

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Nothin, and I do mean nothin, fills my heart with more joy than to know that, together with the rest of the Tea Party Patriots, I’m getting under ‘Dingy Harry’ Reid’s skin. This doddering old boob apparently still stands behind his recent ignorant comments in which he described the Tea Party as a bunch of modern-day "anarchists," telling a radio audience Wednesday that "they are against government." What he said during a stupid interview with some radio host named Rusty Humphries was, "I believe that, my experience with the tea party is, that they are against government in any form. They throw monkey wrenches into the government." Right, that’s all we do!

According to The Hill, ‘Douche bag Harry' expressed some frustration, telling Humphries that it was hard to get things done in Congress because of opposition from Tea Party-affiliated lawmakers. "It’s evident. We can’t get things done. They don’t want anything to happen in government," he reportedly said. "We pass laws. They fight funding the laws we pass. They don’t want government to work. I want it to work." Last week, Reid compared Tea Party Republicans to 19th century American anarchists during comments on the Senate floor, The Hill reported. Isn't is just like a slimy Democrat to blame his unwillingness to get things done on those trying to get something, anything, done?

Speaking on Humphries show, ‘Dingy Harry’ seemed to reaffirm his rather twisted view of things. "When I was in school, I studied government and I learned about anarchists," he said. "Now, they were different than the tea party because they were violent." This boob went on to say, "But they were anarchists because they did not believe in government in any level and they acknowledged it." He added, "The tea party kind of hides that." Well I'll tell ya what, there Harry, if standing up for the Constitution while Democrats like you are working overtime trying to destroy it, makes me an anarchist, then guess what, I'll wear that little moniker as a flippin badge of honor! Screw you!

Now as is usually the case with this senile old fart, he has a rather peculiar habit of distorting the facts. Because while I am perfectly willing to admit that government does have a role to play, our current monstrosity of a bloated government really serves no useful purpose whatsoever, other than to spend too much money. That I am against, 100 percent. But what is it, exactly, that 'Dingy' is trying to get done, that he can't? Raise taxes to the point where people are working to do nothing more than to fund the government? Allow millions of illegal aliens to become U.S. citizens at the stroke of Barry's pen? Or perhaps, rob from the American people their God given 'right' to own a gun!

So I guess if I'm understanding this schlep correctly, it seems to be his opinion that unless you agree completely with whatever it is that he and his fellow fascists in Congress want to do, somehow you're the one who's to be viewed as being the anarchist. Is that not some of the most insane logic you've ever heard? I mean, here we have a guy who's leading an actual bunch of bona fide anarchists, elected officials who are, quite literally, doing their very best to destroy our country, and somehow it's those of us who are trying to prevent just such a scenario from taking place, who are the ones being described as the anarchists here. How that for things being completely upside down?

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