

Friday, May 9, 2014


Words can never even begin to describe how deeply touched I am that there now appears to be so many Democrats who seem to be so concerned about what political fortunes may, or may not, lie in store for the Republican Party. I simply had no idea that they cared so much. First we heard from Chuckie Schumer who, you must admit, did his best to warn us. He said that if we know what’s good for us we’ll expedite the granting of amnesty to those 11 Million immigrants in this country illegally so that they can then run right out and register as Democrats. And if we don’t do as he says, Chuckie said, we risk becoming the minority party for decades. So politics should trump everything?

And then, who else should come crawling out of the manure pile to offer some friendly advice but none other than that senile old fart Charlie Rangel, who just yesterday suggested it is political folly for Republicans to launch a special investigation into the terror attacks in Benghazi in an election year. So I guess, if I’m understanding Charlie correctly, we should just turn our backs on those men that Barry left to be slaughtered at the hands of his Muslim brothers. Old Charlie said, "I think it's tragic that the Republican Party would destroy itself in 2016 by not having one issue that the American people believe should be a priority." His deep concern brings a tear to my one good eye.

Rangel said, "I don't think people, Americans, Democratic or Republicans, are going to lose sleep over Benghazi. And I really think that they're concerned about the economy and jobs and immigration. What I'm talking about is, is that if the Democrats are the only ones standing on their feet in 2016, America has lost." If that is in fact true, and most Americans do feel that way, then this country truly has lost its soul. Now I have no doubt that’s how most, if not all, Democrats feel, but I have to think that most patriotic Americans are tired of all the lies and are interested in finding out exactly why it was that four of their fellow Americans were left to die that night.

Rangel made the idiotic claim that he simply doesn't want to see Republicans "destroy themselves," because "I don't want to be an American with just one party." Ok, so just who is it that this pathetic old boob thinks he’s kidding? And then in taking things a step further, in referencing the select committee to be set up to find the truth about the Benghazi attack, this sorry sack of shit also advised Democrats against "participating in a farce." Actually, and old Charlie should know this, farce is what would far more accurately describe everything that has been done by Barry & Co. in their continuing effort to hide the truth. We know little more today than we did on that fateful night.

Rangel noted that Rep. Darrell Issa's Oversight Committee "has had all of these hours and days and weeks and months investigating this, that now you`re saying you have no confidence in him, so you have to bring in a new member to head up a new committee to find the answers?" Actually that’s not quite an accurate assessment of things. Because what we’re saying here is that Charlie’s buddy, Barry, along with his corrupt little team of malcontents over there at the White House, has yet to provide much in the way of what has been asked for. They continue to be far more interested in protecting themselves than they are in telling the American people the truth. Which is actually pretty typical for this corrupt administration.

So it was then that the House voted 232-186 on Thursday to establish a special committee to investigate the various failures associated with the Benghazi attack. The Associated Press noted: "Seven Democrats, many facing tough re-election campaigns, broke ranks and joined Republicans in supporting the probe." But it was the botox queen, Nancy Pelosi, who tweeted on Thursday that Republicans have "failed to ensure a fair Benghazi committee by refusing to give Ds (Democrats) an equal voice. America deserves better than another partisan review." The select committee will have two more Republicans than Democrats, which is simply standard practice.

So let’s just say, for the sake of argument, that Chuckie and Charlie are correct in what they say. That by choosing to pursue this matter we risk future elections. The bottom line here is that four Americans were left to die. And as of yet no one has been held to account. One of the major players in the entire fiasco, Hitlery Clinton, says that she is quite content with what has occurred since that night and has also made it quite clear that there is virtually no difference whether those men died because of some bogus video, or because what occurred that night was a bona fide terrorist attack. And even after having made such a declaration she somehow thinks she’s still worthy of being president?

So as a party, what should our priorities be? If we do nothing but turn our backs on those four men and their families, then by default we become no better than the Democrats. We are the ones who are supposed to love this country, we are the ones who support those who volunteer to fight for it. We owe them to find out what happened that night, it’s the only way we have to repay them, in any meaningful way, for their ultimate sacrifice. It’s bad enough that they were left to die, but it would be even worse if we were to simply turn our backs when we could have found out why. Men like Chuckie and Charlie, as well as Barry "Almighty", are truly disgusting. And I pray that they all come to rot in Hell for all of eternity.

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