

Thursday, December 2, 2010


They say history repeats itself. Well recent evidence, I think, would indicate that that is a very true statement. Because with each passing day since that fateful day on January 20. 2009, the presidency of Barry "Almighty" has been as just as bad, if not worse, for America as was the presidency of Jimmy "The Bonehead" Carter. That the American people didn't learn from the mistakes made the first time around, that this caliber of individual does very little to assure us that we remain the land of the free and the home of the brave, is a little disconcerting. These two birds of a feather have combined to inflict more damage to our country than any other previous individuals in our history. The fact that they have both been awarded bogus Nobel prizes for purely political purposes, is just one more compelling piece of evidence that these two characters are very similar in their rather twisted political philosophy. When you have successfully managed to survive, even barely, one attempt made to destroy your country, you find yourself hoping that you will be never again be subjected to another such occurrence. Unfortunately such is not the case. Because in this particular instance, we are now once more being confronted by an individual who is essentially Carter on steroids. Which does not bode well regarding our ability to survive what is likely to occur over the next two years.

Comparisons between the current Barry White House and the presidency of Jimmy "Peanut Brain" Carter, which proved to be an utter catastrophe for America, have been flying around since before this goomba was even elected. And now such comparisons are increasingly not only being made by Republicans, but by many Democrats as well. I think many of us have no problem remembering that which everyone has since commonly referred to as the Carter malaise, with all of its double-digit inflation, unemployment and interest rates. That period of time with its long gas lines and the inability of Carter to properly deal with it. Then of curse there was the hostage crisis that went on for far too long, but that was finally brought to a successful conclusion when someone showed up with the required backbone to get it done. Before Carter and his official policy of pacifism, appeasement and retaliation coming in the form of empty threats, the World, while it was, as always, a volatile place, was a relatively stable place. The bad guys knew not to mess with us, that there would be consequences for bad behavior. But with Carter's ascendency came a time where our enemies were very much emboldened with them being much more willing to see just how far they could push us. Carter worked very hard to take us to the brink on more than one occasion with a degree of foolishness and a naïveté, even an ineptness, rarely seen before in an American president. His bizarre conciliatory mentality ended up being rather hazardous to our health. Then the sky opened up, the sun came out and we were blessed with the strength, resolve and confidence of Ronald Reagan. America once again commanded a fair amount of respect and was deserving of a healthy amount of fear by those who would comprise our potential adversaries. But the Reagan/Bush 41 years were then followed by a rather peculiar period in that it was marked by a perverse series of what can, I think, safely be called distractions, brought about by the never-ending "sexploits" (bimbo eruptions) of "BJ" Clinton. Distractions which played a role and were a contributing factor in a president's inability to effectively deal with important issues of the day, which we now know ultimately contributed to our being unable to prevent the attacks that took place on 9/11. What followed then was again a time where the projection of American strength was undertaken by way of George W. Bush, with his taking the terrorist battle directly to those who wished to destroy us. Then with the election of Barry we have now managed to come full circle with us now having yet another America hating pacifist once again occupying the Oval Office. And you gotta know things are not going all that great for Barry when even Walter Mon"Dull" piping up about how it's now time for Barry "to get rid of those teleprompters and connect" with the voters. Man, what a concept. Another of Barry's clear errors, says Mr. Mon”Dull,” has been the policy of Barry to turn over the drafting of key legislation to the Democratic Congress: "That doesn't work even when you own Congress," he said. "You have to ride 'em." Mr. Mon"Dull", Carter's vice president, told The New Yorker that anxious and angry voters in the late 1970s "just turned against us—same as with Obama." As the polls turned against his administration, Mr. Mon”Dull” recalled that Mr. Carter "began to lose confidence in his ability to move the public." Democrats on Capitol Hill are now saying this is happening to Barry.

Mr. Carter seems to derive a strange kind of pleasure from heightening any comparisons of his own presidency to that of Barry, like it’s a good thing. The parallels to Barry's experience are very clear. Comparisons between the two men were made throughout the 2008 campaign, but not always in the most favorable of ways. Princeton University historian Sean Wilentz, for instance, told Fox News in August 2008 that Barry's "rhetoric is more like Jimmy Carter's than any other Democratic president in recent memory." Syndicated columnist Jonah Goldberg noted more recently that Barry, like Jimmy in his 1976 campaign, "promised a transformational presidency, a new accommodation with religion, a new centrism, a changed tone." Still there were many others who were warning that a Barry presidency would essentially be nothing more than a Carter second term and now, God forbid, may even be a Carter third term. One of the long lasting disasters that came out of the Carter administration was the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), that wonderful little piece of Democrat legislation that was signed into law by Carter in 1977. By the way, that would be the Democrat legislative debacle that was directly responsible for laying the groundwork which culminated in the eventual government sponsored financial collapse that took place in 2008. The very same collapse that just so happened to play a critical role at a critical time assisting Barry in the polls, moving him past McCain and effectively enabled him to maintain the lead right through the election. Yet another highpoint of Jimmy's administration was the brilliant decision to send the Shah of Iran packing and the turning of Iran over to a band of Islamic nut jobs, and we all know well what that lead to. The rather warped mentality possessed by these two men is eerie in its similarity. Foreign policy experts are picking up on a number of similarities. Walter Russell Mead, then a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, told the Economist magazine earlier this year that Barry is "avoiding the worst mistakes that plagued Carter." But he warns that presidents like Barry "Almighty" who emphasize "human rights" too often fall prey to the temptation of picking on weak countries while ignoring more dire human rights issues in powerful countries such as Russia, China or even Iran. Over time that can "hollow out an administration's credibility and make a president look weak." Mr. Mead warned that Barry's foreign policy "to some degree makes him dependent on people who wish neither him nor America well. This doesn't have to end badly and I hope that it doesn't—but it's not an ideal position after one's first year in power."

But it wasn't to terribly long after Barry's assumed the reins of power that some even in his own party were beginning to find fault with his rather shallow and endless rhetoric. "He's the great earnest bore at the dinner party," wrote Michael Wolff, a contributor to Vanity Fair. "He's cold; he's prickly; he's uncomfortable; he's not funny; and he's getting awfully tedious. He thinks it's all about him." That doesn't sound all that dissimilar from the critique of Jimmy "The Bonehead." And these people are just realizing this now? Any moron can stand in front of a teleprompter and read. But get this guy out where he's got to think on his feet, and it's an entirely different story. He makes Bush sound like Reagan, comparatively speaking. But it just goes to show you that no matter how smart they think they are, liberals are, more often than not, some of the dimmest bulbs in the room. And it would seem that other obvious Liberals are increasingly unable to avoid making connections between Jimmy's political troubles and those of Barry. In July, even MSNBC's Mr. "Tingling going up my leg," Chris Matthews, asked his guests, before the November election, if Democrats up for re-election will "run away from President O'Carter." After much laughter, John Heileman of New York Magazine quipped "Calling Dr. Freud." To which Mr. Matthews, whose major claim to fame, prior to him acquiring his present gig, was that he was a former Carter speechwriter, sighed "I know." These are the same useful idiots who were so determined in their presenting to the American people, this unknown, this the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate, as being the chosen one. He was touted as being the only “One” capable of leading us out of the wilderness and of restoring greatness to American. Well, it's rather obvious that that has been pretty much a bust. We're no longer respected anywhere on the globe. We're pretty much right back to where we were by the time Carter was through and before Reagan could successfully reboot things and get us back on the right track. But let's face it, the chances of another Reagan coming along this time around is more than just a little remote.

Another area where these two flaccid frauds are strikingly similar is in their rather vocal dislike for anything, or anyone even remotely connected to Fox News. Carter has said, and on more than one occasion, that Fox News commentators such as Glenn Beck “deliberately distort” the news. You see, that's how guys like Jimmy and Barry see it when someone actually takes the time to present opposing views to various issues. That defined as distortion. However, when you have any member of the state run media exhibiting the normal liberal bias by presenting only one side, the Liberal Democrat side, of any issue, well then, that is as it should be, with such views being taken as fact. Speaking at some point on CNN’s "Reliable Sources," the former Democrat president took aim at the cable news channel climate, as we’ve seen also a favorite target of Barry's, and says he tries to avoid the cable chatter. Right, unless he's on some program providing him with an opportunity to spew his typical drivel. “The talk shows with Glenn Beck and others on Fox News, I think, have deliberately distorted the news. And it’s become highly competitive,” Carter said. “And my Republican friends say that MSNBC might be just as biased on the other side in supporting the Democratic Party, the liberal element.” To compare Fox with MSNBC lays bare just how ignorant this guy really is. Me thinks old Jimmy is just a bit senile. The ex-president said opinions about the two channels were “part of give and take” in politics in the United States. Carter also believes CNN has suffered from trying to remain nonpartisan in comparison to Fox and MSNBC. CNN is nonpartisan??? “And I think CNN, more than others, has kind of tried to play the middle to their detriment as far as viewership is concerned and profits are concerned,” Carter said. I'm not sure just what hallucinogenic this guy is on, BUT I WANT SOME! Carter spoke about his relationship with the press during his one term in the White House. He said he was treated unfairly by reporters while president, but Carter also blamed himself, saying he could have reached out more to the press. “Yes, I think I should have had a much more assiduous desire when I got into the White House to court the friendly relationship and a compatible and mutually trustworthy relationship with the key members of the press corps,” Carter said. “There's no doubt about that.”

Our buddy Barry has never been known for pulling any punches when it comes to his endless whining about his supposed mistreatment at the hands of Fox News, going so far as declaring the cable news outlet to be "destructive to [America's] long-term growth." In his more than 8,000-word interview with Rolling Stone Magazine back in September, Barry compared the cable news channel to papers owned by William Randolph Hearst at the turn of the 20th century that unabashedly pushed the media titan's own political views. "You had folks like Hearst who used their newspapers very intentionally to promote their viewpoints. I think Fox is part of that tradition – it is part of the tradition that has a very clear, undeniable point of view," Obama told the magazine. And any number of officials in the Barry White House have long made Fox News their favorite media whipping boy, launching a full blown offensive last year when aides declared the network to be "opinion journalism masquerading as news." Then-White House Communications Director Anita Dunn, yes that would be the same Anita Dunn whose favorite political philosopher is the mass murderer Mao Tse Tung, said the cable outlet "operates almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party." Top Barry aide and Chicago crony, Valerie Jarret called Fox "clearly biased." Biased? Barry has said that Fox News pushes "a point of view that I disagree with. It's a point of view that I think is ultimately destructive for the long-term growth of a country that has a vibrant middle class and is competitive in the world." "But as an economic enterprise, it's been wildly successful. And I suspect that if you ask Mr. Murdoch what his number one concern is, it's that Fox is very successful." Fox News may push, to use Barry's term, a point of view that he disagrees with, but it's also a viewpoint that a growing number of Americans do agree with. Which is the primary reason behind Fox being able to literally trounce virtually all of its competition. And to make the claim that such a point of view is destructive in any way, shape, manner or form does nothing more that to reveal the outrageous ego of this guy.

These two “gentlemen” are frighteningly similar in their determination to seek out ever new and improved ways to embarrass our, and their, country in the eyes of the World. They constantly working to denigrate America wherever and whenever the opportunity may present itself. They are both men who obviously hate America and are determined to blame America for all of the World’s ills. In their rather twisted view of things, America must be made to pay for what these men feel have been the atrocities it has committed. Most Americans view their country as being a force for all that is good and just in the World, and fail to understand how it is that men who hold the highest office in the land could feel otherwise. But they do understand the damage that such men do to this country when they continue to make outrageous and slanderous statements against their own country. These men slander their own country for purely political reasons, and therefore are not deserving of any degree of respect. Carter is nothing but a buffoon and should simply be ignored. Barry on the other hand, is much more dangerous and bares watching very closely. He will remain in his position for another two years and therefore will have plenty of time along with any number of opportunities to wreak much more damage before he's through.

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