

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Acting as if he's permanently stuck in campaign mode, Barry, in speaking to some wealthy donors in New York City recently, seemed determined in his efforts to cast members of the opposition party as being interested solely in the torpedoing of his progressive agenda. Barry did so by attempted to portray Republicans as being the ones guilty of using the tactics that have actually been employed by members of his own party. Then whining about what he referred to as being the "hyper-partisanship" that he claims is blocking his agenda, Barry, in what has become typical fashion for this crybaby, made sure to try to place blame on all except the truly guilty party, his own.

While anyone with 20/20 eyesight, or an IQ above double-digits, should be able to very plain see, it’s the congressional Democrats who are to be blamed for putting into action what Barry describes as "hyper-partisanship." But, apparently, Barry sees yet another culprit, besides the Republicans, and that culprit is none other than conservative talk show host, Rush Limbaugh: "What's blocking us right now is sort of hyper-partisanship in Washington that, frankly, I was hoping to overcome in 2008. And in the midst of crisis, I think the other party reacted -- rather than saying now is the time for us all to join together, decided to take a different path." What a crock!

Continuing to make excuses for his own behavior, which seems to be a rather odd mixture of incompetence and arrogance, Barry said, "My thinking was after we beat them in 2012, well, that might break the fever, and it's not quite broken yet. But I am persistent. And I am staying at it." And in droning on he said, "And I genuinely believe that there are actually Republicans out there who would like to work with us but they're fearful of their base and they're concerned about what Rush Limbaugh might say about them, and as a consequence, we get the kind of gridlock that makes people cynical about government and inhibits our progress." Is this not bizarre?

While Barry told the crowd he's no longer running for office, although it's rather difficult to tell the difference with guy, he then proceeded to complain about people who are "interested in winning elections," as Barry himself was only a few months ago: "So the bottom line is this -- everybody is here to support the DNC, and I very much appreciate that. But I want everybody to understand that my intentions over the next three and a half years are to govern, because I don't have another race left." Now he intends to govern? I mean why start now, he's done nothing during the last 4+ years that could even remotely be described as actually governing.

He then went on to say, "If we've got folks on the other side who are prepared to cooperate, that is great and we are ready to go. On the other hand, if there are folks who are more interested in winning elections than they are thinking about the next generation, then I want to make sure that there are consequences to that." I guess when Barry refers to the other side cooperating, what he really means is they're being willing to hand to him everything that he wants and being happy about it. I don't want those representing me in Congress to cooperate with this guy, I want them to prevent him from being able to do even more damage to my country than he has already done.

Also according to Barry, "One of the benefits of a second term is you start taking the long view. And what I know is, is that as long as we are pointing towards that true North, that eventually we'll get there. That's what this country has always done. That's what I expect will happen this time as well." Naturally, Barry made no mention of the many scandals that have erupted in his second term, scandals that make him more worthy of impeachment with each passing day. Ranging from reports that the IRS targeted conservative groups to the Justice Department secretly obtained the phone records of AP reporters to growing concerns about a Benghazi cover-up.

Barry has always been a great one at making excuses, or of finding ways to blame others for his own serious lapses in judgment. And Barry must have a rather odd definition for what it mean to govern. Because up to this point he has chosen to do so primarily through nothing more various Executive Orders. He make demands and then expects those demands to be met. Not normal behavior one expects from a president, but is expected from Third World despots like a Hugo Chavez or a Fidel Castro. And the fact that we once again see Barry going after Limbaugh reveals, I think, a certain amount of desperation on his part. This just isn't how a president should act.

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