

Monday, December 20, 2010


I never ceases to amaze me the lengths to which Democrats will go all in an effort to either gain or to solidify their political power. That these pansy-ass liberal Democrats, very few of which have served day 1 in the military service of their country, insist upon forcing upon those who do serve, such potentially destructive issues as that of gays openly serving in the military is nothing more than arrogance in its purest form. There is never have even the slightest hesitation from these gutless wonders when it comes to using the military for their own personal petri dish regarding any bizarre issues of social experimentation. None of these pathetic clowns have ever experienced what it is like to reside in the very cramped living quarters on board ship where there is no such thing as privacy. They have never enjoyed barracks life where 3 or 4 roommates are sharing a room or enjoyed the "exposure" of a community shower that one must endure. And yet, they can, with great confidence and comfortable in they're being somewhat indignant, literally force those who have no choice in the matter, into this very uncomfortable, and somewhat awkward, circumstance. Look, I have absolutely no problem with gays being able to serve in the military as long as they keep this very private aspect of their lives just that, private. I fail to see why it is exactly, that everyone needs to know who is, as well as who is not, gay. What exactly is the driving motive behind this whole notion anyway? I spent 24 years in the Navy and during that time I have no doubt that I served with any number of sailors and airmen who were gay. But there was never simply any need for me to ever know that, just as there was no need for them to know I was not gay. What's the urgency that we must now all be made very much aware of the sexual orientation of those serving in our nation's armed forces? I would prefer not to know what sexual behavior(s) those I work with are partial to. Call me crazy, but I don't see where I have a need to know.

This is nothing but one more liberal cause or issue that, when you get right down the nitty-gritty of things, has less to do with gay rights and much more to do with politics. Once more we see plain as day where the priorities of the Democrat Party truly lie. They don't care about our country in any way, shape , manner or form, or what it is that's best for those who volunteer to defend it. They're sycophants, pure and simple. This whole slew of imbecilic Democrats are doing nothing more than pandering to one of their core constituencies having now arrived at a screwy decision the consequences of which no one knows. Personally, I see two things potentially happening here. The first, and what I view as being the most serious, is the fact that it now becomes very likely that a good many of our very best and brightest people will now simply choose to leave military service rather than to become subjected to what is sure to become any number of the unwanted advances that many of these openly gay individuals very often commit. Also, many of those who are considering or that once thought of making the military their career will now be having second thoughts and choose not to enlist in the first place. After all, who among us enjoys being gawked at while in those previously mentioned community showers or be subjected to questionable situations in close quarters. It is a fact that these individuals are highly promiscuous as well as possessing questionable exhibitionist tendencies. The second thing that could potentially take place is that those who choose to openly serve could find themselves on the receiving end of a good butt whoppin. And not the kind that they would otherwise be more familiar with.

It goes without saying that the many proponents of this policy to end the military's ban on gays serving openly in uniform and who are now loudly cheering the Senate vote Saturday in favor of repealing the policy, known as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" view it as but a first step toward positive recognition by the general public of their rather unconventional or deviant behavior. But the policy remains in force, and implementation promises to bring even more political fights. For gay-rights advocates who mobilized in support of passage, the Senate vote represented a clear victory. To say that gays were ever banned from serving in the military is really a clear misnomer to say the least. Gays have never been banned from serving, it was just that no one really wants to know what others do in the privacy of his or her bedroom. I consider it, and always have, as being none of my business. So why is it then that the esteemed members of Congress have now deemed it as being just that, my business. I don't want to know. And of course it goes without saying that The American Civil Liberties Union, that well known communist front group, also applauded the vote. "For nearly two decades, gay and lesbian service members have been forced to hide who they are in order to serve their country," said Laura Murphy, Director of the ACLU Washington legislative office. "That will soon end. The significance of this vote should not be underestimated and should serve as confirmation that we should not and cannot codify discrimination into our laws." What a cockamamie bunch of crap. This is one organization that has dedicated itself to the annihilation of all those things that form the very foundations of our Republic. As such, these people work tirelessly to remove any vestige of religion from society while working toward the acceptance, by that same society, of every deviant behavior imaginable. Such are the goals of the ACLU.

Joe Solmonese, the president of Human Rights Campaign, Human Rights?, said passage of the bill marked the end of a "failed and discriminatory" policy. Gays and lesbians, he said, "will soon be able to serve with the full honor and integrity the uniform demands." Personally, I'm still not understanding the basis on which the whole discrimination argument is made regarding this very troublesome issue. Gays serve today and will continue to serve into the future just as they have done for years, most likely ever since the inception of our military forces. Why I must I now be forced to know anything about anyone's sexual preference? What, or whose, cause is really being advanced here? How does it make the military run any better? Sexual matters should be considered as being something that is held in the strictest of confidence by the individuals involved. These are matters that are to be treated as being intensely private, so what's with all of this insistence by Congress to accomplish just the opposite? Robin McGhee, co-founder of gay-rights group GetEqual, said, "We are thrilled today that the Senate has taken one more step toward full legal equality for all Americans." Pop star Lady Gaga delivered a message on Twitter. "Can't hold back the tears+pride," she wrote. "We did it." Did what exactly, open up a new avenue for these perverts to take advantage of? The Senate repeals the ban against gays serving openly in the U.S. military, sending the measure to Barry "Almighty" for his signature. This is all nothing more than another successful attempt by the left to destroy the one aspect of the government that works, the military.

Some conservatives, however, registered strong disappointment. Senator Jim Inhofe (R., Okla.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said the current policy "has proven to work providing good order and discipline to our nation's military" since it was introduced in 1993. "As the old adage goes, why fix something that isn't broken?" he said. Key Republican members of the House Armed Services Committee urged that the Pentagon carefully weigh the impact that the implementation of doing away with this policy would have on those currently serving overseas. Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon (R., Calif.), the current ranking member of the committee, said the department should "stand firm to ensure the implementation process does not create any distractions for our troops fighting on the frontlines in Afghanistan and Iraq." Rep. Joe Wilson (R., S.C.), the top Republican on the committee's military personnel panel, said, "There is much more information to examine and many more conversations to have with military leaders in order to ensure there is no impact on military readiness, recruitment, and morale going forward." This action is nothing short of disgusting. Not the act itself of overturning the policy, but how it was gone about. It is reckless and purely political with little or no thought put into any potentially adverse impact or consequences that it may have on our troop who already have enough issues to deal with. This whole basis for this entire scheme is to accomplish nothing more than the creating of a new and inventive way for allowing gays to "feel good" about themselves while sacrificing good order and discipline in the military at the same time.

For some observers, implementation will be the real test of the policy change. Retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, the senior adviser for the left-leaning think tank National Security Network, said the military could enforce the new policy without losing focus on their core mission. "Our armed forces have the discipline many times over to conform to repeal and integration without becoming distracted, and I have absolute confidence in our Secretary of Defense and our service chiefs to prepare the force for implementation," he said. Sure thing there, general. By the way, when was the last time you were gawked at while standing naked in the shower? I'm guessing it's been quite some time, if ever. Many on the liberal end of the political spectrum are busy hoping that the passage of this measure will now be looked upon as a way to further a broader debate about issues like gay marriage rights. Kate Kendell, the executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, said debate over the military policy "ignited a national conversation not just about the ability of lesbians and gay men to be good soldiers, but about the underpinnings of all sorts of government-sanctioned discrimination," she said. This is just so twisted, and in so many different ways. I retired from the military almost 9 years ago, I very much enjoyed my years of service. Toward the end political correctness got to the point where it was getting silly and had became the rule of the day. More and more of the various types of "sensitivity" training became required, with it getting to a point where actual readiness training began to suffer. I am very glad that I was in when I was in. I would not care to be in today's military, things have just deteriorated much too far. And I would not recommend to any young person to chose the military for a career in today's environment that demands blind adherence to what has become a toxic level of this very corrosive type of political correctness.

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