

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Mr. Julius Genachowski??

I think it very safe to say here, that there is definitely something very sinister afoot here. This, the administration that was supposed to be the most transparent in our nation's history, is once again doggedly working to keep what it has in mind for we the people, cloaked under a very heavy shroud of secrecy. The pure insidious nature of what these culprits are so determined to bring about here, clearly reveals the lack of confidence that they themselves have in their own ideas. A lack of confidence demonstrated by a grotesque unwillingness to bring their ideas out into the full light of day so that they may be fully examined by those who will be the most effected by those ideas, the American people. That alone is what drives the leftist Democrats in their quest to stifle the free flow of information in this country and to use their puppets in the state controlled media to distract a substantial portion of the electorate away from what they are working to bring about. You would think that if they were so confident in their ideas they would be willing, even eager, to defend them through the using of any and every venue available to them. But not so! So we now hear that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is making new plans to regulate the Internet, promising that these new rules will "preserve the freedom and openness of the Internet." What a freakin crock! And so it is now that our FCC Chairman, the highly esteemed, and politically corrupt, Julius Genachowski will reveal the proposed rules on Dec. 21. But I am a little curious, as is the Washington Times when it makes the point that "it's not clear under what law Mr. Genachowski thinks he can stick his nose into the businesses that comprise the Internet." In an editorial headlined "Wave Goodbye to Internet Freedom," the Times states: "Freedom and openness should continue to be the governing principles of the Internet. That's why Mr. Genachowski's proposal should be rejected and Congress should make it even more clear that the FCC should stop trying to expand its regulatory empire."

It would now seem that that the FCC, under the rather questionable stewardship of Mr. Genachowski, is, in fact, now poised to do just that, adding the Internet to its expanding portfolio of regulated industries. Mr. Genachowski has circulated draft rules he says will "preserve the freedom and openness of the Internet." This is all nothing more than Orwellian doublespeak. It’s pure nonsense! And no statement better reflects the gulf between the rhetoric of Barry the candidate and the reality of Barry "Almighty’s" administration policies. You see, it was with a straight face that Mr. Genachowski had the “audacity” to suggest that somehow government bureaucratic red tape will, in effect, increase the "freedom" of online services. Those same services that have somehow managed to flourish quite well without bureaucratic busybodies such as himself being allowed to tinker with the Web. And abiding by the promise of transparency by Barry, Mr. Genachowski's draft document has over 550 footnotes and is stamped "non-public, for internal use only" to ensure nobody outside the agency sees it until the rules are approved in a scheduled December 21 vote. So much for "openness." Ah, don't you just love all this "hope and change" stuff. It just makes it all the more obvious regarding the extraordinary lengths that this present administration they will go to keep the American people from having any opportunity of being able to see what it is that they are up to. When they come to be able to completely control the flow of information there will be nothing that they will be unable to do to consolidate their grip on power. These rabid bureaucrats hope to ensure that the people will have no recourse and are thus unable to keep that much-needed watchful eye on the behavior of those who comprise our government.

It's not clear, exactly, on why it is that the Mr. Genachowski has come to think that the FCC needs to insert itself into a situation with obvious market solutions. Companies that impose draconian tolls or block services will lose customers. Existing laws already offer any number of protections against anti-competitive behavior, so it's not clear under what law Mr. Genachowski thinks he can stick his nose into the businesses that comprise the Internet. The FCC regulates broadcast television and radio because the government granted each station exclusive access to a slice of the airwaves. Likewise when Ma Bell accepted a monopoly deal from Uncle Sam, it came with some regulatory strings attached. But no such rationale applies online, especially because bipartisan majorities in Congress have insisted on maintaining a hands-off policy. A federal appeals court confirmed that point this past April by striking down the FCC's last attempt in this arena. But as we all know, Liberals very seldom, if ever, take no for an answer, especially if what their focused on doing has anything to do with the expanding of the size and scope of the federal government. They just work to circumvent the system, then ends always justify the means. "That was sort of like the quarterback being sacked for a 20-yard loss," FCC Commissioner Robert M. McDowell told The Washington Times. "And now the team is about to run the exact same play. ... In order for the FCC to do this, it needs for Congress to give it explicit statutory authority to do so." So we will see what we shall see, I guess. It goes very much without saying that freedom and openness should continue to be the governing principles of the Internet. That's why this idiotic proposal of Mr. Genachowski's should be strenuously and overwhelmingly rejected and Congress should make it crystal clear that the FCC should cease and desist its efforts to expand its regulatory empire.

Now, just for grins, how 'bout we take a little peek into the background of the stellar Mr. Genachowski:

Well, well, well, lookee what we have here…me thinks I smell a rat!

It would seem that this supposed guardian of freedom and openness that comes to us in the form of Mr. Genachowski, is an old friend and long standing basketball buddy of our "Fearless Leader," Barry "Almighty." That alone is reason enough, for me at least, to call into question any and all motives that this guy might have for wishing to acquire control of the Internet. He earned his undergraduate degree at Columbia University, where he was an editor of the Columbia Daily Spectator. Supposedly the two did not know each other at Columbia, but when speaking of Barry, one can never really know for sure. Mr. Genachowski also attended Harvard Law School (1989-1991), where he was a classmate of Barry's, and served as notes editor on the Harvard Law Review when it was headed by Barry. The two took breaks playing basketball, and became close friends. Genachowski told the Washington Post, "We were two guys with funny names, and our backgrounds, while different, shared some important features that brought us together," he said. "My parents were immigrants, and we have our share of Holocaust stories. So we shared an appreciation that people with backgrounds like his and mine could end up at a place like Harvard, where we never expected to be." Genachowski and Obama graduated Harvard Law magna cum laude together in 1991, attended each other’s weddings, and have remained close friends. And so it is that the plot appears to thicken...

After law school, our enterprising Mr. Genachowski found himself being Washington bound. It was where he first clerked for federal appeals court judge Abner Mikva (U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit), taking a job that his good buddy Barry turned down with Mikva having had arranged a job for Barry at the Chicago law firm he headed before being appointed a federal judge. Genachowski also subsequently clerked for two Supreme Court justices, David Souter and William Brennan Jr. It was in 1994, during the administration of "BJ" Clinton, that Mr. Genachowski served under two Federal Communications Commission heads, Reed Hundt and William Kennard , as adviser and as general counsel. In 1998, he chose to leave government and head off for the private sector, assuming the position of Chief of Business Operations and a member of billionaire Barry Diller's Office of the Chairman at IAC/InterActiveCorp, the net result of would have Mr. Genachowski ending up a multi-millionaire. He would then move on to found two D.C.-based venture capital firms, Rock Creek Ventures and LaunchBox Digital. Mr. Genachowski began working on a huge government reform plan in 2007, when he chaired the Technology, Media and Telecommunications policy task force that created the Barry "Almighty" Technology and Innovation Plan. He urged Barry to harness the power of the Internet in the 2008 presidential campaign, to create social networking tools on the Internet so voters could rally for Barry’s causes, an element of the campaign that was inventive and proved to be very successful. Candidate Barry adopted his friend's plan in unprecedented ways that will reverberate throughout future political bids for some time. After Barry won the election, Genachowski co-led the Technology, Innovation, and Government Reform Group for Barry’s presidential transition team, working closely with transition leader John Podesta, who was on leave from the George Soros-funded Democrat think tank, "Center for American Progress," which was also working on Barry's plans for the controlling of the media.

It was in March of 2009, that Mr. Genachowski was announced as Barry "Almighty’s" nominee to head up the Ministry of Information, whoops I mean the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), as Chairman. On June 16 of that same year Mr. Genachowski apparent sailed through his confirmation hearing in the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee unscathed and won unanimous confirmation by the entire Senate on the 25th, taking his oath of office June 29 for a 5-year term. I'd be interested in just what that oath says, however. Because I'm not all that sure that what Mr. Genachowski is now attempting to do is in accordance with any oath that he might have taken. Unless it was some oath of allegiance to Barry "Almighty." So, here we have yet one more individual intent on expanding the role of government, and for whom not one Republican voted against and who now wants to seize control of the internet. Am I missing something here? So the end result here is that Barry now has his old friend who had managed his hi-tech online presidential campaign now running the FCC. That same individual who possesses an intimate knowledge of the campaign’s activist Internet responders and email list. If used by a grassroots expert, such information could be powerful enough to generate pressure on the agency to do whatever the president wants. It wasn't long after assuming his new position that Mr. Genachowski very quickly revealed his hostility to broadcasters as well as Internet providers. A change he had already advocated during the Barry campaign was "Net Neutrality," which centers on the Internet providers wanting to charge fees for use of their cable lines. Such fees would determine how fast a Web site downloads and could significantly affect the user experience. While content providers fiercely oppose these fees, Internet providers argue that the fees would actually give consumers better services like easier and crisper Internet telephone calls.

In Sept. 2009, Genachowski proposed two rules that would solidify the stance that Internet providers can't charge or discriminate by using download speeds. The rules are:

1. Broad band providers can't discriminate against any Internet content or application.

2. Internet providers must be open about their network-management.

These rules would apply, even if the consumer was accessing the Internet through a wireless device. The FCC commissioners took no action.

In May 2010, Genachowski released a proposal to overhaul the FCC’s ability to regulate broadband Internet. Genachowski’s plan is to redefine Internet providers under the category of “telecommunication services,” and enforce six rules that currently apply to phone companies. This new, “third-way” plan was in response to a federal court ruling that limited the FCC’s ability to regulate the Internet. The new classification is an attempt to regain that authority. To put the Barry campaign’s activist Internet responders and email list into use as a policy tool, Genachowski created the position of Media Diversity Officer in the FCC. It was supposedly in response to the Barry stimulus bill passed in February 2009. Congress appropriated $7.2 billion for increased broadband coverage throughout the U.S., which included expanding use in rural and low-income areas often populated by minorities. But there was nothing in the bill that suggested the creation of an FCC "Diversity Officer." However, such an office was essential to Genachowski's larger strategic goals, even though he had to combine the "Media Diversity Officer" job with an Associate Counsel position in order for it to fit into the existing bureaucracy. That meant finding a sharp attorney who shared the Barry administration's leftward beliefs. The natural choice to fill the combined posts was none other than Mark Lloyd, an individual whom John Podesta had employed (2004-2008) as a Senior Fellow on communications issues at the George Soros funded "Center for American Progress." Which should quite easily indicate in which direction are his political leanings. So here we are in an era when Liberals firmly control 95 percent of all broadcast and print "news" media, and suddenly it has now been determined that there is some desperate need for a "Diversity Officer" regarding the points of view that are now available on the Internet. Whoops excuse me, that would be just the conservative viewpoints that are available on the Internet.

The disturbing little trend that we see developing here is not one that instills all that much confidence regarding our being able to prevent the government from seizing control of yet one more important facet of our society, and one where it has absolutely no business whatsoever. A facet that up to now has been considered as being one that has remained, thus far, independent of government interference, which is as it should be. Yes my friends, there is something very much rotten in Denmark. This is nothing other than the continuation of a blatant, Barry inspired assault on our freedom that can have as its only possible motive the attempted squelching of any and all dissent that may come from those opposed to where it is that Barry and his cadre of drones wish to drag us against our will. A place that if most Americans were to be made fully aware of, there could quite possibly be an open revolt against this president and his pathetically corrupt and unethical political party. The caliber of individuals we see involved in this despicable endeavor appear to now be busying themselves in trying to create any way imaginable a method that they can then use in crippling the capability which many Americans have to come to rely to keep themselves informed. If this malignancy that is viewed as being the proper role of government is allowed to continue to grow and to flourish, what lies ahead will be some truly dark times.

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