

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Despite numerous, and at times very vocal, protests coming from those who really should know, it was with the assistance of a select few pathetic Republican turncoats, that a treaty which does much more harm to America than it does good, has now been ratified by the Senate. It was all made possible by a limp-wristed cadre of RINOs, faux conservatives, who apparently saw in themselves, individuals who are much more knowledgeable, even qualified, in such matters than are the many experts who came out in strong opposition of ratification. Hence, they therefore saw fit, and very enthusiastically so, to run to Barry's assistance in his effort to get this disaster for America enacted. It is evident now that a grand total of 13 gutless RINOs appear to have once again chosen to abandon conservative principles, as well as the American people, in deciding to vote in favor a seriously flawed START Treaty, complete with its many national security concerns. It was an act that is nothing short of egregious. The stellar little list of Republican enablers includes many of the usual suspects such as the bimbos from Maine, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker of Tennessee, Bob Bennett of Utah, Scott "Pinup" Brown of Massachusetts, Thad Cochran of Mississippi, Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, Johnny Isakson of Georgia, Mike Johanns of Nebraska, Dick Lugar of Indiana, Lisa "Sore Loser" Murkowski of Alaska, and George Voinovich of Ohio. The treaty was ratified by a vote of 71-26, so therefore would not have passed without RINO assistance. Do any of these RINOs in the Senate even remember that little seismic event that took place just a mere 7 weeks ago? I think not! Instead they chose to once more demonstrate a flagrant and reckless disregard for the will of the American people. It's as if we now have some form of chronic dementia that has infected a certain number of Republicans, at least in the Senate. I'm sure what was running through Brown's mind as he decided to vote for this abomination, was the fact that he will very shortly need to begin readying himself to run for re-election in very “Blue” Massachusetts and is likely to find himself running against “Teddy the Drunk’s” widow. So he has essentially become one more on a very long list of RINOs who seem to be much more concerned about their own political fortunes than the future of our country. Anyone who is still wondering why there was such a headlong rush to ratify this treaty that raises such ominous and potentially grave national-security issues for this country, should contact each and every one of these individuals and demand that they justify their pathetic behavior, even though, sadly, it is now after the fact. Conservatives should view this act by Republicans as being the throwing down of the gauntlet. It should now become our mission from this point on to ensure every single Republican who voted for ratification be tossed out of office at the very earliest opportunity. These elitists, these traitors, can no longer be permitted to betray the trust of the American people by their continuing to be bought off by a man who has, and in very short order, become the number one enemy of our country, Barack Hussein Obama. This type of behavior should be considered as being nothing short of criminal and borders on being treasonous.

In the lead up to this vote, if you're one of those who chose to listen to Richard Perle, a key architect of President Ronald Reagan’s strategy to end the Cold War, throughout the debate, it should now be painfully obvious what should have happened here regarding this very badly conceived "treaty." What was needed was a very serious and thorough examination right down to even the most minutest of details. But in the rush to ratify this horrendous document, no such thing, in fact, ever took place. The Senate is designed to be the Quality Control for issues such as this, and in that capacity it failed and failed miserably. I would like to ask all of those Republicans, who just could not wait until the next Congress to bring this thing up, what sense does it make for America to be making any kind of a deal with a third rate military power when there is a very good chance that it will, in the end, only serve to hamper our own ability to better protect ourselves against any number of new and emerging threats all across the globe? Commonsense, always in short supply in Washington, would say that what needed to have taken place, and what these Republicans should have demanded, at least from Mr. Perle's perspective, was a very in depth discussion regarding all of the pros and cons of this very lopsided pact. And instead of pressuring reluctant Republican Senators for rapid ratification of this Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia, what Barry should have done for the good of the country, was to just drop it, or so suggests Mr. Richard Perle. And you would think that there would have had been a very loud conservative chorus echoing that very same sentiment. Instead, these several Republicans seemed to be happily oblivious in their effort to offer up whatever assistance that may be needed by Barry in his efforts to continue on in his mission, a mission to seriously weaken this country on as many fronts as possible. And Mr. Perle was far from being alone in his sounding of the alarm over this very bad treaty. There were more than 30 former defense or foreign policy government officials and related experts who, in an open letter to the Senate, expressed their “professional judgment” that Barry "Almighty's" proposed nuclear weapons reduction treaty with the Russians, called New START, “is not consistent with the national security interests of the United States,” and “should be rejected by the U.S. Senate.” Needless to say their warnings seem to have fallen on deaf ears. So I guess the morons such as those listed above, instead chose to disagree with all of those knowledgeable folks, since these bureaucrats somehow consider themselves to be just so much smarter than the experts.

“It’s a seriously flawed treaty,” warned Mr. Perle, who is now a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, during an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV. “It’s certainly not the kind of treaty Ronald Reagan fought for and accomplished.” Yes, but what we all need to remember is the very obvious fact that our current president is about as far removed from Ronald Reagan as is humanly possibly. In fact I think it very safe to say that Barry has now very easily eclipsed the dangerous buffoonery of Jimmy "Peanut Brain" Carter and in so doing, can now rightfully lay claim to the title of being this nation's worst president, ever. But Barry is to be considered as being far more dangerous than Carter ever was. With Carter it was because of his stupidity, ineptness and, to a degree, a certain naïveté. With Barry it's none of those things, the behavior being exhibited by our current president is much more purposeful, even sinister. He is absolutely driven in his efforts to destroy this country. He wishes to be seen as the individual solely responsible for bringing about the demise of America. In his argument against the treaty, Mr. Perle added that the pact is glaringly weak regarding treaty verification. “For example, our right to inspections is limited to sites the Russians declare . . . which makes a mockery of the whole idea of on-site inspections,” Mr. Perle explained. “Imagine when Iran asserts a similar right to limit inspections, or the North Koreans or others. For that reason alone, it’s a very doubtful agreement.” None of which seemed to be worth the slightest amount of concern to those supposed conservative Republicans who choose to vote for ratification. Mr. Perle went on to state that what was needed prior to any talk whatsoever of ratification, was plenty of time to examine the treaty in its entirety. “That won’t be done if they vote immediately,” he noted. “The Senate has never seen the full negotiating record on the treaty.” I, like Mr. Perle at the time, failed to grasp the need to expedite the ratification of this very obvious debacle. So the ratification of this treaty turns out to be yet one more incident where a piece of crap is passed without it ever being read by those voting on it. I also have a very hard time understanding why it is that any of these Republicans seemed to be so eager to assist Barry in his endeavor to further weaken our country, and force such a disastrous treaty upon it. Barry is an American president the likes of which we have never seen before. He is an anomaly really. He's a man whose actions are nothing short of insidious and is an individual who possesses such a level of contempt, even hatred, for his own country that it would seem very reasonable to consider him as being the greatest threat that our nation now faces. How scary is that? Scary or not, it is a fact. A fact which makes the recent actions of these scumbag Republicans all the more despicable.

The whole basis for literally ramming this thing through a lame duck Congress, and the main reason you would have thought that every single Republican would have stood very firmly in opposition to it, is that Barry did not want anything that would have even remotely resembled a serious examination of the ongoing dispute between the United States and Russia over ballistic missile defense taking place, at least according to Mr. Perle. “Russia claims that, if we build future ballistic missile defenses that impinge on what they believe to be their national security, then all bets are off, and the treaty no longer applies,” he says. “That would inhibit our ballistic missile defense program, even though it’s not aimed at Russia — it’s aimed at Iran, North Korea, and others.” Their national security? Who gives a rats behind about Russia's national security? What should be of primary concern for all involved here is our national security! Shouldn't that be the primary interest of our commander in chief? Guess not! I say why not show a little spine here and simply tell the Ruskies all bets are to now be considered as being officially off! Something else that should really come as no big surprise to anyone whose been watching this jerk for the last two years, is the fact that what Barry has now succeeded in happily handing over to Russia what is essentially veto power over our being able to put into place a missile defense program, at least that is how Mr. Perle chooses to describe this whole agreement. And I would tend to agree with that statement. “At any point they can say we don’t like what you’re doing, you’re putting us in a position where we’ll walk away from this treaty. I think this president would back down under those circumstances.” Truer words were never spoken. What we now have in our president is an individual who is far too willing to place the life of every single American citizen firmly in the crosshairs of our growing list of enemies. A list that is growing because of the specific actions, or the inaction, taken by our anti-American president. He is seen as being weak and feckless, and as such, that is the way that our country is now viewed by a growing number vile despots and tin horn dictators anywhere on the planet.

A closer examination regarding the basics of this treaty was absolutely vital, and yet was never done. Not done because it became increasingly difficult, if not impossible, for those wishing to do so because of the specific actions taken by a very corrupt and devious White House which refused to turn over the negotiating records involved here. Which, I guess should come a no big surprise, since it is just more example of what has become seen as the standard operating procedure by, what was supposed to be, the most transparent administration in history. So why did the Republicans simply roll over? Mr. Perle nearly pleaded, “This treaty doesn’t need to be signed now, and I don’t believe it needs to be signed at all. There is no reason after the Cold War why we can’t build what we think is necessary and let the Russians build what they want. We don’t need a treaty to regulate relations between us.” And yet it was ratified, with the help of these pathetic turncoat Republicans, and will be signed by Barry. As I stated earlier, what was the urgency, the rationale, or even the necessity of having this treaty ratified now. A treaty which essentially attempts to base that which we choose to do to defend ourselves on what a third rate military such as Russia's does or does not do. It makes no sense, from a national security point of view. It came as no real surprise to see the pacifist, appeasement oriented Democrats come out in fully supporting this thing. But what was not expected was the fact that anyone who calls themselves a Republican, would come anywhere near supporting such a blatant attempt to rob from America its basic right to defend itself. Of course, maintaining our ability to defend ourselves is not, and never has been, a big priority of Barry's. He's made that point abundantly clear on any number of occasions. He's much more concerned with savaging our economy, bankrupting our nation and leaving our nation open to attack by any of a growing number of enemies. There are times that I think that he actually wishes for another attack to take place against this country. At least that's what his actions would indicate.

Along with his effort to prevent the ratification of this agreement, Mr. Perle also offered up a very serious critique of what is seen as being Barry's rather lackluster, and somewhat nonsensical, foreign policy that is also proving to be very dangerous to America's interests as well as to our national security. Regarding the war in Afghanistan, “it’s very hard to judge progress in a war of this kind,” Mr. Perle tells Newsmax.TV. “Attacks are up. The key to fighting an insurgency like this is persuading the population we are the winning side.” But with Barry's idiotic imposition of a deadline for U.S. troops to withdraw from Afghanistan it makes the effort that much more difficult, Perle says. “In effect, he’s saying to any Afghan who’s trying to decide whether to cooperate with an insurgent, the U.S. is going to be out of here. The clear implication is that a smart Afghan will work with the people who will be there after we’re gone.” But Barry being even worse than your typical Democrat, has no interest in achieving any level of victory nor in creating a stable government in that country. Regarding the contentious issue of a nuclear Iran, Mr. Perle states that Israel will, at some point, be forced into the position of having to attack Iran in order to prevent it from developing such weapons. “Time is running out on halting Iran’s nuclear program, though I believe they’ve been dealt a severe setback by the clever insertion of a worm (computer virus) in their control systems,” Mr. Perle says. My concern here is that Barry will take whatever measures he thinks are necessary to somehow thwart any action that might be taken by Israel. Because of his level of hatred for Israel, I would not put it past Barry to provide to the Iranians key intelligence information that would then provide to them sufficient advance warning regarding any pending attack and thus enable them to limit the level of success that any such mission might achieve. And in the Asian theater, North Korea will continue to cause problems for the United States because Barry's administration isn’t the least bit willing to put enough pressure on China to moderate the rogue nation’s behavior, Perle said. The United States has tolerated North Korea’s outrageous behavior for too long, Perle says. “Our task is to make our views so emphatic that China will respond,” he said. “I believe we could do that, but we haven’t. The Obama administration has been unwilling to deliver the necessary ultimatum to China.” Of course a big reason for that is most likely the massive amount of American debt now held by the Red Chinese communists.

The entire presidency of Barry "Almighty" is rapidly becoming one that is proving to be most hazardous to our very survival as well as being the most disastrous in our history. This START Treaty is only the most recent example of this president's recklessness. Republicans, ALL REPUBLICANS, needed to stand united against it but instead chose to take a position that run counter to the American people. Essentially they failed us yet again. In short, they caved. While it was imperative that it not pass until the new Congress is sworn in, the Republicans, showed a serious lack of backbone, and chose instead to shove it through the lame duck session. The Republicans who supported this measure made a conscious decision to stand against the American people and with a man who feels nothing but contempt for both his country and its people.

Just a few of the obvious shortcomings the treaty raises include:

1. Like any treaty, New START is only as solid as the inspection regime that backs it up. Critics say the verification measures in the treaty are far weaker than previous arms reduction deals.

2. Russia already is widely believed to be in violation of other international accords. It failed to abide by international agreements to withdraw all of its forces from South Ossetia following the war in Georgia, and the Strategic Posture Commission has declared that Russia “is no longer in compliance” with agreements to limit deployment of tactical nuclear weapons.

3. Russia has been loath to cooperate with international sanctions against Iran and has provided anti-aircraft missiles to Venezuela, a close ally of Iran.

4. Also, Russia continues to engage in Soviet-style espionage against the United States. The latest example was the discovery of a massive Russian “sleeper cell” network in the United States.

5. Washington Times columnist Bill Gertz recently revealed that a State Department memo extensively documents secret talks between the Russians and the administration on missile defense — despite assurances that no such deal was being discussed. McCarthy writes: “Obama not only is philosophically opposed to robust missile defense, but has actually reneged on missile-defense commitments the nation made to Poland and the Czech Republic.”

6. Because the new treaty would limit launchers, it encourages the Cold War-era practice of MIRVing, that is, placing multiple warheads on a single missile. The SS-18 of that period was called a “city-buster” because each launcher contained 10 missiles that could be independently targeted to rain death on U.S. cities.

7. The treaty does not constrain the quality of offensive missiles. Russia is embarking on an extensive modernization program. The administration has promised to do the same for U.S. missiles, but so far the funds have not been requested.

Obviously the passing of this damaging treaty clearly shows that Senate Republicans learned nothing from the November 2 election. Absolutely NOTHING! It is a sad commentary that those whom we willing elect to make decisions for us can then be so cavalier when it comes to supporting such a patently deceptive and potentially lethal document as is this treaty and the man who brought it into being.

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