

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I’m pretty sure that if there is one thing on which we can all agree, it’s that Democrat Elijah Cummings simply has not got the brains of your very average ice cube. I mean when one first meets the congressman it’s assumed that he simply can’t be as stupid as he looks. But as soon as he opens his big mouth, all doubt immediately evaporates. As proof of that we need look no further that how it was that this boob recently ramped up his feud with House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa by accusing him of "going rogue."

During an appearance on that Al Sharpton’s rating juggernaut ‘Politics Nation’ on MSNBC, Cummings said, "I actually believe that Chairman Issa is out of control." He then went on to add, "I think he’s going rogue." Cummings lashed out at the California Republican over his decision to subpoena Secretary of State John Kerry-Heinz to testify before the committee, even though Hitlery Clinton was head of the State Department at the time of the attack on the Libya mission in Benghazi back in September of 2012.

Cummings, who is the ranking Democrat on the committee, and is one of those pro-Hitlery folks who have been assigned the task of trying to sabotage the House special select committee on Benghazi, called Issa’s subpoena for Kerry-Heinz to appear in June "very, very political." Whoa, now wait a minute here, ain’t that the pot calling the kettle black. A Democrat actually accusing someone of doing something that is based solely on politics. Like old E-Lie-Jah would never be caught doing such a terrible thing. Frankly I like it when we play the game their way.

Cummings’ confrontations with Issa began last year when the chairman said that Cummings had made some "extreme and reckless" comments by stating that the IRS targeting of conservatives groups was a closed case. The feud turned rather ugly in March when Issa cut off Cummings’ microphone after a heated hearing with former IRS official Lois Lerner over the scandal. But his whining came to be seen for what it was after it was discovered that old E-Lie-Jah may have played a more ‘active role’ in this particular scandal than he was willing to let on.

You’re not likely to find another guy who is as pathetic as old Elijah. He’s another one of those black politicians who have no problem, whatsoever, with selling their people out in exchange for a little political power. And yet the majority of blacks in this country continue to be too stupid to see who it is that’s really screwing them over. These people still believe whatever garbage it is they’re told by scumbags like Cummings, especially about how it is that they are somehow the victims of a racially unjust society.

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