

Sunday, December 5, 2010


In my ongoing quest to find out the truth about this man who apparently so obviously lied his way to the presidency, I have come across several books that have been very helpful in accomplishing that endeavor. They are:

The Blue Print, by Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski
The Post-American Presidency, by Pamela Geller with Robert Spencer
Crimes against Liberty, by David Limbaugh
The Root of Obama’s Rage, by Dinesh D’Souza
Radical-in-Chief, by Stanley Kurtz
Conduct Unbecoming, by Robert Patterson

For anyone looking to discover more about the individual who currently occupies the Oval Office, and how it is that he came to be there, any of these books is very helpful and would invariably prove to be very insightful. The level of deceit that was perpetrated on the American people is insidious in its nature, and the sheer volume of lies that were, and continue to be, told regarding this man’s background and political philosophy is nothing short of mind-boggling. Something else that becomes readily apparent is the level of journalistic malpractice that not only occurred throughout the 2008 presidential campaign, but continues to be a mainstay of the state run media to this very day. There was, and is, a concerted effort by the state run media conglomerate to keep the American people completely blinded regarding anything that could be perceived as being, in any way, detrimental to the candidacy, or the current presidency, of one Barack Hussein Obama.

To this day very few Americans are aware of any of Obama’s very questionable affiliations or of the litany of varied, and sinister, policy positions that comprise the very controversial past of their president. There were many critics, who throughout the 2008 campaign, wrote about any number of troubling issues in this man’s past, yet our illustrious “mainstream” media never saw fit to give any of these concerns the level of attention they deserved. Such is the ongoing reason that today so many conflicting perceptions of Obama’s politics still exist. Americans who have bothered to take the time to read any number of online sources tend to know things about their president’s radical political past that the broader public remains significantly ignorant of. We do now have a truly scary individual occupying the highest office in the land, and we should all be very concerned about what the future holds for this country and those of us who inhabit it. We must be aware of the tactics used in the past so that any future attempts will prove to be less successful.

I could attempt to go into detail here regarding the arguments presented by the authors of the books listed above, but I fear that to do so would only, in the end, prove to be grossly inadequate, comparatively speaking. I would most assuredly be committing a grave injustice in my attempt to represent their respective bodies of work. Suffice it say, that all these authors seem to agree on one point, that the individual who is our president is not the man he portrayed himself to be throughout the campaign, or, for that matter, since January 20, 2009. But to say that he was alone in perpetrating, and in attempts to continue to perpetrate, this deception upon the American people would not be an accurate statement. He has had an army of enablers that have allowed him to work toward the advancing of his most disturbing agenda. His is a foreign and domestic policy agenda that has succeeded in putting America in an extremely precarious position in the World. It is an agenda that Obama and his may minions have worked hard to keep completely below the radar of the American people, allowing Obama to acquire the necessary opportunity to, with the help of his political compatriots in Congress, enact some of the most dangerous legislation in recent history.

Americans need to make themselves cognizant of this man’s highly dubious past and his questionable motives, and come to understand what it is exactly that he wishes to “transform” this county into. His intentions are considered to be very much less than admirable by all except those who comprise the hard kook left fringe that form the basis of his supporters. The first step in the attempt to recognize this ongoing “transformation” came in the form of the November 2 election. Which would indicate that perhaps at least some of the American people are now, at last, coming to understand at least some of the dangers that this man represents. It has now become incumbent upon those who wish to prevent our country from slipping even farther to the left at the hands of this blatant socialist to delve into what drives this man as he intends to further “transform” America. We have less than 24 short months to come fully to our senses, until 2012 to take the proper initiative to do the requisite research into the background of this very dangerous man. We must work in our attempt to prevent him from acquiring an additional term which would allow him further opportunities to inflict even more damage upon our great country. Books such as those that I have mentioned go a long way in bringing an understanding to what it is that he is so desperate to accomplish.

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