

Friday, May 2, 2014


At what point, do you suppose, will the American people finally come to discover that they have been the recipients of what has been, and what continues to be, essentially nothing more than one the purest forms of propaganda ever to be dispensed. And it comes by way of those who profess to be, and very proudly so, members of our "mainstream" media. And once such a discovery is made, how might the people react? Will they be angry because they were lied to, or ashamed for having been so easily fooled into believing what was nothing but a pack of lies?

These days is seems that so few in the media business possess even the slightest interest in actually reporting the truth. Which is kinda strange for folks being in a business where one’s credibility is so important. I mean, who wants to watch, listen to, or read someone who chooses to be rather selective in how they decide to present the ‘news’? But having said that, will we ever get to the point where we pay little or no attention to that which is now fondly referred to as our state-controlled media complex? Will we ever grow tired of being lied to?

Maybe the better question would be, do the American people even care any longer that they’re being lied to, and pretty much on nearly a daily basis? Lied to by the very ones who we are supposed to be able to trust, and to rely on to tell us the truth? To help us to keep our leaders in check. Sadly that which was at one time referred to as being our "mainstream media" is today really anything but mainstream. What it has now become is nothing more than a purveyor of propaganda. And of late it would seem to have only gotten much worse.

Those involved in today’s state-controlled media seem to see it as being their job to keep from the American people just how much of a truly despicable character their president truly is. To keep from them not only the fact that he is purposely trying to destroy our economic way of life, but also how he seems to be just as determined to make our nation far more vulnerable to our growing list of enemies. And far too many in the media also see it as their role the hiding of the fact that Barry is, without a doubt, the most corrupt individual to ever hold his high office.

These days there are many who love to throw around accusations of media bias when talking about the way news and information is being presented. But ‘bias’ doesn’t even begin to describe what is taking place. The current modus operandi for many in today’s media has become one of blatant dishonesty and the telling of outright lies. The level of arrogance that is now on display by these faux journalists is mind-boggling. No longer does there seem to be even the slightest interest in providing the viewers, the listeners or the readers, with the truth.

Those in today’s media appear to have made what is a very conscious decision to completely ignore any and all of the growing number of scandals, and there are many, that continue to surround Barry "Almighty". They either simply leave them unreported on, or offer up only the briefest of commentary thus leaving the implication that they are unimportant. By so doing they hope to leave with their audience the impression that those who do choose to spend far more time reporting on them are doing so only out of some ulterior motive.

And I think the saddest thing of all is the fact that those who comprise our present day state-controlled media appear to suffer from no remorse regarding the fact that because of their never-ending lies the American people have been made to suffer a great price. It’s because of their unwillingness to tell the truth about this man who is our president, to lay bare just what he is doing, and has done, to this country, that the American people were conned into first electing and then re-electing this man who has no absolutely no business being in the office that he is.

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