

Friday, July 13, 2012


Barry "Almighty" has now said that one reason he’s facing a tough election fight from Republican Mitt Romney is that he focused more on policy rather than selling the story of his first term accomplishments to voters. “The mistake of my first term — couple of years — was thinking that this job was just about getting the policy right,” Barry told CBS News in an interview with Charlie Rose taped today at the White House, that according to a video excerpt released by CBS. No, what he actually did was to put the desires of his corrupt political party above the genuine needs of the American people. He and his fellow co-conspirators, "Dingy" Harry Reid, and Nancy "Old Stretch" Pelosi saw their opportunity to seize control of healthcare in this country, and they took it. That was more important to them than the economy and more important than jobs.

Barry said his policies are “important. But the nature of this office is also to tell a story to the American people that gives them a sense of unity and purpose and optimism, especially during tough times.” To hear Barry, 'Mr. Class Warfare', talking about creating a "sense of unity" about made me puke. And something else that totally confounds me, and proves the point that a majority of the American people still don't get it, is the fact that Barry still leads Romney 50 percent to 43 percent among registered voters. This even though two-thirds of those surveyed say they are dissatisfied with the way things are going in this country. That according to a poll released today by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press in Washington. The June 28-July 9 survey of 2,373 registered voters had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.3 percent.

Barry "Almighty", who was joined by his wife, "Queen" Michelle, for the interview, said that when he ran in 2008 critics said that while he gave speeches well, they questioned his ability to fulfill the job of president. For the first half of his first term, he said, his problem was the opposite. Predicting he would be re-elected, he said, “I need to do a better job” of inspiring and communicating to Americans in a second term. Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, responded to Barry’s interview, saying that “being president is not about telling stories. Being president is about leading.” “President Obama has failed to lead,” Romney said in a statement released by campaign. “No wonder Americans are losing faith in his presidency.” And he has a point. Barry is not a leader by any stretch of the imagination.

The thought of this disaster getting reelected should absolutely terrify every single freedom loving American regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation, age, or even national origin. In less than 4 years he has gotten this country so close to the edge that all we would now need would be a good stiff breeze and over we'd go. And it has all been very much part of some grand design of his. How else can you explain the massive amount of spending that has taken place in such a relatively short period of time? People are going to need to realize that we're all going to have to come together, with the top priority being to rescue this country, because if it goes over the edge, we're all going over with it. For gays, straights, blacks, whites, rich or poor, young or old, how the country goes is how the rest of us will go. And if he gets re-elected, it sure ain't gonna be pretty for any of us.

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