

Monday, July 16, 2012


Somebody must be really grabbing at straws in they’re looking for candidate for mayor of New York City. Because first there were rumors of short-fused, Alec Baldwin talking about making a run for the job, and now we’re hearing that disgraced former New York congressman Anthony Weiner, who resigned in shame in 2011 after he tweeted pictures of his crotch to a college student, may be eyeing a run for the job as well. At least that’s what’s being reported by the New York Post. Yup, this two make a fine pair of potential candidates. I wonder who it is that the Republicans may be fielding? Shouldn’t be all that difficult to find a better candidate than these two sleaze balls.

Apparently, the Queens Democrat, 47, has $4.5 million in his campaign war chest, the Post reported, and is looking at running for either mayor or public advocate. The public match on the $4.5 million expires after the 2013 election. “I still have regrets,” Weiner told WNYC radio last month, according to the Post. “I paid a very high price . . . I feel great regrets for the people I’ve let down.” He paid a high price? What would have happened if you or I wold have been busted for doing what this perv was doing? Maybe a little jail time? All this moron had to do was to resign from his cushy job in Congress.

Since the scandal, Weiner has mostly stayed at home, and again according to the Post, he hasn’t been doing much more than babysitting. He is married to Huma Abedin, some senior aide to our stellar Secretary of State, Hitlery Clinton. The Democrat’s embarrassing fall from grace started with a picture of a bulging pair of gray boxer briefs posted on Weiner’s Twitter page. The Democratic congressman had meant to send it to 21-year-old Seattle journalism student Gennette Cordova in a private message but mistyped and it went out to all 45,000 of his followers. Whoops! Imagine being on the receiving end of that!

For 10 days he did what Democrats always do when busted doing something inappropriate, he lied, making up some idiotic claim that his Twitter account had been hacked. All before he finally confessed, crying crocodile tears at a news conference, that he had sexted with six different women and lied to cover up his misdeeds. They included a porn star who claimed he had asked her to lie and had offered her public relations help. He was further embarrassed when an X-rated picture of his genitals that he had sent one of the women was leaked on to the Internet and again when semi-nude pictures he had taken of himself in the House gym emerged. Oh ya, this guy will make a fine mayor!

You know, I find it more than just a little hilarious that these two losers, Baldwin and Weiner, are the best that a city of over 8 million people has to offer up as candidates for mayor. At least so far. And I gotta tell ya, if I was a resident of “The Big Apple” and either one of these guys were was about to become the mayor of my city, I’d be looking to re-locate, and in a hurry. Either one would make Bloomberg look almost normal. Almost! And like I said, just how difficult would it be for the Republican Party to come with a candidate that would be far more qualified than either of these two? But let’s not forget just how far out there in liberal loonyville it is that the majority of the city’s residents reside. Either one of these would probably win.

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