsight being what it is, imagine how much better off this country would be, on just about every level, if blacks had never been brought to this country in the first place, or if we would have been a bit more selective regarding which blacks were actually allowed entry. Just as a for instance how much safer would any of our big cities be today if not overrun by blacks? And would Democrats be in charge of them?

Reparations actually are not about slavery from 150 years ago. Reparations are about black failure and dysfunction today. If blacks were doing as well as the Irish or the Asians this wouldn't even be an issue, but blacks are a total mess by every metric they are at the bottom of the barrel. It’s just a fact of life. The blame for black failure must be pinned on someone, but we can’t even discuss the faults, limitations, and pathological behaviors of blacks because racism is the great heresy of our modern age. The window of opportunity for reparations passed when the last person who had actually been a slave died. Those who want them now are just lazy freeloaders.

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