

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


It would now seem that a majority of Americans are at least beginning to come around to believing that the IRS did, in fact, improperly target conservative groups and that the administration is now quite busy in its efforts to cover up important details about the Benghazi attack in Libya. But for some bizarre reason they seem to be a little confused when it comes to trying to determine just who it is that might be behind it all. And more bizarre still is the fact that they just can't seem to bring themselves to think that it might be Barry "Almighty". Well, at least that's what a new poll says.

According to a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, granted not the most reliable of sources when it comes to polling data, Barry's job approval rating oddly enough sits at 51 percent and has remained pretty much steady over the last few months despite a growing number of allegations of impropriety related to what many are calling very serious scandals. Now having said that, 54 percent of the respondents said that they now see the federal government as threatening the rights of average Americans, compared to just 38 percent who believe the government is protecting them.

The survey of 1001 adults was conducted May 16-19 and found nearly three-quarters of Americans across the political spectrum believe the IRS's targeting of conservative groups was inappropriate, with most saying they feel "strongly" that it was wrong. However Republican and Democrats take opposing positions about the administration's culpability. Two-thirds of Democrats say the administration has been honestly disclosing what it knows, compared to about three-quarters of Republicans who accuse the administration of a cover-up, or so the Post reported.

Fifty-five percent of respondents, including 81 percent of Republicans, also believe that Barry and members of his team are desperately trying to cover up facts related to the Benghazi attack last September. But results show that people are evenly split about whether congressional Republicans are raising legitimate concerns about it or simply engaging in partisan posturing. Why were the toxic accusations made against George Bush never seen as "partisan posturing"? And yet, we now have the most corrupt guy to come along in years and any attempt to find out just how corrupt is being partisan?

On another matter putting pressure on Team Obama, a big majority of Americans, 69 percent, say they are at least somewhat concerned that the Justice Department's seizure of Associated Press telephone records will improperly intrude on freedom of the press, while 52 percent believe the action was justified. I find it more than just a little disconcerting that over half of those polled are actually of the opinion that sleazy Holder was in any way justified in the seizing of those phone records. I'm guessing that they wouldn't mind all that much if it were their calls which were being monitored?

I don't know, how stupid do people really need to be in order to ignore that which is right in front of their face? Or might it be something else altogether? Do these people who blindly support Barry, and his cadre of corrupt Democrats, do so for no other reason than because there's something in it for them? You know, like all that free money that seems to appear as if by magic, getting automatically deposited in their bank account every month. The money that then affords to them the luxury of enjoying their favorite drug, booze and/or titty-bar. Ah yes, such is the price for their support.

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