

Saturday, July 14, 2012


 Man, talk about an ego. Here we have a guy who isn’t qualified to be a damn dogcatcher, accusing a guy that has real experience out there in the economy of not being qualified to even think about our economy. Not talk about it, mind you, but even “THINK” about it. Says Barry, "When some people question why I would challenge his Bain record, the point I've made there in the past is, if you're a head of a large private equity firm or hedge fund, your job is to make money. It's not to create jobs. It's not even to create a successful business - it's to make sure that you're maximizing returns for your investor. Now that's appropriate. That's part of the American way. That's part of the system. But that doesn't necessarily make you qualified to think about the economy as a whole, because as president, my job is to think about the workers. My job is to think about communities, where jobs have been outsourced." Actually, when you place these two men side by side, the true outsourcer becomes apparent pretty quickly, and it ain’t Romney, that’s for sure. I think as this campaign moves forward, the level of dishonesty in the claims that we’re seeing coming from "Team Barry" continue to have less and less basis in any actual fact. The lies seem to be coming "fast and furious", no pun intended. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised at the depths his team of sleazy characters will descend because, after all, there is no positive record on which this con man can run. Now I suppose if amassing $15 Trillion worth of debt, actual unemployment in double-digits, nearly $4 a gallon gas, forcing an additional 23 million Americans onto food stamp were all viewed as being accomplishments, then I’d say, "Hell ya, I’ll vote for this guy!" But they’re not accomplishments, they point to the greatest presidential failure since Carter.

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