

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Old Nancy Pelosi must think we’re all pretty darn stupid. Because while she likes to claim that the Republicans' ongoing focus on the investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attack is a "diversion, subterfuge," she is also of the opinion that the GOP should shift its attention onto other issues. "Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi," Pelosi told reporters on Thursday. She went on to ask no one in particular, "Why aren't we talking about something else?" Because, Nancy, Barry lied, and four Americans died!

Now call me silly if you wish, but imagine if you can, just for a second, what Pelosi might now be saying if what transpired back on September 11, 2012 had occurred on the watch of George W. Bush. Would Ms. Pelosi be as nonchalant about the entire matter as she is now with Barry being the one in the Oval Office? Or for that matter would our state-controlled media be so willing to overlook the entire matter if ANY Republican was president? I think that would be a big no, on both counts.

Ms. Pelosi’s rather idiotic comments came just days after emails emerged that made very clear that it was a senior White House official who had advised then-National Security Adviser Susan Rice to blame a spontaneous protest from a YouTube video for the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya. This even though transcripts have since been revealed showing that senior defense officials had informed the administration on the very night of the event that the assault was a terrorist attack.

"If you all want to sit around and talk about Benghazi you can sit around and talk about Benghazi," Pelosi added. "The fact is that a subterfuge and they don't want to talk about jobs, growth, immigration reform, voting rights, you name it." The hypocrisy here should be obvious to anyone. Does she really expect us to believe that if the shoe were on the other foot that she would be want to be talking about such things as jobs, growth, immigration reform or voting rights? I seriously, seriously doubt it.

This is the kind of crap that really pisses me off. Pelosi knows full well that if it was Bush, or any Republican, who was involved here, she would d be relentless in trying to score as many political points as she possibly could. Not that she would care, just as she doesn’t now, that four Americans were butchered by these animals, only that she would be able to use those deaths in her effort to smear the opposition. She’s just another America-hating Democrat, drunk on her own political power.

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