

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


John Kerry-Heinz is perhaps the most prefect example yet for anyone determined to make the case that there exists no requirement that someone first possess a great intellect in order to be qualified to become either a U.S. Senator or Secretary of State. Kerry-Heinz has presented us with a spectacular number of examples throughout his years in Washington, proving beyond the shadow of a doubt just how much of a moron he really is. But perhaps his most recent display can be said to be the clincher. And it also demonstrates that he really has no business being in his present position. You see, apparently it is his opinion that the many accomplishments as well as the economic prosperity of Israel is what is actually preventing the peace process from moving ahead in the Middle East.

Now you may be thinking that I'm either quite literally out of my mind to make such a claim, or that I must have misundertood what is was that he really said. But here's what he said in a statement to reporters (via the official State Department transcript), just last week, before his meetings with Israel’s leadership, then you decide. Secretary John Kerry-Heinz told reporters: "I think there is an opportunity [for peace], but for many reasons it’s not on the tips of everyone’s tongue. People in Israel aren’t waking up every day and wondering if tomorrow there will be peace because there is a sense of security and a sense of accomplishment and of prosperity." Kerry-Heinz’s comments were delivered three days before his appearance at the World Economic Forum on the Middle East last Saturday.

Almost immediately after making that rather idiotic statement, there were numerous responses posted online. It was The Jewish Press that opined: "So, Secretary Kerry thinks it would be better for Israel to approach negotiations from a position of precarious poverty? Does he think Israel’s quest for legitimacy and security in an unstable, over-armed and hostile region would be better received if Israel were a needy, insecure supplicant to Palestinian and Arab interests? Or that the Palestinians would have pity on an unnerved and anxious Israel struggling with a bankrupt, aid-dependent economy?" Apparently the answer to all of those questions, at least as far as the esteemed Mr. Kerry-Heinz is concerned, is a very enthusiastic, YES!

And then the day after meeting with Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and Palestinian President Abbas, Kerry-Heinz again addressed the press and curiously made mention of the Palestinian’s "priority concern" that includes becoming a "prosperous state": "Palestinians have a priority concern with respect to knowing that they can secure an independent, sovereign, and prosperous state with clear lines as defined previously by them and others along the 1967 lines with swaps and recognizing changes that have taken place on the ground, as President Obama stated in his vision in 2011." Look, when one's primary focus in life is figure out how best to go about lobbing missiles or sending suicide bombers into Israel, it's difficult to find time to become prosperous.

Concerning Kerry-Heinz’s statement that peace is not a priority for Israel because "there is a sense of security" in that country, many Israeli’s point to their country’s need to have an "Iron Dome" system to protect its people from what has become regular missile attacks. And then, of course there's that little problem of Iran’s nuclear program and that little nutjob, Ahmadinejad's, regular promises to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Neither of which seems to bother Kerry'-Heinz or, for that matter, his boss. It’s easy to see why it is that people in Israel would be confused by Kerry-Heinz’s imbecilic statements. He appears to be saying that Palestinians need to be independent and prosperous, while claiming that Israel’s prosperity is seen as something that’s blocking the peace process.

So, are you one of those who actually agrees with John Kerry-Heinz's assessment of the situation? Would a less prosperous Israel actually be helpful in making the Middle East peace process more likely? Let's face it, except for Israel, which also just happens to be the only bona fide democracy in the region, the Middle East is essentially an intellectual wasteland. I think it's been demonstrated, on more than one occasion, that Muslim countries are simply incapable of exporting anything other than oil and terrorism. Think about it, what great discovery or innovation can be said to have come from any Arab country. The bottom line here is that if they didn't possess oil, and in the amount that they do, even the small part of the Arab region that has managed to crawl out of the Stone Age, wouldn't have ever made it.

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