

Monday, May 12, 2014


Well the wagons have now been circled around the presumed Democrat frontrunner for 2016, Hitlery Clinton, ‘The Bitch of Benghazi’. Her gross dereliction of duty as it relates to the events of that night in September, 2012 will now be defended at all costs. And of course one of Hitlery’s most ardent defenders is none other than the former mayor of New York City, ‘Nanny Mike’ Bloomberg, who has recently come out and staunchly defended Hitlery against what he calls conservative criticism over her role as secretary of state during the September 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

The billionaire bozo who is now, supposedly a political independent after claiming at one time to have been first a Republican and then a Democrat, stated in a recent interview that "cheap politics" is what’s behind the criticism of Clinton. ‘Nanny Mike’ said, "I think most of the criticisms of Hillary are totally unfounded – you can maybe disagree with her policies, but what'd you expect her to do in Benghazi?" he asked. "I mean, it's that kind of cheap politics which I don't like. She's very competent." Mikey must have a rather unusual way to determine if someone is competent.

We’re all aware, at least those of us who actually care, how Islamist terrorists killed four Americans including the U.S. ambassador in the Benghazi violence. Hitlery's defenders are quick to point out that she has already testified before Congress and explained her actions. But the truth of the matter is that she explained nothing other than to make it quite clear that the death of those four Americans mattered very little to her. Despite the claims made by ‘Nanny Mike’, Hitlery was one of the primary cast of characters in this tragedy who sought to do nothing more than to play politics.

‘Nanny Mike’, has also, on occasion, taken the time to laud RINO Jeb Bush who he says has also come under "unfair" criticism for some of the positions he's staked out. Mikey said, "Jeb's on the board of the [Bloomberg] Foundation." He added, "I think he did a very good job on education in Florida. He's good on education. He's good on immigration, and he's had the courage to stand up." According to Mikey, both Jeb and Hitlery are "quality people." Personally I find it rather difficult to comprehend how it is that we can’t find somebody, anybody, other than a Clinton or a Bush to run.

‘Nanny Mike’ has also said that he would not venture to second guess Barry "Almighty" on foreign policy, saying that there were "no easy answers" on Ukraine, Russia, or Syria. The "bottom line" is that Europe is dependent on Russia and therefore not on board American efforts for a stronger and more unified response. On other matters, Mikey said that when he remarked that his financial contributions on behalf of gun control would secure a place in heaven for him, he was merely being flip. Like there’s anything that old Mikey could ever do that would get him through the ‘Pearly Gates.’

Look, the bottom line here is that Hitlery is no more competent for taking on the job of president than was, or is, Barry "Almighty". And frankly, neither is Jeb Bush. But Bush is a topic for another time. Hitlery recently made her positions known on both Obamacare and the Second Amendment, and as far as I’m concerned her positions on both of these important issues disqualifies her from being able to seek the presidency. If we were to elect of Hitlery, the eight years of Barry, instead of merely being a near death experience, would be made America’s official time of death.

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