

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I think it very safe to say that a majority of us who reside well outside the lunacy of the beltway are of a far different mentality than the one possessed by a good many of those in government. I think most of us are of the opinion that the Republican Party has been handed a rather decisive mandate, by way of November's midterm elections. A mandate that allows them very little flexibility in choosing the direction in which they are now to go. They are now expected to do whatever is necessary to restore some level of sanity to what has become a government that is now wildly out of control. What seems to be very much in doubt, however, is whether the Republicans, at least those in the Senate, view the election results in the same way and will rise to the occasion and chose to take full advantage of it. That may very well prove to be the $14.3 Trillion question. One of the things that is always so distressing to me is the fact that far too often Republicans seem almost fearful of getting in there and mixing it up with corrupt Democrats who are trying to further extend the reach of the federal government. They seem to be far more concerned with being liked by those in the media, or whoever, and not concerned very little about doing whatever it is that's necessary in carrying out what's in the best interest of the people. Republicans need to develop more of a thick skin and a "screw the media" mentality, and soon. If they're going to insist on being as thin skinned as Barry, then I don't hold out much hope for them doing what's needed. There is nothing the Republicans can do, short of permanently assuming a prostrate position before Barry, that cause those in the media to view in a positive way. And the sooner the Republican realize that they should care more about what the American people think than what the roving nutjobs in the state run media conglomerate think, the better off we're all gonna be.

So it would appear that, at least based on recent a CNN/ORC poll which surveyed 1,008 Americans that was taken from December 17 to 19, is can be said that apparently the perception of a Republican's having a mandate has been somewhat bolstered. You see, because it was in that poll that a majority of Americans said that the GOP takeover of the House of Representatives is a good development. They also seem to like the Republican Party slightly more than they do Barry "Almighty", and far more than the Democrat Party. But as I said, it remains to be seen whether the Republicans will seize the moment by taking advantage of the present sentiment and at least attempt to undo some of the major damage that has been inflicted upon our country over the course of the last 2 years. Now what this poll also showed was the fact that while Barry "O" remains personally popular, an increasing number of Americans are dubious about his ability to lead, and many are pessimistic about his ability to realize his policies. The sad thing here is that anyone who is now so "dubious" about Barry's ability to lead certainly wasn't paying all that much attention throughout the entire 2008 presidential campaign. Here we had an individual with absolutely zero leadership experience who ran for and was then elected to a job that has as one if its most important requirements some level of leadership ability. Even many "Leftists" are now expressing at least some level of concern over the fact that Barry will abandon their views on Social Security in exchange for support from Republicans in Congress on raising the debt ceiling. The focus must be on the reducing of ridiculously out of control spending that has accomplished not one positive thing. Billions of dollars have been spent with absolutely nothing to show for it. To me that's waste, pure and simple. And still, if you listen to the Democrats, and Barry in particular, spending more remains the only answer. That is not leadership, no matter how you choose to define it. Leadership requires the making of the tough decisions, something Barry avoids like the plague.
However, there was one thing that came from this poll did kind of leave me scratching my head and it was the fact that it showed that most Americans actually seem to like divided government. Fifty-one percent of respondents said Republican control of the House will be good for the country which was virtually unchanged from the 52 percent who held that opinion immediately after the elections. Yet, I find myself wondering just how many of these morons were so easily convinced that providing complete control of the government to one party was such a good idea. And how many of these geniuses was it that voted to hand over complete control of the government to a corrupt political party and not only handover control but to do so in such a manner as to provide to that party massive majorities in both the House and Senate to boot. What exactly did these idiots think was going to happen? Ya know, it just doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that when you give people like "Dingy" Harry, "Botox" Nancy and Barry "Almighty" absolute power, bad things are going to happen, very bad things. More and more Americans just don't realize what it was that we were given by our Founding Fathers. And they now seem far too willing to give it all up for the price of a government check of almost any amount. It shows the level of ignorance possessed by far too many people regarding this country's history and of our Constitution. Far too many people have been far too convinced by a pathetical inept government controlled educational system and a state run media conglomerate guilty of committing a level of journalistic malpractice that can only be described as being on a massive scale. The spreading of lies has now become paramount to the necessity of simply keeping the people informed.

And when those that make up this rather stellar bunch of 1,008 Americans were asked whom they trust most on major issues of the day, 40 percent of respondents chose Republicans in Congress, compared to 35 percent for Barry and only 15 percent said Democrats in Congress. Perhaps even more troubling for Barry is the fact that 41 percent of self-described independents chose congressional Republicans, and only 31 percent chose Barry. Myself, I have always had questions about those who call themselves "Independents." I see them as being individuals afraid of commitment. Calling oneself an Independent is essentially nothing more than taking the cowards way out. They seem to think that they're so much smarter than the rest of us because they see themselves as being above partisan politics and no need for party affiliation. Most people I know who call themselves independents are much closer to being liberal Democrats than they resemble anyone possessing an independent form of political philosophy. They're gutless hypocrites, plain and simple. They hide behind their claims to care only about positions held on any issue and are not concerned with which particular party any specific candidate who supports such issues, belongs. That's nothing more than hogwash. They likely to see themselves as being above the fray, and much more intelligent and refined than the rest of us. For the most part they can be viewed as being responsible for us being in our current mess because most of them voted for this Socialist in the Oval Office. I would like to ask them how all "Hope and Change" working for them. Was it all really "Change they could believe in?" I'm just curious.

Still, as CNN pointed out, moderates, for whatever twisted reason, still favor Barry more than the GOP, a potentially worrisome point for candidates in 2012. Moderates will be a key swing vote in the next presidential election. Just what the Hell is a moderate, anyway? I see no difference between moderates and independents with both being pretty much the same as a bleeding heart liberal Democrat! Nothing more, nothing less. Among moderates, seventy-two percent of them said they hope Barry's policies will succeed, but only 49 percent expressed confidence that they would. So apparently what Barry still has going for him then, which I really don't understand why, is a personal popularity. I fail to understand how it is that anyone can respect, let alone actually like, an individual who is so patently dishonest and corrupt and is an individual will say or do absolutely anything, true to not, to achieve his very questionable objectives. This man is nothing more than a congenital liar. And if there is one thing that I detest more than anything else it is a liar. How can you come to place where you like someone that you cannot trust as far as you can throw them? Seventy-three percent of those responding to the CNN poll said they like the president on a personal level, but only 48 percent said they approve of the job he is doing as president. So I find myself wondering just what kind of values those individuals have who make up that 73 percent might be. What does it say about someone who is so willing to place their trust in an individual known as a habitual liar. Someone who places the enacting of a blatantly socialist agenda against the American people. How can you trust someone who will look you dead in the eye and lie with such ease?

Although it has been repeatedly claimed that he granted "major concessions" to GOP leaders in a tax deal negotiated during the just-concluded lame duck session of Congress, 61 percent of Republican respondents said they hope Barry's policies will fail. Look, anyone with half a brain knows that it wasn't Barry who made a major concessions. He got much more than he gave away. The legislation the extended to Bush tax cuts still contained far too much unfunded and wasteful spending. I was a firm supporter in simply allowing the tax cuts to die so that they could then be taken up with Republicans controlling the House and when we would have more true conservatives in the Senate. But it was not to be as once again when handed an opportunity to excel, the Republicans went squishy. I do wonder though, that if once the Republicans do start attempting to roll things back, and they started getting pummeled nearly hourly in the state run media, will the people continue to be of the same opinion. Will they be in favor of the requisite austerity that is needed in order to get our fiscal house in order. Or will they decide that what needs to be done is just too difficult and in the end join with the Democrats and the many media misfits in accusing the Republicans of being mean. For that matter will the Republicans wilt under the pressure that is sure to come from our very leftist media? Just questions to ponder. I've lost count of the number of times I have been disappointed by those who claim to be on the side of the Constitution. Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see regarding how all this will pan out. So how about we all keep our fingers crossed?
*The margin of error for the poll mentioned above was +/- 3 percentage points.

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