

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


While I am not sure about anyone else, I for one am very glad to see 2010 come to a close. Because that means, God willing, we are one year closer to the end of this "obamanation" of a presidency. However, if the Republicans in the Senate had only displayed a little backbone, I feel that the end of the year could have proven to be much more beneficial for Americans as a whole. Alas though, such was just not to be the case. While all we heard about for days on end was the "deal" that had been struck to extend the Bush tax cuts, in exchange our stellar Republicans agreed to extend, yet again unfunded unemployment benefits, along with a number of less publicized additional, as well as unfunded and wasteful, expenditures that were also included in this "deal." So it was then that because of a rabidly socialist Democrat Party, with help coming from willing members of the supposed "opposition party," America took yet another rather decisive hit in the final days of 2010. Over the course of the entire year, the Democrats, feeling very much emboldened because of they're being in possession of substantial majorities in both Houses of Congress, as well as of the White House, successfully rammed through all sorts of very costly legislation. Legislation that while, in the end will, no doubt, prove to be very damaging to America, is all part of the socialist agenda of one man, our community agitator president, and political thug, Barry “Almighty.” In a recent speech before departing on yet another one of his many vacations, to Hawaii this time, Barry stated that "A lot of folks in this town predicted that after the midterm elections, Washington would be headed for more partisanship and more gridlock. And instead this has been a season of progress for the American people." He failed to thank the gutless Republicans in the Senate for their most helpful assistance in allowing him to restore to himself a much needed dose of creditability, especially after the overwhelming repudiation that his socialist policies received in November. These elitists, these faux conservatives, these RINOs can no longer be permitted to betray the trust of the American people by their continuing to allow themselves to be bought off by a man who has, and in very short order, become public enemy number one of our country. That man being, of course, Barack Hussein Obama. This type of behavior is intolerable and should be considered as being at best simply negligent and at worst, outright criminal. And what is really terrifying, at least to me, is the fact that we are only now at the halfway point, hopefully, of this the most disastrous presidency in recent memory. In President Barry "Almighty" we have an individual who did more damage to our national security in his first 100 days in office than any president in American History. And in his 2 short years since assuming office, Barry has been more successful in his efforts to not only destroy our economy but to also severely weaken our national defense than Jimmy Carter managed to do in all of his 4 years. AMAZING!

What should be painfully obvious by now to all but the brain dead among us who remain so extremely devoted to our "Dear Leader," is Barry's belligerent determination to succeed in his endeavor to further weaken our country on as many fronts as possible. A fact that is pretty much routinely ignored by nearly all of those who comprise today's state run media conglomerate. The arrogance thus far exhibited by Barry and his party does not bode well for the future of America. Barry is an American president the likes of which we have never seen before, and God willing, we will never see again. Of course, at the present rate at which he is successfully destroying our country, one of him may well end up as being more than sufficient to get the job done. I think that up to this point it can safely be said that he is an anomaly, of sorts, someone who was ushered into power with the help of a corrupt propaganda machine disguised as our "news" media, complete with tingles up their legs, together with what can rightfully be summed up as a rather ignorant electorate. Sort of a perfect storm, you might say. He's a man whose actions are nothing short of insidious and he is an individual who possesses such a level of contempt, even hatred, for his own country that it would seem very reasonable to consider him as being the greatest threat that our nation now faces. This internal threat has succeeded in inflicting more damage upon this country than any external threat that we have ever faced. To those willing to look, our buddy Barry can be seen as being more than a little devious and quite deceptive in his practices, even stealthy as well as patently dishonest in how he goes about furthering his very corrosive objective of destroying the very nation which he now leads. All in his effort to "fundamentally transform" America. What we now have in our president is an individual who cares very little about what those who elected him actually think, he is of the opinion that it is he, and he alone, who knows better than they what is best for them. As he was frequently heard to say during his campaign, "We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." Geez, talk about an freakin ego! And apparently he has little difficulty whatsoever when it comes to a willingness to place every single American citizen firmly in the crosshairs of those on a growing list of potential adversaries. A list that is growing as a result of the specific actions, or because of inaction, by our anti-American president. He is seen as being weak and feckless, and as such, that is the way that our country is now viewed by a growing number vile despots and tin horn dictators anywhere on the planet. When watching Barry it would seem that defending America is much less important to him than is the going about and apologizing for all of its past sins, both real and imagined. To say that his priorities are more than a little skewed would be an understatement of the first magnitude. But he has had plenty of willing accomplices eager to assist him in every way imaginable.

Under normal circumstances we would be able to count on our elected leaders, especially our president, to put partisan politics aside and take the appropriate measures to keep our economy strong and our country safe. However, we now find ourselves at a moment in time where normal circumstances seem not to apply. It is a time where it would seem that to our current batch of supposed leaders, neither of these issues appear to be much of a priority. In fact, it would appear that the agenda currently underway is one that works to accomplish just the opposite of what is needed. It's all about doing as much as possible to further weaken not only our economy but also any ability we have to defend ourselves as well. For evidence of this, one need look back no further than the recently concluded "lame duck" session of Congress, where what appeared to be the primary concern of all involved, was almost an eagerness to both hinder our ability to defend ourselves as well as to create additional ways in which to further weaken our already fragile economy. Empty rhetoric was plentiful, coming from both sides of the aisle regarding those policies supposedly designed to bolster our sagging economy as well as for those which were supposed to make Americans feel safer. It was all nothing but lies. One of the much heralded accomplishments of the "lame duck" session was represented by the occasion of our president, along with not only members of his party but also with 13 irresponsible Republicans, acting in concert in a sickening collective effort to further weaken our country's defenses by ratifying the very badly flawed START Treaty. This treaty is nothing more than a blatant attempt to rob from America of its most basic right, to defend itself against all who wish to do it harm. The sad fact of the matter is that we now have a president who is seen by every potential enemy of America as being nothing more than an appeasement oriented boot licker. America is no longer respected, or yes even feared, much to the detriment of a less than stable World. A weakened America will only make it all that much easier for rogue nations to take advantage of the situation, eager to fill any vacuum left behind by a withdrawing America. The end result of which can only serve to increase the speed with which tensions build causing what stability there is that remains in the World, to further deteriorate. Of course, maintaining our ability to defend ourselves is not, nor has it ever has been, a big priority of Barry's. He's made that point abundantly clear on any number of occasions. He is primarily concerned with savaging our economy, bankrupting our nation and leaving our nation open to attack by any of a growing number of enemies. There are times that I think that he actually wishes for another attack to take place against this country. At least that's what his actions would indicate.

A brief recap of the year would include but not be limited to:

1. Barry, in a major breach of decorum and protocol, began the year by slandering the Supreme Court, assailing a recent court decision that he happened to disagree with, regarding free speech, and while on national television no less, during his State of the Union address. As they say, there is a time and a place for everything and this most definitely was neither the time or place to bring up his grievance. It was not only quite pathetic behavior but very un-presidential. And to see the Democrats, who essentially had the Justices surrounded, so enthusiastically applaud such ludicrous remarks by our very defective president was most appalling.

2. Barry literally seized control from the private sector, of the student loan program giving the government much more leverage in one more area where it definitely has no business. The main reason for the escalating cost of an college education is because of the government's growing involvement in the process.

3. Barry seized control of our food supply by further expanding federal powers to regulate food producers. Government has successfully now assumed greater control over American's food supply. We now have bureaucrats not only now in control of our healthcare but now our food supply as well. Now doesn't that just give everybody a nice warm and fuzzy feelin!

4. In what was nothing more than a blatant abuse of the legislative process, Barry seized control of our healthcare system, putting it firmly on the path toward complete socialization. Evidence has very recently come to light that very clearly reveals the deceit behind Barry's efforts to get his healthcare plan, a plan that he promised would not "pull the plug on grandma," passed. Opponents of the plan, such as Sarah Palin, who dubbed such efforts as "death panels" that would encourage euthanasia, were accused of being alarmists and of misrepresenting the bill through the spreading falsehoods about the plan. Well it now seems that she may have been pretty close to the truth since on December 3 the Barry "Almighty" administration issued a new Medicare regulation detailing "voluntary advance care planning" that is to be included during patients' annual checkups. The regulation aimed at the aged "may include advance directives to forgo aggressive life-sustaining treatment." The new provision, which goes into effect January 1, allows Medicare to pay for voluntary counseling to help beneficiaries deal with the complex decisions families face when a loved one is approaching death. Critics say it is nothing more than another attempt to limit healthcare options for the elderly as they face serious illness. Can you spell rationing? Barry is such a liar.

5. Barry, who by the way is only the second president in the last 65 years with zero military experience, the first being "BJ" Clinton, has now, in what is really nothing more than a blatant example of political pandering, forced his rather twisted beliefs upon on our young men and women presently serving in the military. By placing those fighting for our country now into a position of having to deal with a specific type of individual who, to say the least, is apt to add yet one more discomfort to what is an already uncomfortable environment that very often calls for living in quarters that can be, more often that not, a little cramped or at least very close. With gays now being able to openly serve, behavior that would have otherwise, up until now, caused them to be discharged, will now be seen as acceptable behavior. And such behavior will now most likely be on the increase as there will be no longer be any stigma attached or fear of retribution for these people "exposing" themselves.

6. Barry has made the task of those serving in Afghanistan much more difficult by his willfully creating what is nothing short of rampant uncertainty amongst the Afghan people by insisting on stating a deadline on when American troops will leave. And all for purely political purposes, and with no desire whatsoever to achieve any level of a real victory. For Barry, victory, at least in the context of the military, is nothing but a dirty seven letter word.

7. Barry, with assistance coming from some Republicans, continues in his efforts to subsidize, through what appears to be never-ending unemployment benefits, lazy Americans who refuse to search out potential job opportunities because it seems they make more money sitting around on their rapidly expanding derrieres while watching Oprah, their favorite soaps or perhaps reruns of "The West Wing."

8. Barry has now, again via the assistance of 13 RINOs, enthusiastically placed the life of every single American the crosshairs of any number of countries all because of a seriously flawed treaty with a former Super Power which is now nothing more than a third rate dictatorship. He has effectively cut us off at the knees in our now being able to protect ourselves from such burgeoning nuclear threats as Iran and North Korea. There is now also troublesome talks taking place between Iran and Hugo Chavez's Venezuela. But Barry seems to be not the least bit concerned with such matters. After all, Hugo is one of Barry's buddies.

9. Barry has also succeeded, again with Republican assistance, in passing what was essentially "Stimulus II", the tax cut deal. With what keeping the current tax rates in place will cost us, I would have much rather had the Republican shown just a little spine and waited until after the first of the year when their numbers will expand before choosing to pursue this particular issue. But nope, they just couldn't bring themselves to do it

10. Barry and the Democrats are responsible for having now created a deficit costing $30,543 per household in 2010. This country's debt has now reached an astonishing $14 Trillion. It's absolutely mind boggling. Barry has put us on the road to financial ruin and all with a smile on his face and a gleam in his eye. And he stubbornly continues to blame it all on Bush. Behavior that is both quite pathetic and most definitely, un-presidential.

11. We now have Barry's hand picked Chairman of the FCC, an old college buddy if his, handing over to Barry control of the Internet. Slowly but surely dissent is being quashed in this country. How dare we the people even consider criticizing our extremely thin skinned "Fearless Leader?" We just don't realize how good we have it! Thank God for Barry.

Dare we even hope that 2011 will be better? Can we hope that there will appear a silver lining in the looming dark cloud? There is that small ray of hope in that with an influx of new conservative blood coming into Congress, things can, and will, change for the better. Having said that, Americans can no longer afford their continuing to accept the business as usual practices from such RINOs as those who supported the START Treaty or were so eager to assist Barry in passing some of the lame duck agenda items that were nothing but wasteful. More could have been done to stop him, but wasn't. Republicans had the mandate of the November election behind them, but instead chose to bend over and grab their ankles. "Yes sir, may I have another," seemed to be the chant heard echoing from the Republican side of the aisle in the closing days of the 111th Congress. Thus far the presidency of Barry “Almighty” has been one that has been allowed to bring about such a massive expansion of government that it has now managed to worm its way ever deeper into the very fabric of our society. And it may very well prove to be very difficult, if not impossible to reverse. All of which has been the dream of Barry and his fellow Democrats since day one. In fact I think it very safe to say that Barry has now very easily eclipsed the dangerous buffoonery of Jimmy "Peanut Brain" Carter and in so doing, can now rightfully lay claim to the title of being this nation's worst president, ever. Make no mistake, Barry is to be considered as being far more dangerous than Carter ever was. With Carter, his pitiful performance as president was more because of his own stupidity, ineptness and, to a degree, a certain naïveté regarding the world around him. With Barry it's none of those things, the behavior being exhibited by our current president is much more purposeful, even sinister. He is absolutely driven in his efforts to destroy this country by any and all means possible, with much of what he has done, I think, being easily equated to nothing short of a "scorched earth" sort of policy. He sees himself as being on a mission, a mission the purpose of which is deadly to our American set of values and beliefs as well as our stature in the World. He wishes to be seen as the individual solely responsible for bringing about the demise of American power and influence. Many may choose to scoff at that notion, but when looking back at all that he has done and in a relatively short period of time, while seeing all that he continues to do in the present, it is most difficult to come to any other conclusion. So the sad fact is, that by the time this long national nightmare known the Barry "Almighty" presidency, finally comes to an end, the face of America may very well be forever altered. His has taken, and continues to take, his desire to "fundamentally transform" America deadly serious, and I think it safe to say that, and much to the chagrin of most Americans, he has met a with great deal of success.

This, my friends, will be my final post for 2010. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you who stop by here, a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. May God bless you and your loved ones and may God bless America. I have a feeling that we're all going to be in desperate need of as many blessings as he can afford to bestow upon us. Anyway let's all try to be positive, hopefully the cavalry is now on the way. In any case, I'll see you all next year and with any luck 2011 will prove to be a much better year.

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