

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


You know, it takes a very special kind of moron to be able to trust anyone who calls himself, or herself, a Democrat these days, especially wherever issues of ethics and corruption are concerned. I’ve always been confused about how it is that anyone with a brain can view the party of Ted Kennedy, who was not only a drunk and a pervert, but someone who got away with murder and who was also a traitor to his country back during the Vietnam era, can in anyway be seen as the party of patriotism. Or how the party of racist Robert ‘KKK’ Bird can be seen as the party of racial equality. Or how the party of ‘Slick Willie’ Clinton who was getting bj’s while on the phone discussing matters of official business can be seen as the party of moral character. It just all seems so bizarre.

But apparently the straws that can be said to have finally broke the camel’s back, causing the Democrat Party to finally lose it’s luster, is to allow four Americans to be murdered in Libya and then have our president trying to it cover up, and to then have that same president sic the IRS on all manner of conservative group and then try to cover that up and then to also have his Justice Department seize phone records of reporters and to even go so far as to accuse a Fox News reporter of committing criminal activity. Yup, that’s all it took. Amazing, ain’t it? So it is then that the Democrat Party's edge over the GOP on who the public trusts more on ethics and corruption issues has now flipped in the wake of the above mentioned scandals, at least according to Rasmussen Reports.

According to Rasmussen, not only do voters trust Republicans more now, they also have their highest level of confidence in the GOP and the lowest level in Democrats in seven months. While the Democrats, strangely enough, had an eight-point "trust advantage" over Republicans just a month ago, Rasmussen's latest poll said that edge has now disappeared and with the GOP now holding a two-point advantage. "With growing questions about Benghazi and actions taken by the Internal Revenue Service and the Justice Department, Democrats' noticeable edge over Republicans in voter trust in the area of government ethics and corruption has disappeared," said Rasmussen. But I find myself wondering how long it might last.

Anyway, in this latest poll, 39 percent of likely voters said they trust Republicans more to handle the ethics and corruption issue. Slightly less, 37 percent, say they still trust Democrats and 24 percent are unsure. The unsure crowd must be even bigger morons than those who make up that 37 percent who still trust the Democrats. But, said Rasmussen, "this marks a big shift from March when Democrats held an eight-point trust advantage over the GOP - 42 percent to 34 percent. Now the president's party trails by two. The newest finding is the highest level of confidence in Republicans and the lowest level for Democrats since last October. It's also the smallest gap between the two parties in nearly a year." But like I said, we’ll see how long it lasts.

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