

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Well it would seem that once again we will get to find out just what the priorities of American women really are. Will it be their ability to obtain an abortion, or free birth control that remains the most important issue for women, or is it commonsense that will prevail this time around with the most important issue being their ability to find a job? Personally, I’m not holding out for commonsense to make much of an appearance. I’ve never really been able to understand how so many intelligent women could go so absolutely stupid upon entering the voting booth.

So rumor has it that Democrats are now busily strategizing on how they can best get women to the polls this November, postulating that the fairer sex may be the party's best hope of saving it from near total decimation in November. While acknowledging that there is little hope of Democrats doing well enough to gain control of the House, pundits and pollsters alike believe there is a strong likelihood that the GOP may well win back the Senate. And the party leaders are hoping that women may be just the ticket, allowing the party to limit the damage.

Anyway, the supposed plan that Democrats will attempt to activate is one that has them doing their best to: recruit female candidates in competitive districts, craft a message that the GOP is anti-woman, and use technology to target unmarried women in an effort to get them to the polls for the midterms. Female Democrats have always struck me in much the same way that black Democrats do. These people lie unabashedly to those like them, and for no other reason than to convince them to vote against that which is in their own best interest. It’s all really quite bizarre.

It was the Wall Street Journal which has reported that combining all Wall Street Journal/NBC News polls conducted in 2014, 49 percent of women prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress, compared with men, who prefer, by 13 points, a Congress controlled by the GOP. College-educated white women, who the Journal characterizes as "stalwarts of the party", tilt even more toward Democrats and are also more reliable to make it to the polls. But winning their votes in the current political climate may be more than an uphill battle.

Apparently white women are unhappy with Barry's economic record with 58 percent saying they disapprove of his performance in the economy and by a 3-point margin, 46 percent to 43 percent, have said this year that they prefer a Congress controlled by Republicans to come out of this year's election. Also, older white women lean more Republican than do younger women. It would seem that with age and responsibilities, comes a little wisdom. That and perhaps the ability to easily recognize just which party it is that’s truly waging a war on women.

As things appear right now, House Democrats plan on taking a page from Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe's victory last year, a win credited primarily to women voters, who supported him by 9 points over the Republican candidate, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli. Unmarried women, or I guess those who prefer to spend their days flat on their back, instead of working to support themselves, supported McAuliffe at an even larger margin, 67 percent to 25 percent. So once again we were witness to the self-destructive priorities of many women.

Meanwhile those of us fighting to save our country may, yet again, be forced to deal with a bunch of brain-dead females whose primary purpose in life appears being able to continue on their search for that ever elusive, perfect orgasm. After all, that’s just oh so much more important that protecting our country for future generations. Right? I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong. If the country’s already lost, why bother trying to save it. Why not join those on their search for that perfect orgasm. Maybe there’ll be some stragglers to be had. Just kidding!

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