

Monday, May 20, 2013


Look, I've never claimed to be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but, come on, am I really expected to believe that the White House's top lawyer was alerted sometime back during the week of April 22 to findings from an internal audit of the IRS that revealed a significant number of conservative organizations had been improperly targeted for scrutiny, and yet this person didn't bother to inform Barry? Sorry, but I'm just not buying it! Because I think we all realize that if there is one thing that we can be pretty sure of, it's that Barry is quite the control freak.

So in taking that little fact into consideration, Barry's claim, that he has made both strenuously and repeatedly, the he learned of this controversy at exactly the same moment in time that everybody else learned about it, on May 10, simply does not ring true. Now is it safe to assume that he would lie to us? You bet your ass it is! Let's face it, I think it more than fair to say that there hasn't been a day that's gone by since this scumbag was first elected, that he hasn't lied to the American people about something. That's just how they play in Chicago.

This latest revelation has now sparked yet another debate about whether the Office of the White House Counsel and its chief lawyer, some bimbo by the name of Kathryn Ruemmler, should have immediately informed the president, and what, if anything, might have been known by other senior officials at the time. And more importantly what was known before the November 2012 election but kept firmly under wraps by folks desperate to get Barry re-elected. This entire administration now appears to be hip deep in a level of corruption not witnessed since the days of Watergate.

And then we have the ever-brilliant Lanny Davis, who you may, or may not, remember as being a former special counsel to 'Slick Willie' Clinton. Old Lanny, here, told the Journal that "anyone who knew about this a few weeks ago and didn't tell the president shouldn't be in the White House." Hey Lanny, wake up and smell the coffee, my friend, the list of the people who shouldn't be in this White House, including Barry himself, would likely stretch at least as far as from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Monument. None of these slugs actually 'belong' there!

But of course, as is usually the whenever dealing with this caliber of pond scum, there are others, those desperate to tell any lie in an effort to salvage this incredibly corrupt president, who say the White House counsel was correct to withhold the information from the president, since the inspector general's report was not finalized and that his early knowledge of the situation could have led to charges he was trying to unduly influence the outcome of the independent investigation. Personally, if I were Barry, which I'm glad I'm not, I'd be pretty pissed for not having had a heads up here.

One of those making the claim that things were handled exactly right is that perpetual dim bulb, Dan Pfeiffer, I watched this guy on some of the Sunday shows. This clown is actually described as being a White House senior adviser, and stated quite matter-of-factly , mentioning it while on NBC Sunday, that the matter "was handled in the exact appropriate way." This brain dead stooge went on to add, "We do not ever do anything to give the appearance of interference in an investigation," he added. "What would be an actual scandal would be if we somehow were involved."

Republican lawmakers, meanwhile, are moving forward with their own investigation into the matter, with hearings set for this week before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. "Exactly who in the administration knew what about the IRS targeting is one of the key outstanding questions," asked Rep. Darrell Issa in a statement, according to the Journal. Issa went on to say, "In waiting so long to address wrongdoing and inform the public, President Obama and his administration seem more preoccupied with having deniability than quickly addressing serious wrongdoing."

So here we are. And all of this could have so easily been avoided if only enough of the American people had been willing to see this guy, Barry, for what he is. But nope, they were far more interested in making sure their taxpayer subsidized checks kept arriving, and the only way to make sure of that was to re-elect a crook. So, that's what they did. So now we're faced with the mess of three ongoing scandals with yet another waiting to bubble completely to the surface. This is all far from over, and sadly is unlikely to end in impeachment, but at least Barry's very slimy side is beginning to be exposed.

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