

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Antonio Villaraigosa, the socialist mayor of Los Angeles as well as the chairman of the Democrat convention, talked to NBC News' Andrea Mitchell about the more than a few Democrats who have chosen not to attend this cycle's convention being held in Charlotte, NC. "What does it say when leading Democrats do not want to be seen at the convention re-nominating their party leader, President Obama?" NBC’s Andrea Mitchell asked Villaraigosa. Mr. Villaraigosa responded, "I heard Senator McCaskill talking about it and she said she is going to campaign. That's what you do when you're up for election. You're not taking a day off." But not really satisfied with that answer, Ms. Mitchell presses him to further comment on nationally-elected Democrats skipping the convention. "If the president were that popular with the voters, the Democrats in Missouri, she would want to be at the convention. She would want to be in that picture," Mitchell said to Mayor Villaraigosa. Sticking to his guns and doing his best to downplay the very obvious fact that many congressional Democrats are choosing to forego the convention, Villaraigosa said, "We're going to have thousands of people, the vast majority of Democratic elected officials who are delegates are going to be there. I think it's a lot about nothing. At the end of the day, she's campaigning. I think that's probably true for Senator Manchin (D-WV) and yes, it's true, in some states we have a lot of work to do. That's what campaigns are all about. I expect that the convention will frame the campaign. That's what people will be watching and it's going to be a very close election but ultimately I expect the president to win. Kinda makes you wonder who this guy is trying to convince, himself or the rest of us. But this whole thing does make very obvious that character flaw found in most, if not all, Democrats. None have the courage of their convictions. And none will stand by those things which they voted to inflict upon the rest of us.

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