

Thursday, July 12, 2012


One of my favorite members of Congress, Rep. Allen West, has now found himself in the position of being on the hit list, of sorts, of a rather unsavory and sleazy character in the person of longtime Democrat Sugar-Daddy, and devout hater of Ameirca and freedom in general, George Soros. You see, "Dump West,” is a new Soros-backed Super PAC that has now been officially charged with the specific task of taking out Rep. Allen West (R-FL). It will file with the FEC as early as next week, and that information comes to us according to documents obtained by the Shark Tank. And judging by some of the names involved in this little project, it would appear that no expense will be spared, as it looks like the group, as well as Soros, desperately wants to see the retired Lieutenant Colonel voted out of office.

As reported by The Shark Tank:
"Top national Democratic operative Charles Halloran has been retained by a new George Soros-backed super-PAC to target Congressman Allen West for defeat this November. Halloran is a former aide to President Bill Clinton and is one of the most respected voter targeting/turn out experts in the Democratic Party. Halloran ran the successful campaign of Democrat Tim Mahoney that won the seat of former Republican Congressman Mark Foley.
The Super PAC has been christened “Dump West” and is expected to file with the Federal Election Commission early next week. Sources have told The Shark Tank that a website along with a targeted web advertising campaign will soon be launched. Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi asked former Congressman Larry Smith, who’s now working as a lobbyist, to help line up initial funding for the group. West is said to be at the top of Pelosi’s hit list.
Sources have also us that left wing billionaire George Soros is among those who committed to a $5 million war chest to defeat West."

Then there’s this little tidbit: This slime Halloran has brought in “American Directions” to manage the Super-PAC’s effort for internet based, low-dollar fundraising, polling and voter contact. “American Directions” is among the heavy weight firms in Washington DC. And last but not least: The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is fully on-board in the efforts to raise money for the “Dump West” effort. West’s Democratic opponent Patrick Murphy has raised a sizeable war chest and those donors who have given him the maximum are viewed as potential donors to the “Dump West” effort. I'm interested to know what it is, exactly, that makes this little group of socialist sycophants behind this little endeavor feel that they are the ones to decide who it is that's to represent those in Mr. West's district.

So apparently, removal of Rep. West is now most definitely a top priority of Soros and and his sleazy little front group, and it has become very obvious that he really, really, really wants Rep. West out. “It’s not surprising that the hard Left is seeking to beat West” Florida Tea Party leader Eric Von Tausch told the Tank. “West’s a conservative hero.” Look, the bottom line here is the voters in Mr. West's district are going to have to make a big decision. Are they going to allow themselves to be manipulated by this psychopath who feels that, because he's rich, he is somehow entitled to force his twisted agenda down the throats of American voters or, are they going to be willing to stand up to this piece of shit, telling him to take his billions and shove 'em where the sun don't shine.

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