

Thursday, July 12, 2012


'Slow Joe', our stellar vice president, in filling in for Barry "Almighty", addressed the NAACP National Convention Thursday and proceeded to argue the point that a Mitt Romney presidency would be detrimental to America’s future. But oddly enough 'Slow Joe' thought it appropriate to start out his speech by reminiscing about sitting in Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s church. Frankly, it seemed an odd thing to do since Barry has been working to distance himself from the nut job preacher since 2008. 'Slow Joe' also gave a special shout out to someone by the name of “Mouse” who he said, “got my back a bunch of times.” 'Slow Joe' then blathered on saying, “It is not an exaggeration, were it not for the leadership of the NAACP, for the men and women who educated me when we‘d sit over in Reverend Wright’s church as we’re talking about desegregating the Realdo and the Queen movie theater. Remember Mouse, those days? I learned so much, I learned so much, and I owe so much.”

'Slow Joe' addressed the annual convention the day after Romney said that he’d do more for African-Americans than Barry, whose primary claim to fame is that he's the nation’s first 'real' black president. Romney was booed when he said he‘d repeal Barry’s sweeping health care reform law but otherwise got a polite reception as he reached out to a traditionally Democrat voting bloc. 'Slow Joe', on the other hand, went on to explain two very different visions for the future, one with Romney as president and another with Barry as president in his second term. 'Slow Joe' never really directly responded to Romney’s argument that he could serve blacks better than Barry, choosing instead to portray Romney’s policy proposals as being the opposite of what's needed. He said that Romney’s agenda would hurt black working families, and attempted to outline the differences between Barry and Romney on issues of health care, education, energy, women’s rights and research.

And apparently in speaking of the Barry-Biden Team, 'Slow Joe' said, “We see a future…where every woman has unfettered access to contraception and family planning if she desires it. In short, we see America where our daughters have every, and I mean every, opportunity our sons have.” He went on to say that, ”Governor Romney and his allies in Congress see a different future for women in America.” He then proceeded to accuse Gov. Romney of advocating social policies that are “basically a throwback to the 50s” and having a foreign policy similar to that of the “Cold War” of the 1960s because he sees Russia as a threat. “This guy’s vision of the future of American foreign policy is mired in the Cold War and the Cold War is over,” 'Slow Joe' added. Then there was this gem where 'Slow Joe' was addressing education: “Children should be educated to the degree they are educable.” Educable? I dunno, maybe he was trying to speak a little Ebonics to the audience.

In Barry’s absence, 'Slow Joe' did his best to defend the administration’s disastrous policies while, at the same time, warning of what a Romney presidency would bring to such things as civil rights. He asked attendees to “imagine” what the Justice Department would be like under a Romney administration and “imagine when his senior adviser on the Constitution is Robert Bork,” the Republican Supreme Court nominee who was defeated by Democrats in 1987. 'Slow Joe' said there was a lot more he could say on protecting voting rights but that he knew he was only “preaching to the choir.“ There were morons in the crowd who actually responded, ”Say it, say it.” As 'Slow Joe' was wrapping up, he said, “Let me close, my friends,” prompting members of the audience to boo and yell, “No!” Biden then insinuated that Republicans were trying to diminish the voting rights of minorities, receiving applause when he talked about the administration’s efforts to expand voting rights.

And then in doing his best to essentially rewrite the history of the Democrat Party, conveniently leaving out the fact that it was the Democrats who were so desperate to keep blacks from being able to vote, 'Slow Joe' rambled on saying, “Remember, remember what this at its core was all about, why this organization at its core was all about.” 'Slow Joe' added, “It was about the franchise. It was about the right to vote, because when you have a right to vote, you have a right to change things and we, the president and I and Eric [Holder] and all of us, we see a future when those rights are expanded not diminished.” Then asking, “Did you think we’d be fighting these battles again?” And people in the crowd, obviously ignorant of the Democrat Party's dark history on the subject, answered in unison, “No.” Though his speech appeared to be well received by those in attendance, CBS reporter Rodney Hawkins reportedly tweeted, “Seats are pretty empty minutes before Biden is set to speak.”

I still say that it's a very sad commentary on a group that was initially brought into being for very honorable reasons, and based on such high ideals and sound principles to have, today, deteriorated into its present state and to the point where it is merely a shadow of it's former self. At some point there must have been a conscious decision made to abandon all those for whom it could provide some service or benefit, to instead, become, what essentially amounts to nothing more than an extension of the Democrat Party. If the members in attendance here were actually behaving true to the founding principles of their organization, Biden should have been the one on the receiving end of any boos, not Romney. Romney should have been the recipient of any number of standing ovations. If there is anything that was made abundantly clear, it's the fact that the priorities of this group have become skewed to where the possessing of at least some level of political power now far outweighs the needs of the black individual.

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