

Monday, May 13, 2013


Apparently it's the opinion of at least one concerned Democratic strategist that his party is at "considerable risk" and "in decline" and will face problems once Barry "Almighty" leaves office. Now personally, I find this whole notion as being less than credible and find myself wondering if it isn't all some sort of silly political ploy. My reason for doing so has to do with the fact that we now have in this country, thanks to Democrats, a parasite class that seems to be growing by leaps and bounds, and it's those folks who make up this class who reliably vote for Democrats. They do so because the Democrats remain only too happy to give to them whatever they want in exchange for their vote. So I just can't bring myself to put much stock into this guy's claim.

So anyway, this supposed strategist is a fella by the name of Doug Sosnik, and is someone who served as 'political director' for impeached president "Slick Willie" Clinton's administration, which is all the more reason to suspect what it is that he's claiming. But having said that, Mr. Sosnik noted in a recent memo that since Barry was elected president, Democrats have lost nine governors' seats, 56 House positions and two Senate seats. In addition, the Democratic Party's favorability rankings are in a sharp decline. Since Barry was elected, the rating has gone down by 15 points, with a Pew Research Survey in January showing 47 percent of Americans, down from 62 percent in January 2009, view the party favorably.

Such numbers supposedly lead Sosnik to expect 2014 to become the fourth change election year in the past eight years. "This puts Senate Democrats in a vulnerable position, while threatening Republican’s control of the House as well as their sizable numerical advantage in the governorships across the country," wrote Sosnik, who was Hillary Clinton's adviser in the 2008 presidential race and who now does consulting work for private-sector clients. Sosnik also makes the claim that Barry's campaign style may also be hurting his own party. Barry created Organizing for Action, a political group consisting of campaign workers, to push his own agenda. But many in the party believe the takes away from Democrats' fundraising issues.

Sosnik said, "Obama not only got elected by running against the party establishment, but he has governed as a President who does not emphasize his party label." And added, "It’s hard to be a change agent if you are lugging around a party label in an era where voters are so strongly disaffected from our institutions." In addition, Sosnik said, Barry is popular, but his personal record isn't translating well for other candidates. He further said Barry isn't working to build the party so it will thrive once he leaves office. Well, that should be a no brainer. Maybe, finally, even Democrats are beginning to figure out that this guy is all about himself. That's been obvious to most of us going all the way back to when he ran the first time.

Also, losses in the 2010 midterm elections meant Republicans have control of states' redistricting processes until after the 2020 census, giving them an advantage when it comes to keeping a House majority. Democrats also can't count on their usual supporters, said Sosnik . Voters born between 1965 to 1994 are voting Democrat, for the most part, but many like to refer to themselves as Independent, meaning their votes 'could' swing. In addition, he said, Democrats can't count on the same level of African-American voters without Barry running, and younger Hispanics feel less of an allegiance to the Democrat Party. Look, minorities, for the most part, are interested in very little that doesn’t involve how they can best maintain their free ride. Thus, they will vote Democrat.

Democrats may also have trouble finding a top candidate to run in 2016 if Hitlery Clinton decides not to run, said Sosnik But by the time this whole Benghazi mess is over, old Hitlery may prove to be too damaged. And while I'm sure what, if any, damage she may ultimately be made to suffer what all is said and done, I don't think she will be as pristine as might have been considered to be by some before this whole mess came about. Sosnik also pointed out that Barry doesn't have a "clear mandate to govern over a politically divided Congress," and that "there’s not a single member of either party who fears paying a political price for not falling in line with the President, making it even more difficult to get members to cast difficult votes."

But even though it would be nice to see the Democrat Party be made to spend a few years in the wilderness, frankly I just don't see it happening. The folks who have over the course of what will be, after Barry is done, the last eight years, will no doubt vote for absolutely anybody who will guarantee that those government checks will keep coming, at least as long there's enough money. So I'm more than a confused regarding what it is that this guy Sosnik might really be up to. Is this nothing more than conjecture on his part, or does he actually believe what he's saying? Personally, I think it safe to say that any rumors of the Democrat Party suffering some sort of decline are greatly exaggerated. Sadly, I'm sure, we'll be made to contend with it for some time to come.

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