

Monday, May 15, 2023


Spend any amount of time listening, I mean really listening, to Democrats badmouthing Republicans and you will very quickly realize that they’re really talking about themselves. And they actually think we won’t catch on because we’re simply too stupid. And it matters not the subject they may be discussing. Most recently, the topic of conversation was the debacle at our southern border which is actually one of their own making but one they insist upon blaming on the Republicans. Granted, Republicans are not blameless, there was much that congressional Republicans could have done while President Trump was in office, but they chose not to.

But blame for the ongoing fiasco that is now taking place rests solely with the Democrats. It’s they who have thrown open the doors in the attempt to gain for themselves an army of new voters. And yet Democrats, like Chris Murphy, either seem oblivious to, or have chosen to ignore, the role that their party has played, and continues to play, in endangering the lives of millions of Americans for what are clearly political purposes. And it was Murphy who, during an appearance this past Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” said that the “majority” of Republicans delight in chaos at the U.S.-Mexico border because they believe it helps them politically.

Murphy said, “Republicans have had multiple opportunities to come to the table and pass immigration reform that would fix the problem at the border. My belief is while you have a small group of Republicans who want to engage, the majority of that party delights at chaos at the border. You saw some of my colleagues on Tuesday rush down to the border to take smiling photographs with the Border Patrol, essentially celebrating the fact that there was chaos because they believe there’s political gain to be had.” He said, “I think Americans know it’s Republicans the, not Democrats sitting on the sidelines when it comes to fixing our broken immigration system."

And it was faux journalist Chucky Todd who said, “Are you supportive of reinstating Title 42?” And this genius Murphy responded saying, “I’m not because that pushes the problem down the line and that gives you one or two more years of individuals being denied entry. Whenever Title 42 is lifted, you will have the temporary problem of massive numbers of new people at the border. By the way, Republicans have been castigating the president for not lifting COVID restrictions fast enough. The only COVID restrictions they seem to want to keep in place is the ones that keeps people that don’t look like them from coming into the United States."

So we have yet another example of lying and projection from Murphy. Only morons are deceived by Democrats now. We have never needed “immigration reform,” that’s just a liberal crock. We simply need to reinstate President Trump’s effective polices that Joey chose throw out so he could then implement his own crackpot ideologies that violate immigration laws so that they could promote sex trafficking of both women a children, increase drug-trafficking and the import of fentanyl into the U.S., and increase cartel power in both the U.S. and Mexico and boost Democrat political schemes to benefit their corrupt party and destroy constitutional America.

Murphy, another Democrat who unable to explain why his *president is choosing to allow millions of illegals into our country. And yet, most every conservative can very easily do so. It’s because it’s what the Democrats want. And this idiot Murphy is all in on the chaos, the crime and the anti-Americanism. Most Americans are more than a little nervous about this ongoing invasion. I haven't seen anyone truly delighted in it except just about every leftist lowlife Democrat that I see. And most Americans find absolutely no delight in having to pay trillions upon trillions of their money for these illegals invading our country because of his party’s *president’s open border policy.

There are only 5,000 ICE Removal agents to cover all fifty states. The invaders must be arrested and removed which is, granted, a very formidable task. Perhaps a more effective use of the available agents would be to crack down hard on those who enable them. There should be huge fines and lengthy, mandatory, jail time for anyone who provides employment, shelter, or any other support for illegals, other than a bus ticket back across the border. Make it impossible for illegals to survive in this country and encourage them to self-deport. It is that that has always made the most sense, punish those who give these people ANY kind of employment!

It takes a special kind of “Asshole” to blame Republicans for a problem created wholly by Joey and his Democrat lackeys! The divide is NOT between Republicans and Democrats, it’s between Americans and Marxists!! Murphy needs to give up the bad Republican, good Democrat routine. The only thing the Democrat will support in the way of “immigration reform” is open borders. Reform is just amnesty written in Democrat code. If you let everyone into the country without consequences, then there is no problem. It’s just like the way leftwing DAs handle criminals. No bond, no charges, no problem. Crime rates plummet when nothing is considered a crime.

But with all of the talk about how our immigration system is so badly broken, in truth our immigration system is not broken! As is the case when it comes to the supposed need for more gun laws, the same can be said regarding the need for more immigration laws. All that needs to be done is to enforce the thousands of laws that are already on the books. And don’t blame Republicans when the Democrats chose to do nothing in all the years they were in complete control of our government. You take the same approach with gun control. Choosing not to enforce current laws does not create some requirement for new and more restrictive laws. It ain’t rocket science!

And while we’re on the subject, Title 42 ‘SHOULD NOT’ be the sole reason to block entry into this country. Existing laws are reason enough. Existing laws should have ALWAYS been enforced, but they simply weren’t. I remember President Trump trying to fix this mess and Democrats opposing him every step of the way. I remember wanting this fixed for my entire life and watching as ‘gangs’ of pathetic RINOs were so eager to work with Democrats in an attempt to force amnesty down the throat of the American people. Democrats had many opportunities to come to the table with President Trump to engage in immigration reform. They refused every time.

Such a disingenuous piece of shit this guy Murphy is. The border issue could have long ago been solved had the Democrats allowed for the construction of the border wall, instead of telling us it was too expensive and too ineffective. The flow of illegals was down to a trickle under President Trump and has returned to a massive flow with Joey’s decision to reverse President Trump’s policies. The people lining up at the border for entry are not asylum seekers and should be turned around. The Democrats are the ones who want this issue, they must because they have failed to address it in any meaningful way. Including a bill currently passed in the House already this year.

Murphy does not understand Republicans. Unlike Democrats, Republicans minus the RINOs that we’re forced to contend with, can see the problems generated by open borders. We understand the financial and social burden that these illegals will place on taxpayers and government agencies. Unlike Democrats, Republicans work and are in the tax brackets that pay the vast majority of taxes. Democrats comprise the vast majority of people who get all the ‘free stuff’ and are basically exempt from paying taxes because of their low wage earnings. Republicans understand that our ‘open borders’ are destroying our country. We are not delighted watching this happen.

Under the Democrats’ conception of fairness and compassion the only fair thing to dois for the U.S. to throw open its border and accept the resulting disruption and strains resulting from an excessively high migration into the U.S. with no control and with no skill sets being possessed by the newly arrived immigrants. These new arrivals are not expected to understand our cultural norms nor are they expected to assimilate. Our society is under assault by millions of people, the vast majority of whom possess no particular skillset. We’ve taken in far too many illegals over the past two years, far too many to ever be absorbed into our culture, even if they wanted to.

We all know that it’s the Democrats who have absolutely no intention of closing the border, so it will have to be up to the American people, at least those interested in saving the country, to do what they can to replace them with MAGA type Republicans in 2024! In the meantime, remove the incentives for coming here. No eligibility for citizenship for them, or their babies born here, no free housing, healthcare or food. Substantially increase import duties on Mexico until they finally see that we are serious close their entries to the illegals coming to the border. There is an easy fix here to our “broken” system, what’s missing is the desire to do something about it!

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