

Thursday, May 8, 2014


What has happened to that which was once so proudly referred to as, "the American spirit?" Are we able to put our finger on the cause of its apparent demise? Has it been bred out of us, has it been brainwashed out of us or, has it become diluted to the point where it now no longer exists? How is it that so many of us have become so willing to allow our government, a bunch of faceless and nameless bureaucrats hundreds or even thousands of miles ways from us, to dictate how it is that we spend our lives?

There is just something fundamentally un-American in our allowing that to happen. And yet most of those I’m around every single day just continue on as if everything is just as it should be. BUT IT’S NOT! Have we all become so focused on our own lives that we simply no longer have the time to pay any amount of attention to what is going on beyond the confines of our daily existence? We need to make time! We must make a conscious effort to force ourselves to become more vigilant. We simply cannot afford not to!

I guess I can understand why the blacks in this country don’t seem to mind what’s taking place in our country. I suppose after years of some pretty intense brainwashing they now see it as their chance to gain some level of revenge on those whom they have been told are the ones to blame for they’re being ‘forced’ to live poverty. Oddly enough, though, if blacks in this country were truly interested in discovering those responsible for their plight, they would really need look no further than the nearest mirror. But I digress.

There has been much talk about this fall’s election. About how the Republican Party stands to makes its biggest gains in over 20 years. Ok, suppose that does in fact happen, how much of a ‘real’ difference in things is that likely to make? I mean in the big scheme of things? We now have in this country a near majority of those who seem to possess the mentality, regardless how they came by it, that America must somehow be made better, more fair. Because the rich are to be blamed for the plight of the poor.

But what is overlooked, oft-times, is the fact that it’s in no other country on the planet that one, still even today, has been blessed with the opportunities that exist here in this country. If one is only willing to work, and to make good choices, the rewards can be nearly limitless. And yet, there seems to be a near prevailing opinion that the rights of the individual come secondary to the dictates of the government. That the government is simply better equipped to make for us the tough decisions that we are all forced to make every day.

If there is to be any hope of us being able to save our country, it’s going to take all of us, every single one of us, working together and all doing what we know in our heart is the right thing to do. But, frankly, I’m just not sure that enough of us are up to the task. Especially when we have politicians who seem quite determined, and who have achieved much success, in their effort to keep us all fighting with one another, instead of against them. Only time will tell I suppose, but it’s very obvious that we’re running out of time.

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