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Specifically, we're being told that this goof ball organization saw fit to honor Rice for "her work in advancing U.S. interests, strengthening the world’s common security and prosperity, and promoting respect for human rights," or so the press release stated. The evening's gala and awards ceremony, was highlighted by the evening's entertainment, which included 'Slow Joe' Biden demonstrating, once again, just how much of a moron he really is. 'Slow Joe' came the day before State Department whistleblowers testified at the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the terrorist attack that took place at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.
Now I'm sure all will remember how it was that Rice erroneously stated, actually she lied, on NBC’s Meet the Press, one of the five Sunday talk shows she appeared on five days after the attack, "What happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video." She was sent out to lie, and by golly, lie she did, repeatedly. But as is usually the case whenever you're dealing with slimy Democrats, instead of be marched off to prison, as they should be, she's presented with an award.
No yesterday we had hearing in an effort to try to find out exactly what transpired on that fateful day last September when four Americans were left to die during a terrorist attack in Benghazi. So it was then that Mr. Gregory Hicks, the highest ranking American diplomat in Libya after the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans that day, testified before Congress on Wednesday that he was embarrassed by Rice's claims, as I think any patriotic American would be. Here's a little of the exchange that took place between South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy and Mr. Hicks regarding Susan Rice’s idiotic comments:
Gowdy: Fast forward, Mr. Hicks, to the Sunday talk shows with Ambassador Susan Rice. She blamed this attack on a video. In fact, she did it five different times. What is your reaction to that?
Hicks: I was stunned. My jaw dropped. And I was embarrassed.
Gowdy: Did she talk to you before she went on the five Sunday talk shows?
Hicks: No, sir.
Gowdy: You were the highest ranking official in Libya at the time, correct?
Hicks: Yes.
Gowdy: And she did not bother to have a conversation with you before she went on national television?
Hicks: No, sir.
That right there tells me all I need to know. And this is the person who nearly became Secretary of State. Although, the dope we now have acting in that capacity is proving to be nothing short of a disaster. But that's a topic for another day. So, what did old 'Slow Joe' have to say about Rice at this gala, one day before Hicks said he was stunned and embarrassed by her bogus anti-Islamic YouTube video story? He said Rice has "the absolute, total, complete confidence of the president," Biden said at a gala for the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, according to press reports. "When she speaks… no one wonders whether or not she is speaking for the president."
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