

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Well, it would seem that it’s not only those of us on right who are unsure of where old Hitlery may stand on many of today’s important issues, but it would appear that there are also many on the left who are more than a little unsure themselves. Because while her supporters are more than a little enthusiastic about the prospects of her making another run at the Oval Office, many of them, in public as well as in private, admit that they're not quite sure where it is that she stands on many of their core issues. But knowing the old girl like we do, I think we can safely guess what her positions may be.

One those expressing concern is a guy by the name of Charles Chamberlain, executive director of some outfit by the name of Democracy For America. He said, "We're waiting with bated breath to see if she runs and, assuming she's going to run, what will these positions be." He went on to say, "Right now, we have no sense of where she's going to be." It’s Chamberlain's group, which was founded by Howard ‘The Screamer’ Dean, along with a few other progressive organizations, saying they're concerned about Hitlery's stand on the Keystone XL pipeline and immigration, among other issues.

And it was in making note of Hitlery’s rather close ties to Wall Street and her six years spent, although decades ago, on the board of WalmarChamberlain that Mr. Chamberlain said, "I think there's a lot of concern in the progressive community about where she stands on income inequality." He then went on to say, "We're all wondering, has Hillary evolved? Now that’s a rather interesting way to describe things. I guess that’s what Barry did on the issue of gay marriage, he evolved. I think we all are able to recognize the fact that ‘evolving’ it’s just another way to say, pandering for votes.

And it was earlier this month that 30 environmental groups joined in sending Hitlery a letter asking her to, of all things, oppose the Keystone XL project. And it was Bill Snape, senior counsel at a group that identifies itself as the Center for Biological Diversity, one of the groups that signed that afore mentioned letter who said, "I think she's been conveniently coy on Keystone. We'd like her to be much more definitively against the project." While it was Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, who said liberal groups like his "expect to hear where every candidate stands on income inequality."

Hitlery's new book, "Hard Choices," will, we’re told, lay out where she stands on many of the issues, or so says Seth Bringman, communications director for the Ready For Hillary super PAC. This boob went on to say, "As she gets out there more, when the book comes out and as she campaigns for 2014 candidates, we're going to continue to amplify her message." Another Hitlery fan is someone by the name of Bill Burton, one of those who co-founded Priorities USA and who now works as a ‘consultant’. He said Hitlery’s book tour will provide those pro-Clinton groups with more material.

Hitlery has been making several public appearances, of late, and has made comments on Iran and Russia said to be ‘tough’. However, she has yet to get involved in any actual policy debates, most likely because if she states what her positions are too soon, it would, most likely, open her up to attacks from Republicans and to challenges from Democrats. Burton said there is "no reason that she would actively be out there giving people a sense of what her message will be. But even though there's no campaign message that's been fleshed out, that doesn't mean people don't have a reason to be excited for her."

I think it safe to say that if Hitlery does finally decide to enlighten us all regarding where it is that she stands on the more important issues, we can assume that whatever those positions may turn out to be, it’s a safe bet they won’t be positions that are in the best interest of our country. Because, like Barry, Hitlery possesses a deep and very intense hatred for this country. And also, like Barry, she is a very devoted disciple of Saul Alinsky. And if elected she would undoubtedly continue us down the path that Barry has set us on and like him would not willingly accept the confines placed upon her, as president, by our Constitution.

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