

Monday, May 6, 2013


Sounding exactly like any of the many other socialists who, today, call the Democrat Party home, Rep. Frank Pallone, Democrat from New Jersey, recently was heard telling students at Rider University that conservatives are wrong to make deficit reduction a priority. Essentially what this was, was a blatant attempt by this doofus to hoodwink the very ones who are, ultimately, going to be forced to pay for what's being spent today, and telling them that, hey, it's no big deal. So I guess the question is, how many of those listening were stupid enough to believe anything that he said?

Now what this moron actually said to these students was, "Bottom line is that the right wing, and I say the Tea Party, has made deficit reduction the main priority – the main economic priority, and I will tell you point blank -- that I do not think it is." Democrats have made serious efforts to reduce the deficit in the past, Pallone said. "But to say that deficit reduction is the main economic priority, which is what you hear from the right wing, right now, is very wrong." So says a guy who's one of those who wants to keep upping the level of spending .

And on he ranted, saying, "I believe in economic growth, and I think the only way we get out of the recession -- and we are gradually getting out of it -- is by having policies in Washington that create growth and therefore create jobs and therefore eliminate the problems that we may have with Social Security trust funds and the Medicare trust funds." You know, first of all, it was completely dishonest of this guy to in any way make the claim that we are somehow getting out of this recession, gradually or otherwise. Because we're not, things are only being made worse.

Which, I guess, brings me back to the question that I posed earlier, how many of those kids who were listening as this socialist buffoon spewed his socialist drivel, were sitting there nodding their little heads in agreement? Now I'll admit that I don't know very much about this specific institution of higher learning, but assuming that it's busy turning out pretty much the same product that we see coming out of most others, then there were probably quite a few in the listening audience thinking to themselves, "Ya, this guy makes a lot of sense."

So I find myself being a little curious, wondering when, or if, it is that that little light bulb of commonsense might go off in the heads of these soon to be adults, who are not that far from finding themselves out in the cold cruel world, where they will be the ones who will be working, if they're lucky enough to find a job, to cover the huge expenditures being advocated here by this boob, Pallone. I mean, at some point, wouldn't you'd think that it would eventually dawn them? I mean what we’re talking about here just isn’t that complicated.

What this loon was saying, here, may make perfect sense to more than a few of these kids today, especially while they're still living off mommy and daddy, but at some point that little gravy train is going to be coming to a screeching halt. And then they're going to be ones who are getting the bills, and watching as too much of their hard earned money starts making tracks off toward Washington. They need to be made to understand now of what it is that's waiting for them just over the horizon, and the fact that it's not going to be pretty.

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